Minutes of the Meeting Held on Thursday 16 February 2006, Rosebery House, Edinburgh

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Thursday 16 February 2006, Rosebery House, Edinburgh

Paper 1

PRESENT: / Kate McKean (Chair) / NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Ros Anderson / NHS Borders
Heather Brown / Castlebeck Care
Lucy Burrow / NHS Tayside
Alan Clee / NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Audra Cook / The Prince &Princess of Wales Hospice
Scott Fraser (for Gordon Young) / Counter Fraud Services
Judith Gillies / NHS Lothian
Christine Gilmour / NHS Lanarkshire
Shona Hynd / Ayrshire Hospice
Anne Iveson / BMI General Healthcare
Alistair Jack / NHS Tayside
Russ Liddell / GPHC
Diane MacDonald / NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Evelyn McPhail / NHS Fife
Laura McIvor / NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
Lorraine McLafferty (minute) / NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
Chris Nicolson / NHS Orkney/NHS Shetland
David Pfleger / NHS Grampian
Elaine Racionzer / NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
Alison Rees / Care Commission
Geraldine Smith / NHS Fife
David Snape / Nuffield Hospital
Lorna Stewart / NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Anne Taylor / NHS Grampian
Lesley Thomson / NHS Grampian
Audrey Thompson / NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Elizabeth Thomas / SMOSH
Alison Wilson / NHS Borders


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. General introductions were made and apologies noted.


The note of the previous meeting was accepted as an accurate record of and approved by those present.

It was agreed that all actions had been completed or were on the agenda.


The note of the previous meeting was accepted as an accurate record of and approved by those present.

24.1Primary Care Guide Since Previous Meeting

Ms Thomson reported that the draft Primary Care Guide was in the final stages of completion.

Several bodies, professional groups and individuals with specific expertise on individual topics had contributed to the guide. In addition it was agreed that the Royal College of General Practitioners and Sheena McDonald, Senior Medical Advisor, Primary Care and Community Care Directorate should be invited to comment on the final document prior to its publication.

NHS QIS also agreed to ask the CLO to review the document prior to its dissemination to the service.

The consensus from those present was this first Scottish edition of the Guide should not deviate significantly from the original NPC document. Largely because it was agreed that changes would be made only to those areas pertinent to Scotland. The document will also clearly state that it is based on the NPC document. Further adaptation of subsequent editions will be discussed with the NPC.

A standard introductory letter will be produced by the AO Network Executive.

Action 39 Sheena McDonald, RCGP/BMA & CLO are to be invited to comment on the final version of the Primary Care Guide by Healthcare Improvement Scotland

24.2National Primary Care Controlled Drugs Register

Ms Thomson reported that the final proof was ready for sign off and expected to go to the printers imminently. It is anticipated that the Registers will be distributed in early March to the nominated department/ individual within each NHS Board. That individual/department is responsible for notifying GPs of the new Register.

As the funding from the Scottish Government was a single allocation, Ms Thomson raised the need to discuss future funding and supply arrangements.

24.3 Scotland Bill – Proposal to devolve issues to Scotland

Ms Thompson reported that comments had been forwarded to the Scottish Government. The main concern about the proposal to devolve issues to Scotland related to the fact that they are underpinned by reserved legislation.

The Accountable Officers Network Executive Group will discuss how these types of requests should be communicated to the Network by the Scottish Government. The Network agreed that the Scottish Government should issue a direct request for comment to the Network – which had not happened in this instance.

Action 40AO Executive Group to discuss communication between Scottish Government and the Accountable Officers Network.

24.4Recording of Controlled Drugs in Acute Hospitals

Mrs Gilmour advised that recording in hospital controlled drugs registers (CDRs) currently may not comply with legislation. It was agreed that this should be referred on to the National Acute Pharmacy Scotland group (NAPS). It was noted that the majority of hospitals have retained their own systems for recording CDs issued from the pharmacy to wards and recording use at ward level.

Ms Iveson referred to the flimsiness of the paper of the recently introduced hospital theatre CDR. Any comments about the quality or design of the CDR need to be taken to Liz Mellor - who led the group taking forward the redesign of the theatre CDR. Mrs Burrow agreed to provide relevant contact details.

Action 41 Lack of compliance with legislation of the Pharmacy to Ward CDR to be referred to NAPS Group by Ms Gilmour


25.1Update from AO Executive Group on 25 November 2010

The Chair reported that the majority of outputs arising from the last meeting were contained within the agenda.

The Executive Group is taking forward the work to develop and strengthen existing UK links as well as clarifying the relationship between and responsibilities of HIS, the AO Network and the Scottish Government.

The Executive Group is also exploring who will take on the scrutiny role in Scotland similar to that carried by the Care Quality Commission in England. This is not within NHS QIS’ remit and it is not clear if Health Improvement Scotland will take on this role.

25.2Accountable Officers Network Working Group Update - 26 November 2010

Mrs Burrow reported the following issues to note:

  • Applications from ASDA and COOP to authorise Authorised Witnesses had been reviewed;
  • When the prison healthcare service transfers to NHS Boards, discussion around how their prescribing of CDs is managed will be required;
  • Agreeing a core dataset for collecting information relating to concerns/issues is in the early stages. Thought needs to be given to how data is collected;
  • Ms McIver and Ms Burrow will take the proposal to allow laboratories to be exempt from requiring a Home Office licence to the UK National CD Group;
  • Potential impact of the recent influx of new legal high drugs may need to be scoped and explored

25.2.1 Summary reports of incidents and concerns reported to NHS AOs by non NHS AOs during July-Sept 2010

The Network agreed that it was useful to receive a collated report of incidents and concerns that have been reported from non-NHS during pervious12 months. It was agreed that this should continue and that an annual report should be compiled for the AO Network. The Executive Group agreed to notify the Scottish Government of this development.

It became evidence that some NHS Boards did not receive these reports and were not actively seeking them.

Inconsistency in reporting was raised. Some organisations report on all concerns and incidents, some only on incidents, while others report solely on concerns.

The Network agreed that it would be useful to provide non NHS AOs examples of how reports should be laid out and the information they should contain. It was agreed that each AO would provide non NHS AOs within their board area the standard report template and guidance on how to use the template including definitions of significant events and near misses.

Ms Thomson agreed to find out how SAS collect incidents, and, in particular, if they produce a central record.

Reporting Incidents & Concerns: A Guide for NHS Staff & Contractors

The Network approved the document drafted by Ms Thompson.

It was agreed that a standard letter will be constructed to allow the Chair of the AO Network to write and remind Multiple Community Pharmacy contractors of their requirement to report all concerns and incidents to the relevant NHS Board Accountable Officer. AOs to use the same letter template to issue guidance to other independent contractors locally. A standard report template would accompany the letter as would guidance on how to complete the template and definitions of significant events and near misses.

Action 42 The Executive Group to notify the Scottish Government that the Network will receive an annual summary report of all incidents and concerns reported by non NHS AOs to NHS AOs during the previous 12 months.
Action 43 Ms Thomson to determine if SAS produce a central record of incidents.
Action 44 Each NHS AO to provide the report template, guidance on completing the report and SEA and near miss definitions produced in 2010to non NHS AOs within their board area if not already done so.
Action 45 Chair to write to the Company Chemists Association and the Scottish Association of Independent Multiples and ask them to remind their members of their requirements to report all concerns and incidents to the relevant NHS board AO. The standard report template and guidance from 2010 will accompany the letter. Locally each AO will send the same information to other pharmacy contractors.

25.3 Feedback from presentation to SGHD Chief Professional Officers’ group on 16 December 2010

The Chair reported that the purpose of the presentation had been to raise awareness of the issues surrounding CDs with the CPOs. The presentation was positively received and work can now begin to engage with each profession and agreeing on a mechanism for bring their attention to issues that they need to be aware of or that they need to take action on.

Unfortunately due to the adverse weather conditions at the time of the meeting the CNO and CMO could not attend. This means further engagement will be made with them directly.

25.4 Key Issues from the Cross Border Group on 14 December 2010

Ms McIver reported that the meeting did not take place due to the adverse weather conditions.

Ms McIver would feedback on key issues following the next meeting.

25.5 Update on SDCEP Practice Support Manual/Dental Issues

Ms Thompson reported that the wording about CDs has been accepted and will be incorporated into the SDCEP practice support manual. The support manual will shortly be available on the SCDEP website and access details will be circulated to members of the Working Group.

The Dental practice inspection process will ask practices if they have SOPs that conform to guidance contained within the SCDEP manual.

25.6Communications Short Life Working Group Update

The working group has been focusing primarily on developing the community of practice website in addition to key messages around CDs for different settings.


The external Gap Analysis has been completed and the report is awaiting sign off by NHS QIS. Once this has happened it will be shared with the Network

Action 46 Gap Analysis report to be shared with Network once it has been signed off by NHS QIS.


The Network approved the terms of references which will be subject to ongoing review and will be modified to reflect changing circumstances.


The Network agreed that a process for nominating Chairs and deputy chairs was required. This would be considered at the next Executive Group meeting.

Action 47 Executive Group to consider a formal process for nominating the Chair and Deputy Chair at its March meeting.


29.1Feedback from training courses delivered by Sancus to AOs in England

Ms Thompson reported that SANCUS has improved upon the training they delivered in Scotland and are now offering this new course to AOs in England. She had been invited by SANCUS to observe the new training course. The course covers a wide range of issues and SANCUS plan to run the training several times throughout the year. Ms Thompson reported that the training was very good and although the legal aspect was aligned to England the training could be adapted to reflect the different structures in Scotland.

England is not much further forward than Scotland in terms of developing and implementing information sharing arrangements and they appear to be facing similar barriers and challenges. The main difference between AOs in Scotland and England is the way in which the NHS is structured in each nation.

29.2Northern Ireland E Learning Package on Controlled Drugs

NES is currently amending the Northern Ireland eLearning package so that it reflects the Scottish context. Once this has been completed the package will be available on the NES website.

29.3NPC Controlled Drugs Website

Ms Thompson reported that feedback from those attending the SANCUS training suggested that access to the protected part of the website part is not essential, does not add to existing sources of information and does not appear to be used readily by AOs in England.

29.4Future Training

Ms Thompson asked members to think about what training elements are needed for future training. Some suggestions included:

  • better understanding of legislation especially the powers authorised to AOs
  • how to share information appropriately and effectively
  • examples of good practices for LINs

Mr Fraser from CFS responded that it may be possible for CFS to deliver some of the training – with the exception of understanding the legislation – freely rather than commission a company from England - at some cost. Ms Thompson and Mr Fraser agreed to discuss this further.


30.1Update on progress to develop a national information sharing protocol for LINS

Ms Burrow reported that the existing NHS Tayside information sharing protocol (ISP) – which is being used as the basis for the national document - does not meet the Management of Police Information (MoPI) standards. Any organisation that needs to share with and use information from the police is required to have an ISP. The standards outline the arrangements to ensure that all information is managed appropriately. If the ISP does not meet these the police will not share information with that organisation.

It is hoped that the document will be signed off by the end of March prior to being disseminated to NHS Boards.


A brief discussion ensued about determining if the appointment of the AO has prevented incidents and how this can be demonstrated. It is likely that through the proposed strategic agenda demonstrating the impact of the new arrangements will gain significance by healthcare professions and the Scottish Government as the profile and awareness of the AO role and associated CD issues are brought to the attention.

Ms Thomson responded that NHS Grampian has begun to link reporting of CD Incidents with their Clinical Governance infrastructures and Community Health Partnerships.


Date:Friday, 05 August 2011

Time:10:00am – 12:00 pm

Venue:Board Room, Elliott House, EDINBURGH

NHS Quality Improvement Scotland

March 2011

Title: AO 040211 Minute V0.1 / Version: V0.3 / Date: 100211
Author: LM/ER / Page 1of 8 / Review: N/A


/ ACTION / Lead
24.1 / Primary Care Guide Since Previous Meeting / 39 / Sheena McDonald, RCGP/BMA & CLO are to be invited to comment on the final version of the Primary Care Guide / Healthcare Improvement Scotland
24.3 / Scotland Bill – Proposal to devolve issues to Scotland / 40 / To discuss communication between Scottish Government and the Accountable Officers Network / AO Executive Group
24.4 / Recording of Controlled Drugs in Acute Hospitals / 41 / Lack of compliance with legislation of the Pharmacy to Ward CDR to be referred to NAPS Group / Ms Gilmour
25.2.1 / Summary reports of incidents and concerns reported to NHS AOs by non NHS AOs during July-Sept 2010 / 42 / To notify the Scottish Government that the Network will receive an annual summary report of all incidents and concerns reported by non NHS AOs to NHS AOs during the previous 12 months. / AO Executive Group
43 / To determine if SAS produce a central record of incidents / Ms Thomson
44 / Each NHS AO to provide the report template, guidance on completing the report and SEA and near miss definitions produced in 2010 to non NHS AOs within their board area if not already done so. / NHS AO’s
45 / To write to the Company Chemists Association and the Scottish Association of Independent Multiples and ask them to remind their members of their requirements to report all concerns and incidents to the relevant NHS board AO. The standard report template and guidance from 2010 will accompany the letter. Locally each AO will send the same information to other pharmacy contractors / Chair
26 / Update on status of gap analysis to Scottish Government / 46 / Gap Analysis report to be shared with Network once it has been signed off by NHS QIS. / Healthcare Improvement Scotland
28 / Process for nominating Chairs and Deputy Chairs
- / 47 / To consider a formal process for nominating the Chair and Deputy Chair at its March meeting / AO Executive Group
Title: AO 040211 Minute V0.1 / Version: V0.3 / Date: 100211
Author: LM/ER / Page 1of 8 / Review: N/A