-1- Present: Mr M.Davis, Mrs H.Ford(Chairman),Mrs J.Hill, Dr K.Watson & 6 members of

the public.

-2- Apologies: Mrs J.Hird

-3- Chairman’s Opening Remarks:

(i)A welcome to the new Clerk, Grace Phillips, who will be starting on October 1st.

(ii) For his freely-given expertise over several years a present had been given to the

renowned hydrologist, Professor Ian Cluckie. His had spoken at recent inquiries &

appeals on developments which, if allowed would cause significant degradation to the

local environment. The cost of the gift had been met from the Appeal Fund set up to

contest the building applications, not from the council’s budget.

-4- Members of the Public: Questions over a footpath notice & the recent Hitchins appeal.

(To be dealt with under Roads and Planning.)

-5- Declarations of Interest: None

-6- Minutes of the Last Meeting: These had been circulated previously & were signed as correct.

-7- Matters Arising from the Minutes: Uncut grass verges County Cllr. Awford had recently been noticed in the parish with others along the A38. Hopefully he will be able to keep his promise to obtain the services of a hand crew for the work.

-8- / -9- Reports from Borough and County Councillors: Not available.

-10- Roads, Pavements & Footpaths: Car transporters continuing to use the Orchard Park entrance to turn around… The Chairman said that she had recently spoken with the Skoda Garage sales manager for the 3rd time and his attitude had become unhelpful. Apparently some of the drivers were foreign & he was not now bothering to inform them that turning within O.Park was forbidden. Cllr. Ford had stated that this was private land, damage to the roadway could occur and that the reputation of the residential park was being compromised by this intrusion. In the future, number plates would be noted and informing the police would be considered. Cllr. Watson said that turning within the Skoda garage site was known to be possible.

Hitchins’ recent ‘No Trespassing’ notice… The legal route of the footpath was a diagonal through the cultivated field at the rear of Orchard Park. In winter this was rutted, slippery & totally impassable, and for decades walkers & dog owners had used the common sense alternative of the firm, grassed field edges. Both the Clerk and the Chairman had been in contact with Hitchins’ agricultural department and a reply was awaited.

-11- Planning: Recent applications-

17/00660/FUL s/s pigeon loft in rear gdn.of Yew Tree Cottage…no comment. (permitted)

17/00492/FUL enclosure of swimming pool at rear of “The Fields” no comment (permitted)

Yew Tree Farm (17/00852/OUT)– application to build 70 houses… In 2013 a similar proposal to build 55 houses was comprehensively dismissed by the community & borough planners. The current proposal had again been strongly objected to by both Twigworth & Down Hatherley PC’s.

ENFORCEMENT -Numerous planning breeches at Court Farm…This situation is still unresolved and TBC Enforcement Officer Emily Pugh’s list of illegalities is now a long one. Councillors had the impression that she would not compromise and that all necessary powers would be used to correct this unauthorised commercial vehicle trading use of agricultural land.

There were further planning abuses concerning the letting conditions on certain buildings.

The NDP –progress… The Clerk said that progress towards its eventual legal acceptance by the Borough was slow but steady. Itmightbe only be a 20-page documentin the end but after advice from the TBC’s officials it would emerge professionally legal and precise.

The JCS… The “main modifications” resulting from the July inquiry were awaited with intense interest. The whole area north of Gloucester would be significantly changed, not for the better, if Green Belt status was removed and mass estate building allowed.

Conditions of the new housing being built at Longford… Reports of soggy gardens making life distinctly awkward for some residents were voiced. The Clerk asked for further details to be sent to him as soon as possible.

-12- Finance:

Chqs. signed 000514 £440 (D.Bayley, clerk’s nett 6 month’s sal)

515 £110 (HMRC: PAYE)

516 £ 20 (PATA UK) payroll fee

PC donation to the PCC: not discussed

Recent appeal letter from the Citizens’ Advice Bureau: not discussed.

-13- Any Other Business:

Flood Warden… There was now someone for Down Hatherley and it was felt that Twigworth really ought to have someone in this position. It was not onerous, really just a reporting / observing duty. A member of the public present was handed the information.

Standing Orders… Although not obligatory for a small council, the clerk suggested that it would look more correct in this day of PC websites for Twigworth to have a suitable set. It need only run to a few pages. The Clerk would forward to cllrs. a suggested draft soon to be under discussion at Down Hatherley PC.

Resignation of the Clerk… After 24 years Mr Bayley felt he now had to step down. All agreed with Cllr.Watson who said he had made a “very great contribution towards the smooth running of the council”. The new Clerk is to be Mrs Grace Phillips who was at the evening’s meeting, and Mr Bayley said he would provide comprehensive handover notes when he handed over the file boxes at the end of the month.

-14- Members of the Public: A question about the residue left in the Appeal fund (“The Twigworth and Severn Vale Community Fund”. The Chairman & Cllr.Watson said it would be retained for the present in case there were further campaigningneeds. In the event of winding up the residue would revert to the donors in the proportion to which they had given.

NEXT MEETING - November 2nd

The meeting ended at 8.25pm


itchins appeal.