Musbury Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held Monday31 July2017in Musbury Village Hall Committee Room

PRESENT:CllrC. Corbett (Chair);Cllrs C. Ellis, J. Albano, P. Perrymanand P. Smith;County Cllr I Hall;District Councillor I Chubb; Ms J. Bishop (Clerk); 10parishioners.

1APOLOGIES: Cllrs J Albano; M. Perry.

2.MINUTES OF THE MEETINGheldMonday 19 June2017were accepted as a true record and dulysigned by Cllr Corbett.


4POLICE MATTERS:PCSOHayley Widger had emailed the crime reports for Axminster Rural for June. There were 10 recorded offences in the area but no crimes were recorded in Musbury.

It was noted with some concern that Steve Mingo is now training to be a police officer and that PCSO Chris Bolsover is on attachment elsewhere for 3 months. PC Aldred and PCSO Hayley Widger are the remaining members of the Axminster Neighbourhood team.

4a) Presentation on the Whitford experience of defibrillators

Gordon Brown, resident of Whitford, attended for this item. He explained that a defibrillator is for use in a cardiac arrest (not a heart attack). He made an impassioned case for having a defibrillator- 60k out-of -hospital sudden cardiac arrests pa in the UK; survival rates increase from 6% to 74% if CPR and a defib are used; lengthy waits for ambulances in rural areas etc.

There are 2 defibrillators (7 yr warranty) in Whitford (one at Pump Farm and one at the Village Hall), both registered with the 999 service, 35 people have been trained and every household has a code.Luckily neither has yet been called upon. He championed the project and was largely responsible for getting funding together through residents’ donations.

Introductory costs are between £1345-£1665. The lower price is based on a successful grant from the British Heart Foundation with a £600 donation towards the cost of a pad. The grant includes a CPR training kit. Costs include outdoor cabinets and electrical supply. Ongoing costs include replacement batteries (5 yr life) £155-£168 and replacement pads (2 yr life) £53-£62. Accessories include masks for mouth to mouth resuscitation, flashing lights, razors and towels.

Mr Brown does a weekly check on both defibs (takes seconds) and a monthly report to the SW Ambulance Service.

He said not everyone in the village had supported the introduction of the defibrillators, more people attended the training than donated but everyone had been happy to accept the access codes.

Mary Minter asked about the cost of training. Both the St Johns Ambulance and the SW Ambulance service now charge for training. The Clerk will investigate local options. ACTION

Sandie Hillson asked if there was a need for training to be updated regularly. Mr Brown said there was no legal requirement but an annual refresher would be useful.

Cllr Corbett thanked Mr Brown for his time. Councillors will need to decide whether they pursue acquisition through TAP, possibly together with Combpyne.


Register of interests – All Councillors have responded in writing to say there are no changes to their Register of Interests. The Clerk will confirm with EDDC Democratic Services. ACTION

Councillor vacancy- This remains. The Clerk will contact the person who declared an interest in the post to see whether she is still interested. Councillors will meet at 7pm on the day of the next meeting to make a decision. ACTION

Millennium Noticeboard–This has been refurbishedby carpenter James Amato and re-sited on the side wall of Musbury Garage. Thanks were given to Ian Hall who approved a £500 grant from his DCC Locality budget to cover most of the cost.


Road damage Mounthill – Resident Jolly Sargent had notified the Council of damage to the road surfaces at Mounthill from Bulmoor Cross to Hartgrove. This was caused by a ‘tracked machine’ en route to conduct tree felling/clearance works. Brian Hoare, Highways, is aware of this and is making enquiries of the contractors. ACTION

Drainage – Cllr Perry has quoted to clean out the ditch on Combpyne Rd and to remove the spoil.Cllr Corbett has still to organise a comparative quote. The payment will be made from the TAP fund. ACTION

Dog fouling- The promised temporary pavement stencil from EDDC (ref 17/02184/GNDGFO) to drive home the No Fouling message on the grass at the junction of The Street/ Marlborough Close has not been done. The Clerk will contact Michael Brock with an offer of a new A4 poster. ACTION

Verges on Main Road – It was agreed to acceptHalcyon’s quote of an additional £9 per cut (3 per annum) to trim the small patch of grass with the copper beech tree outside the garage.

Verges at Yonder Mount- Cllr Smith drew attention to the overgrown state of the verges. Andrew Moulding said that in 99% cases the responsibility lay with the adjacent landowner. Resident Bob Johnson agreed to tackle the verge outside his field. The Clerk will contact Highways about the grass near the road sign. ACTION

Road signs- It was noted with gratitude that resident Chris Irving hadmended two road signs at the bottom of Church Hill, only charging the Council for the wood used .

Parish Seats –Resident Allen Parkman had looked at the 6 wooden seats within the parish. Only the seat at Barley Close is in a very bad state, the others need cleaning and varnishing.

It was agreed to accept Cllr Smith’s suggestion of removing it and replacing it with the seat at the top of Maidenhayne Lane (which is rarely if ever used). ACTION

Cllr Corbett said he would organise a seat improvement programme for the remaining seats. ACTION


Recent transactions- The Clerk presented the accountsfor June and July (below). These had been reviewed by Cllr Ellis for internal audit.The accounts were approved by CllrsSmith and Perryman.

Parishes Together Funds2017/18- Musbury has to make a decision about its application for £513.70. Closing dates for applications are10 November 2017 and 7 February 2018.

Drainage prevention money can be applied for again as a standalone parish but its success will be dependent on the review panel; anything else must be in association with at least one other parish. CPR training is one possibility. Other ideas are sought. ACTION


Unable to attend the meeting Cllr Albano had sent a note.

Parish Walk – Cllr Albano had led the annual Parish Walk on 29 July and organised the tea in the Village Hall in aid of the Exeter Leukaemia Fund. She thanked Joan Welch, Jane Stuckey, Cllr Ellis, all the cake makers and everyone walking and donating for making the event a success.

Footpaths- The repair of the broken stile on FP 14is in hand. Farmer Bob Johnson is one of the few landowners who keep open designated FPs through crops. Cllr Albano will suggest to PROW that they produce a standard letter to send to landowners at the start of the sowing season reminding them of their obligations.


Mountfield - The Clerk reported that the structural survey has not been carried out in spite of the COP deputy twice chasing the engineers. It is understood that Barclays has now accepted money for their interest and the deputy has said that, once the property is cleared, it will go back on the market.

The Clerk, as a resident, has made a complaint to Barclays on behalf of adjoining neighbours. As the mortgagee in possession the bank had responsibility for securing its property but did nothing.

She also attempted to get clarity on the legal situation in terms of forcing You Tube to remove the video of the property (now with over 9.5 million views). The response to an official police request to remove it was that it did not contravene any policy on harmful or dangerous content. PC Aldred has now asked Dorset police to approach the video-maker directly at his home or work to make another personal plea to remove it. There are still instances of unwanted visitors at the property on a regular basis, many coming from miles away.

Decisions notified – All Approved

17/0883/FUL - The Golden Hind, The Street -Proposed two storey rear extension, new main entrance and associated alterations. Amendments to fenestration and elevation treatment and confirmation of no access from the street to rear garden-

17/1163/FUL – Bundels - Creation of car park within garden; remove part of boundary wall to create access; rebuild part of wall and install gate

17/1164/LBC – Bundels - Removal of boundary wall to create access and parking area; installation of gate

17/1253/MFUL - Drakes Farm,Seaton Road - Agricultural Livestock building

Applications received

Councillors were happy to support the following three applications:

17/1616/FUL - Little Mead Doatshayne Lane Erection of woodworking workshop

17/1655/FUL – Bundels Installation of sewage treatment plant

17/1734/FUL-Lower Bruckland Cottage Change of use of farm building from equestrian use to part caravan/vehicle storage and part agricultural use

They also noted the following appeal against earlier EDDC refusal:

APP/U1105/W/17/3177316 16/2699/FUL -Hartgrove Farm Change of use/ conversion of barn to holiday let. They had no further comments on it.


Safety inspection – Cllr Corbett and a new resident with a maintenance background will meet on site to discuss priorities amongst the jobs identified in the report. ACTION


Holly tree in the hedge – This has now been cut back.

Rental levels 2017/18 – Rental levels were raised 5% in 2016/17. Cllr Smith recommended at least a 2.5% rise this year but, after a vote, it was agreed to retain the current levels for the year ahead.

The Clerk will send out the necessary paperwork. ACTION

Cllr Perryman requested that the letters included a reminder about the vehicle ban Nov-March and notice that the water will be turned off for a similar period.

Allotment tenant Rose Johnson asked for justification of the ‘no water’ policy during the winter. She felt that tenants pay for the water through their rents and that it is essential to wash vegetables etc. It was argued that turning the water off minimises the risk of high bills (from leaving on the tap) and of damage from frozen pipes.

Cllr Corbett suggested a compromise of keeping one tap ‘live’ during the winter but there were associated practical issues. The vote went in favour of turning off the water. Rose Johnson will solicit tenants’ views.


Shed – Councillors were happy to allow the erection of the shed on plot 25.

Additional plot – It was agreed to allow the tenant of half plot 3 to take on the additional full plot 4 when the current tenant gives it up in September. The general policy is not to allow tenants to rent half and full-size plots together but as there are many small plots available for any starter allotmenteers, an exception was made.


County Councillor Hall said:

  • Stoney Lane in Axminster will be closed for 2 weeks from 7 August and will result in likely gridlock in the town. Avoid the area if possible
  • He had attempted to alert the Police Commissioner about Mountfield and his concerns relating to health and safety and antisocial behavior but has not yet had a response
  • He had spoken at the DCC’s Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Committee meeting on 25 July which he described as the most uncomfortable meeting he had ever attended. By a vote of 7 to 6 the decision was taken not to refer the bed closure proposal to the Sec of State. This was in spite of incontrovertible evidence that the evidence base was flawed and against all public opinion. He will now fight to see the continuing best use of local hospitals for outpatients, for co-operation between the CCG and the NHS and for demonstrable evidence of the efficacy of the proposed models of care.

Resident Cherry Sargent thanked him for speaking at the meeting, which she had attended together with Cllr Albano. Cllr Hall asked all residents to alert him to actual instances of problems with care in the community. ACTION

District Councillor Chubb said :

  • EDDC relocation plans continue. The Exmouth office is scheduled to open on 6 November this year, the Honiton office in early 2019
  • Awards - Seaton Jurassic has won the Michelmores Property Award as the best leisure and hospitality project of the year; The Thelma Hulbert Gallery has been shortlisted in Tesco’s Bags of Help initiativefor their sensory garden;Seaton Wetlands, Manor Gardens in Exmouth and Connaught Gardens in Sidmouth all won Green Flag Awards
  • Exmouth’s new £1.5 million Mamhead Slipway has been officially opened restoring waterside access to the town
  • Recycling – The service is experiencing some difficulties in coping with the high take-up.


Axminster Rd– Cllr Perryman said the overhang from Mountfield was affecting passers-by. The Clerk will contact Halcyon for a quote to a) trim back the overhanging branches from the Mountfield site b) clear the weeds from the drainage channel along the Axminster Rd. ACTION

It is possible that the COP deputy, acting for the owner of Mountfield, may reimburse for a).

Residents hedges- Cllr Perryman asked whether there was any legal obligation on owners to trim hedges. It was noted that the owner or occupier of a property has a legal responsibility (Highway Act 1980 s154) to ensure that the 'public highway' adjacent to a property is not obstructed by vegetation from their property. Local Authorities also have a legal duty to ensure that public highways and street lights are unobstructed.

Resident Rose Johnson asked if hers was one of those in question. If so, it had been cut back.

The Clerk will write to Mr Apps asking him to cut his hedge bordering the steps at Northfield. ACTION

Parking at the school–Cllr Perryman drew attention to the inconsiderate parking by parents on the last day of school. Cllr Smith this was not an unusual occurrence. There is also some misuse of the private carpark close to the school which many mistakenly think is publicly owned. Andrew Moulding said he had had two meetings with the head teacher about the parking problem and the possibility of securing extra parking spaces through DCC. It was agreed to revisit the issue when school resumes. ACTION C/F

Skate park request – Young resident teenager George Jacks had asked the Council to consider building a skate park or at least a concrete strip on level grounds for use by skate boarders. A similar request had been made some years ago but there is still no funding available. The Clerk will write to him applauding his initiative but explaining the financial position. She will draw his attention to the recent planning approval recently for a refurbished park at Axminster’s Cloakham Lawns. ACTION


EDDC- Working Together for the future of East Devon conference- ‘Communities doing it for themselves’ 29 Sept – The Clerk will book a place. ACTION

TRIP – request for funding not approved at this juncture.

East Devon AONB – Sidmouth Walking Festival;Devon & Cornwall Police- Project Griffin - Terrorism awareness sessions in Exeter;Clerks & Councils Direct – July 2017/


Cropping- Cherry Sargent asked whether it was possible for landowners to make alternative provision around the edges of fields when an official path cuts through growing crops. Cllr Corbett said it was not possible to divert from an official FP.

With no further business outstanding, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.30 pm

Dates of Next Meetings Monday 4 September (NB a change from 11 September)


JUNE 2017

Income received

Allotment deposits Plots 28 and 29 £50 plus interim rental £7.00 (A) 57.00

Payments made

1098Halcyon Landscapes – April £72.33 + £14.47 VAT (G) 86.80

1099 Devon Communities Together sub (G) 50.00*


1101Musbury Village Hall hire (19/6) 10.50*

1102 PO for HMRC (June) (G) 48.84

1103Halcyon Landscapes – May £72.33 + £14.47 VAT (G) 86.80

1104Clerk Salary May (G) £195.35 +

Expenses May (G) £12.32 = 207.67 1105SW Water 10/3-30/5/17 (A) 52.32*

(* cheques not yet cleared)

Balance of account as at 30/06/2017 Statement no 94 £ 6539.72


Allotment deposits 470.00

Allotment funds available 563.19 = 1033.19

(chq for £52.32 to clear)

P3 147.75

TAP Fund 15/16 485.00

TAP Fund 16/17 503.80

General 4369.98

(chqs for £60.50 to clear)

JULY 2017

Income received

DCC Locality budget grant (noticeboards) (G) 500.00

VAT refund 11/3/206- 31/3/2017(G) 354.74

Earlier cheques cleared

1101Musbury Village Hall hire (19/6) (G) 10.50

Payments made

1099 Devon Communities Togethersub (G) 50.00

1105SW Water 10/3-30/5/17 (A) 52.32

Balance of account as at 31/07/2017 Statement No 95 £ 7281.64


Allotment deposits 470.00

Allotment funds available 510.87 = 980.87

P3 147.75

TAP Fund 15/16 485.00

TAP Fund 16/17 503.80

General 5164.22

Cheques to sign (not included in balances)

1106Halcyon Landscapes – June £72.33 + verges £125 + £39.47 VAT (G) = 236.80

1107James Amato for noticeboard (G) 550.00

1108Chris Irving for road sign repair (G) 4.30

1109Musbury Village Hall hire (31/7) 14.00

1110Clerk Salary June/July (G) £390.70 +

Expenses June/July (G) £42.15 = 432.85

1111PO for HMRC (July/Aug/Sept) (G) 146.52


31 MayCOIF dividend 5.13

9 JuneGross Credit Interest 0.02

Balance 365.49