Submitted by: APEC Climate Center
APEC Climate SymposiumLima, Peru
19-21 August 2008
APEC Climate Symposium 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 Museo de la Nacion (National Museum) Lima, Peru
8:30-8:55 / Registration
8:55-9:50 / Opening Ceremony
8:55-9:00 / Opening remarks / Dr. W-J. Lee, Executive Director, APCC
(optional) / Congratulatory address / Mr. Yung-Suh Park, Program Director, APEC Secretariat
9:00-9:10 / Congratulatory address / Mr. Peter Chen, WMO representative/
The Chief of Data Processing and Forecasting Systems Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction Services, WMO
9:10-9:20 / Congratulatory address / Prof. In-Sik Kang (SNU, Korea), Co-Chair of APCC’s SAC
Co-Chair, APCC SAC
9:20-9:30 / Congratulatory address / Maj. Gen. P.A.F. (Ret.) Wilar Gamarra Molina,
Executive President, SENAMHI, Peru
9:30-9:50 / Congratulatory message and Inauguration / Dr. Antonio Brack, Environment Minister, Peru
9:50-10:10 / Group Photo
10:10-10:40 / Keynote Lecture
SP-01 Seasonal Forecasting in the Provision of Meteorological Services / Mr. Peter Chen, WMO Representative
10:40-11:00 / Coffee Break
11:00-14:15 (includes lunch) / Session 1 / Issues and challenges in Regional climate prediction, with special attention to America
Chair: Prof. A. D. Moura, INMET, Brazil
Rapporteur: Mr. A. F. Jamaluddin, MMD, Malaysia
11:00-11:15 / 1-01 How well are Southern Hemisphere teleconnection patterns predicted by seasonal climate models? / Dr. T. Ambrizzi,University of São Paulo Brazil
11.15-11:30 / 1-02 Seasonal climate forecast over Northeast Brazil : Evaluation of models and applications / Dr. A. D. Moura,INMET, Brazil
11:30-11:45 / 1-03 Abnormal late season cold surges during Asian winter monsoon 2005 / Prof. C. P. Chang,NPS, USA
11:45-13:15 / Lunch
13:15-13:30 / 1-04 Seasonal Climate Predictions in Peru / Eng. Carmen Reyes, SENAMHI, Peru
13:30-13:45 / 1-05 Indonesia Mitigation and Adaptation Program in Responding to Climate Change Issue / Mr. Yunus Swarinoto, BMG, Indonesia
13:45-14:00 / 1-06 Implementation of regional models
for climate prediction in Chile / Dr. Jorge Carrasco, National Weather Service of Chile, Chile
14:00-14:15 / 1-07 Advances on statistical and dynamical downscaling for seasonal prediction in western South America / Dr. Affonso S. Mascarenhas, CIIFEN, Ecuador
14:15-16:15 / Session II / Applications of Seasonal prediction
Chair: Dr. P. D. Nilo, Philippines Met. Agency
Rapporteur:, Mr. N.D. Quang, Viet Nam NCHMF, Viet Nam
14:15-14:30 / 2-01 Climate prediction and applications
in New Zealand – an update / Dr. J. Renwick,NIWA, New Zealand
14.:30-14:45 / 2-02 Applications of dynamical seasonal forecasts in Australia / Dr. O. Alves, BOM, Australia
14:45-15:00 / 2-03 JMA’s Seasonal Forecast
and its Applications / Mr. K. Takahashi, CPD/JMA, Japan
15:00-15:30 / COFFEE BREAK
15:30-15:45 / 2-04 Seasonal Climate Forecasting for Natural Disaster Risk Management / Dr. S. Mason, IRI, USA
15:45-16:00 / 2-05 Statistical Downscaling Based
on Dynamical Models: Application
to Seasonal Precipitation in China / Ms. L. Chen, BCC/ CMA, China
16:00-16:15 / 2-06 Seasonal Climate Prediction in Singapore and SE Asia / Mr. John Low, MSD/NEA, Singapore
16:15-18:00 / Session III / Frontline technologies in seasonal climate prediction
C Chair : Prof. B. Wang, UH. IPRC. USA
Rapporteur: Dr. L. Chen, China
16:15-16:30 / 3-01 SPAM: a system for prediction and assimilation by a climate model,
MIROC, for seasonal to decadal prediction / Prof. M. Kimoto, CCSR, University of Tokyo, Japan
16:30-16:45 / 3-02 Advance and Prospectus of Seasonal Prediction: Assessment of the APCC/CliPAS 14-Model Ensemble Retrospective Seasonal Prediction (1980–2004) / Prof. Bin Wang, IPRC/UH, USA
16:45-17:00 / Break
17:00-17:15 / 3-03 Initialization issues of coupled ocean –atmosphere prediction system / Prof. In-Sik Kang, SNU, Korea
17:15:17:30 / 33-04 Comparing Forecast Skills on Seasonal Climate Conditions From Normal to Relatively Extreme / Dr. Cheng-Ta Chen, NTNU, Chinese Taipei
17:30-17:45 / 3-05 Seasonal Predictability and
Prediction Studies in GMU/COLA / Dr. Emilia K. Jin,GMU/COLA , USA
17:45-18:00 / 3-06 The Goddard Earth Observing System 5
(GEOS-5) model and its application to
the climate research / Dr. M.-I. Lee,NASA GSFC, USA
20:30 / Dinner / Venue: The Centro Aeronáutico del Perú (Peruvian Air Force Officer´s Club)
(Organized by SENAMI)
APEC Climate Symposium 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Museo de la Nacion (National Museum) Lima, Peru
The Working Group Meeting (open to all participants)
9:00-9:10 / Opening Remarks / Dr. W.-J. Lee, APCC
9:10-9:20 / Approval of agenda / Chair: Maj. Gen. P.A.F. (Ret.) Wilar Gamarra Molina, SENAMHI,
9:20-10:45 / Session I / WG Session on Advances in long range climate prediction
Chair: Mr. K. Takahashi, CPD/JMA, Japan
Rapporteur: J-Y. Lee, IPRC/UH, USA
9:20-9:30 / 4-01 The New Ensemble Prediction system at CMC / Dr. J.S. Fontecilla, CMC, Canada
9:30-9:40 / 4-02 Update on the NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS) Development Activities / Dr. J-K. E. Schemm, NCEP, USA
9:40-9:50 / 4-03 Recent Developments of JMA Seasonal Prediction System / Mr. K. Takahashi, CPD/JMA, Japan
9:50-10:00 / 4-04 Presenting forecast verification information to user communities / Dr. Simon Mason, IRI, USA
10:00-10:15 / 4-05 APCC Climate Prediction and information activities: New developments / Dr. K. Ashok, APCC
10:15-10:55 / Discussion: Operation of Climate Information Service based on multi-model ensemble seasonal prediction system / Reference: Sections 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 of WG 3(1)
10:55-11:10 / Break
11:10-12:40 / Session II / WG session on Regional Prediction activities and Capacity
Chair: Dr. J.-K. E. Schemm, CPC/NCEP/NWS/NOAA, USA
Rapporteur : Dr. Emilia K. Jin, GMU/COLA
11:10-11:20 / 5-01 Medium-range Weather Forecast in Vietnam and its Perspectives / Mr. N.D. Quang, Viet Nam NCHMF, Viet Nam
11:20-11:30 / 5-02 Application of ECPC G-RSM for Monthly to Seasonal Prediction in Thailand / Mr. Boonlert Archevarahuprok , TMD, Thailand
11:30-11:40 / 5-03 Title to be announced / Dr. Adelina Albanil, CAN, Mexico
11:40-11:50 / 5-04 Improving the capacity building for numerical modelling in the Chilean National Weather Service / Dr. Myrna Araneda Funtes, National Weather Service of Chile, Chile
11:50-12:05 / 5-05 Climate information tool kit (CLIK): facilitating effective exchange and utilization of climate information / Dr. N. H. Saji, APCC
12:05-12:40 / Discussion: Capacity Building in Producing and Using reliable climate
predictions / Reference: WG Documentation: 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3
12:40-14:15 / Lunch
The APEC Climate Symposium 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Museo de la Nacion (National Museum) Lima, Peru
The Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting (open to all participants)
14:15-15:45 / Session III / SAC session on International Cooperation
Chair: Prof. M. Kimoto, CCSR/Tokyo University, Japan
Rapporteur : Mr. Boonlert Archevarahuprok, Thailand
14:15-14:25 / 6-01 A EURO-BRazilian Initiative for Improving South American Seasonal Forecasts (EUROBRISA) / Dr. Tercio Ambrizzi, Brazil
14:25-14:35 / 6-02 Multi-model climate prediction: Challenges and Prospectus / Prof. Bin Wang, IPRC/UH, USA
14:35-14:45 / 6-03 AMY: A role for APCC’s in monsoon prediction and modeling / Prof. Bin Wang, UH/IPRC, USA
14:45-14:55 / 6-04 To be announced / Dr. Affonso Mascarenhas, CIIFEN
14:55-15:05 / 6-05 International outreach activities at APCC / Dr. K. Ashok
15:05-15:45 / Discussion: International cooperation. / Reference: WG documentation 4.2
15:45-16:15 / Coffee break
The APEC Climate Symposium 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Museo de la Nacion (National Museum) Lima, Peru
The Working Group Meeting
16:15-18:15 / Session IV-a / WG session on Future actives to improve climate information service for APEC economies
Chair: Dr. J. Renwick,NIWA, New Zealand
Rapportuer: Dr. J.S. Fontecilla (CMC, Canada), Dr. M-I. Lee, (NASA, USA)
16:15-16:25 / 7-01 Implications of Climate Change scenarios for Peru / Eng. Luis Metzger , SENAMHI
Discussion: (i) Future actives to improve climate information service for APEC economies
(ii) Selection of chair, Defining TORs, venue for next year, etc.
(iii) Recommendations / Reference: WG Documentation 5.1,5.2,5.3, 5.4, 5.4_add1
APEC Climate Symposium 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Museo de la Nacion (National Museum) Lima, Peru
The Science Advisory Committee Meeting
16:15-18:15 / Session IV-b / SAC session on Future actives to improve climate
service for APEC economies
Chair: Prof. In-Sik Kang, SNU, Korea
Rapportuer: Dr. Oscar Alves, (BOM, Australia), and Dr. Swadhin
K. Behera ( FRCGC, Japan)
16:15-16:30 / 8-01 APEC Climate Center for Information Services – progress and prospects / Dr. W.-J. Lee, APCC
Discussion: Refining SAC’s TORs, venue for next year, etc.
SAC review and recommendations / Reference: SAC Documentation 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
Revised schedule for 21 Aug., 2008
APEC Climate Symposium 2008Thursday, August 21, 2008 Museo de la Nacion (National Museum) Lima, Peru
The third Day: 08:30~19:00
8:45-9:15 / Session I / Future directions in climate prediction and variability research
Chair: Prof. C-T. Chen, NTNU, Chinese Taipei,
Rapporteur: Mr. N.D. Quang (Viet Nam NCHMF, Viet Nam)
8:45-9:00 / 9-01 Role of Oceans in the Climate Variability and Predictability of the Indo-Pacific Region / Dr. S. K. Behera,FRCGC. Japan
9:00-9:15 / 9-02 The forthcoming World
climate conference-3: relevance
to APCC / Dr. Vladimir Kattsov, MGO, Russia
Deferred to 11.30-11.45 / 9-03
9:15-11:45 / Session II / Plenary session and review
Chair : Prof. C. P. Chang (NPS, USA)
Rapporteur: Mr. N.D. Quang, (Viet Nam NCHMF, Viet Nam)
9:15-9:35 / SP-02 APEC and Industrial Science and Technology / Mr. Yung-Suh Park, APEC Secretariat
09:35 - 10:25 / Review of WG recommendations / Chair: Dr. W. G. Molina
Dr. J. Renwick (NIWA, New Zealand), and Emilia K. Jin, (GMU/COLA,
10.25-10.40 / To be announced / Dr. Pablo Lagos, IGP
10.40-11.00 / Discussion
10.30-11.00: Closed SAC meeting in Room 3
Chair: Prof. I-S. Kang, SNU
Dr. O. Alves, BOM, and Dr. S. Behera, FRCGC
11.00-11.15 / Break
11.15-11.30 / SAC meeting: Review of SAC recommendations / Chair: Prof. I-S. Kang, SNU
Dr. O. Alves, BOM, and Dr. Behera, FRCGC
11.30-11.45 / 9-03 The Necessity and the Possibility of Revolutionizing Seamless Prediction of Weather and Climate / Dr. Emilia K. Jin, GMU/COLA, USA
11:45-13:00 / Session III / Panel Discussion
Future actives to improve
climate information service for
APEC economies. / Panelists: Mr. Y-S. Park, Mr. P. Chen, Drs. J. Carrasco, J. Low, K. Takahashi, In-Sik Kang, A. Moura, C.-P. Chen, O. Alvez, M. Kimoto, S. Behera, W-J. Lee, Maj. Molina, Bin Wang, J. Renwick, and Mr. Y. S. Swarinoto,
Moderators: Drs. Ashok, Kattsov, and Saji
13:00-13:45 / Moving to SENAMHI
13:45-17:00 / Session IV / The vision for regional cooperation in the next decade
13:45 - 14:00 / Welcome Address / Maj. Gen. (ret) Wilar Gamarra, Executive President, SENAMHI
14:00 - 15:00 / Lunch and exhibition
15:00-16:00 / Open house. Visit to the facilities
16:00-16:30 / Closing Remarks and vote of thanks / Dr. W-J. Lee, APCC
16:30-18:00 / Closed Group Meeting / The vision for regional cooperation in the next decade
WMO, APEC and APCC and other interested participants
20:00 / Farewell dinner / Venue: La Dama Juana restaurant (Organized by SENAMI)
Organization chart