Minutes of the March 28, 2007

CarrabassettValley Selectmen’s Meeting

Selectmen present: Bob Luce, George Abbott, John Beaupre, Lloyd Cuttler, Steve Pierce

Guests: Dave Cota, Deb Bowker, Bob Tgettis, John Norris, Nadine McLeod, Dutch Demshar, Neal Trask, Scott Hogg

The Meeting opened at 4:30 p.m.

Selectmen reviewed and approved Payroll Warrant #14 for$ 21,135.92

Selectmen reviewed and approved Town Expenditure Warrant #15 for 117,203.95

Selectmen reviewed and accepted the Minutes of the March 12, 2007 Meeting

The following slate for Municipal Appointments for 2007 was moved and approved:

Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar of Voters – Wendy Russell

Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Treasurer -Nancy Ricker

Deputy Treasurer -Dave Cota

Police Chief - Ronald A. Moody

CEO/Plumbing Inspector/Tax Assessor -William Gilmore

Fire Chief/EAM Director -Courtney Knapp

Health Officer - Rebecca Morin

Animal Control Officer - William Munzer

ACO Assistant - Wallace Spencer

Democrat Ballot Clerks – Bonita Stagers, Michelle Cota, Joseph Lessard, Karen Elliot

Republican Ballot Clerks – Linda Trask, Nancy Fowler, Louise Chase, Janice Mildran

Planning Board – Bruce Miles, Dan Chaff, Barry London, all until 2010

Recreation Committee – Robert Healey, 2010

Board of Appeals – Carol Mahany, 2010

Airport Advisory Committee – Richard Brown, 2010; one vacancy until 2010

Board of Assessment Review – Wendy Glenn, 2010

Budget Committee – John Norris and Bonita Stagers, both until 2010

Deb Bowker requested permission to apply for state and federal grant funding under the Land and Water Conservation Fund to aid in the new skating rink project, a part of the approved Outdoor Center Improvement Project. Bowker said she was hoping to receive $25,000. The Board of Selectmen approved the grant application.

Dave passed out copies of the architectural services agreement with Garrison Consulting for the Outdoor Center Improvement Project, noting the fee would be approximately 8.5% of the total project costs, about $95,000. Dave noted Garrison would be utilizing the services of three subcontracting firms as part of the services. An independent estimator will review the potential construction costs for the project once the concept plan is further underway and before the project goes out to bid. Selectmen approved the contract as presented and authorized Dave to sign it.

Dave and selectmen reviewed the articles of a proposed contract with Hoyle, Tanner Associates, Inc. to act as engineers for the airport safety improvement project, for the amount of $75,900. Dave said the project will need to go out to bid before the Town applies for a grant. Dave also said he and the tree cutting contractor would speak to each abutting landowner prior to the project getting underway. Dave indicated that he would attempt to resolve issues but that the tree clearing needs to conform to F.A.A. requirements.

Scott Hogg asked that operation of the Town’s public access channel, WSKI TV-17, be put out to bid. After some discussion selectmen decided they wanted a legal reading on the idea as well as more background information on the issue. Selectmen directed Dave to research the matter and return to the Board with his findings.

Dutch Demshar was on hand to discuss a letter to the Board from Larry Warren of Western Mountains Corp. (WMC). WMC is seeking some form of monetary recompense for its original equipment at the TouringCenter. Demshar said perhaps $60,000 would be a fair amount. George asked for a complete list of all equipment WMC left at the TouringCenter when it ceased operation there. Selectmen also asked that Dutch or WMC establish a complete paper trail of all lease agreements from the very beginning. Dave will research the matter, as well and get a legal reading on the issue in an effort to move the matter forward.

Selectmen and Dave will conduct interviews for the Town Treasurer position beginning on Monday, April 2 beginning at 3:30 p.m.

The Meeting adjourned at 6 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shelly Poulin - Secretary