Minutes of the Landsker Pastorate Elders Meeting held on 7th February 2017 at Wolfsdaless
- Welcome and Apologies
Martin thanked Sian for attending and for making tea. Sian left the meeting.
The meeting opened with aprayer.
Apologies were received from the following Elders – John Mathias, Byron Williams, Anne Moffat, Peter Williams, Colin & Doris Thomas, John & Peggy Morgan, Walter Roch, Jan Hornett, Glenys Davies, Denzil Jeremy.
- Remembrance
Martin asked us to remember Mr Donald Hughes and Mrs Maybro Dearing in our prayers and we observed a moment of silence.
- Previous minutes/summary of informal meetings
There have not been any informal meetings since the last meeting of Elders.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th October 2016 – it was proposed by Mr John Morgan and seconded by Mrs Judith Doncaster that these be agreed and they were duly signed as a true record by the Minister.
- Matters arising
- Rota – was discussed under ‘Governance Issues’.
- Formal acceptance of the resignation of the Treasurer, Mr David Phillips. Martin reminded the meeting of the hard and dedicated commitment from David over a long period of time. The Secretary had written to David thanking him for everything he had done. It was agreed that Martin would prepare a Certificate of Appreciation which would be presented at an appropriate time in the future. Everyone was in agreement that David’s resignation was formally accepted.
- Formal acceptance of Mrs Maureen Canton as Treasurer. Mrs Canton accepted the position of Treasurer and this was ratified by the meeting. Martin handed over the paperwork and offered to discuss any details after the meeting.
- It was agreed that the balance on the Pastorate Account would be added to the minutes before circulation.
- Declaration of any other business
There was no declaration of any other business.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Balance of the Pastorate Account was provided for the minutes on 8th February 2017 - £5594.14.
- A more detailed report will be given at the next meeting.
- Pastorate Manse
- Progress report – Judith informed the meeting that a survey for Legionnaires Disease had been required in order to measure the level of risk in properties available for let. The Letting Agent had carried out the work. Cost was £80.
- Judith informed the meeting that it now a requirement to register with Rent Smart Wales as a landlord. The owner must register and in this case the owner/s are the trustees as appointed by Wolfsdale. Martin offered to liaise with Judith and to complete the registration as soon as possible. Judith has informed Rent Smart Wales of the reasons for the delay in registering and they have been supportive. There was some discussion about the cost of registration. Judith agreed to discuss the matter with the Letting Agent.
- As a result of this discussion Martin reminded the Elders that all chapels that own property and rent that property out will have to register. This is a legal requirement.
- Martin thanked Judith again for all her hard work.
- Review of Mission and Ministry
- Martin’s ministry will end in December 2018.
- The Synod is looking at plans to reduce ministers from 20 to 14.
- Governance Issues
- Rota (1) – Martin stated that the new pattern of services – Communion/Preaching of the Word/Prayer had been operating for a while and a problem which had become clear was that Communion Services, in some chapels, only came around once every 6 weeks. During the summer when Anniversary Services started there might be no Communion in some chapels for 12 weeks. In order to stop this happening Martin suggested that we go back to a previous position – Crundale have a Communion Service on the 3rd Sunday, Zions Hill on 1st Sunday and Tiers Cross on the 1st Sunday. Nolton Haven, Keyston and Wolfsdale all have a Communion Service on the 2nd Sunday. Martin will ensure that once every 3 months we will have a Prayer Service. The current rota as shown in The Link will continue until March 1st 2017 when it will change to the pattern outlined above. The new Landsker Link will have the new rota and Martin tabled an example for Elders to take back to their members.
- Leave dates – Martin tabled a list of his leave dates.
- December Services – Judith suggested streamlining services in December in order to share fellowship and to lessen the burden on Martin. It was agreed that chapels would take the following suggestions to their members for discussion at the next Elders meeting – to plan Christmas services at times when Martin was already timed to attend, to hold a morning service on 17th December 2017 in order to support the Landsker Singers Christmas Service (many members and friends are supporters or choir members and would like to be able to attend) and to reduce the number of events overall by sharing more services at this time.
- Congregational Federation of Great Britain. Induction of Martin as President – the Induction will take place on Saturday 10th June 2017 in the Brangwyn Hall, Swansea. This was discussed in detail under ‘Future Events’.
- Synod Matters
- A review of Ministers is taking place at the moment and is likely to continue for some time. The Synod hope to reduce the number of Ministers from 20 to 14. They are currently experiencing difficulties filling some vacancies and Ministers are already finding large Pastorates difficult.
- The disbanding of Synod Elders and renaming them as the Synod Pastoral Care Board. The intention is to set up a regional approach to some of the work traditionally carried out by the Synod Elder. In order to start a discussion around this change the Rev. Nanette Lewis-Head and Mrs Mollie Neate (current Synod Elders) have issued an invitation to all members and friends of the URC in Pembrokeshire to attend on Sunday 12th March at 2.30pm in Albany Church, Haverfordwest. “this celebration is being created as an opportunity to acknowledge and give thanks for our witness in the communities throughout Pembrokeshire, a time to give support to each congregation and an opportunity to celebrate the importance of the place of the gathered church in the local community and to acknowledge the witness and commitment that is shared by so many”. The Elders agreed to take this information to their members.
- Constitution (to include Trustee issues and Church fees)
- Fees – it was agreed not to make any changes to fees. Martin reminded the meeting of the advantages of publishing fees for undertakers and thus avoiding difficult situations.
- While on retreat with the Army, Martin had heard a Baptist Minister talk about a Northumberland initiative called the Celtic Community – a small, monastic order ministering to isolated, rural community churches regardless of denomination. They supported ‘Celtic spirituality’. A new way of thinking and organising – possibly a new way of ‘being churches in a different way’. Many of us are vulnerable as chapels and looking out to a community approach might be something for the future. It was agreed that Elders would take the idea to their members and it would be an agenda item for a future meeting.
- Church Building Issues
Martin acknowledged that some work is going on in all chapels but the big projects were taking place in –
- Nolton Haven – ceiling had now been made safe and work nearing completion. It was hoped to have a re-opening of the chapel at Nolton’s Anniversary.
- Tiers Cross – major work complete although work needs to be done on toilets.
- Future Events
- Congregational Federation of Great Britain – Induction on Saturday 10th June 2017 in the Brangwyn Hall in Swansea at 2.00pm. It was agreed that members and friends might wish to attend and the Secretary agreed to price the cost of a bus and to look at the possibility of lunch on the way to the event or the way home. It was suggested that Tabernacle, Haverfordwest might also be interested. Elders were asked to investigate possible numbers and pass to Secretary as soon as possible.
- Harvest Supper – 9th September 2017 was agreed. Crundale Hall to be booked. Secretary to arrange.
- Wolfsdale 190th Anniversary on Sunday 23rd April will be commemorated.
- Tiers Cross Easter Concert on April 12th.
- Landsker Singers Easter Service on Sunday 9th April a 7.30pm in Tabernacle.
- It was suggested that dinner to commemorate Martin’s Induction be held at the Pelcomb Inn on Sunday 25th June 2017 following a Sunday Service at Wolfsdale. Sue Murfin to confirm price and date.
- Any Other Business
- Publicity leaflets – Martin will share examples electronically and invite comments in the next meeting
- Western Telegraph – chapels were encouraged to start publicising activities.
- Women’s World Day of Prayer to be held at Nolton Haven on Friday 3rd March at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
- Bibles – Martin suggested that all chapels have the same bible available in the pews and the pulpit in order that services can include everyone reading together. Secretary to look at costs and savings when bulk buying. New International Bible (UK Version)
- The dateof the next meeting – Tuesday 6th June 2017 at 7.00pm at Zions Hill.
Martin thanked everyone for attending the meeting and closed with The Grace.