on Monday, 9th May, 2011.
Present: Cllr. Mellors, (Chairman),
Cllrs. Mrs. Pascoe, Mrs. Galubickas, Mrs. Tansley, Mrs. Teffahi, Hayes,
Jennings, Priestley and Fowkes.
Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr. Mrs. Daglish.
In attendance: 6 members of the public,
PC Jason Underwood,
Inspector Chris Brown,
Hannah Borkett from East Midlands Airport.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Chairman stated that he thought that the Parish Council should, in some way, recognise the long and dedicated service that those Councillors who had not stood for re-election, had given to the Parish Council and the Parish of Kegworth. These were: John Pike, Ruth Moss and Tony Charsley. He considered that their service should be marked in some way and he asked Councillors to consider this, so that a decision about it could be made at a future meeting.
Declarations of interest
Cllr. David Hayes declared a personal interest in Kegworth Village Hall and a prejudicial interest in the Parish Council’s allotments.
The Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 4th April, 2011, having been previously circulated, were signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.
962j - Public.
Members of the public were present and they raised the following matters:
1. A local resident stated that he was pleased that the Court proceedings over two allotments on the Station Road site had been resolved.
2. Hannah Borkett from East Midlands Airport reported that there were to be some outreach events in villages around the Airport which would be attended by senior members of the Airport’s team, and they would be pleased to see any residents from the area at all or any of the events.
RESOLVED that the above be noted.
963j - Police.
1. PC Underwood and Inspector Brown were present and they reported that there had been the following crimes since the last Parish Council Meeting. There had been 24 crimes and these were: 6 incidents of theft, 4 incidents of damage, 1 burglary at other than a dwelling, 1 burglary of a dwelling, 6 thefts from motor vehicles which had taken place at the Delta paintball centre, 1 damage to a motor vehicle, 1 theft of a motor vehicle which had since been recovered and 4 incidents of assault and harassment.
2. With regard to the previously reported fire that had caused damage to the ‘bus shelter in the Market Place, the person who had carried out this crime had taken part in restorative justice; he carried out a litter pick around the centre of the village accompanied by a Police Volunteer and PCSO Stanhope.
3. Nothing further had been heard about the Police Volunteers using the Parish Council’s office for their public sessions.
RESOLVED that the above be noted.
964j - Nottingham University, Sutton Bonington Campus, Sports Weekend.
Katie Fitzgerald, fellow students and a member of staff from the Vet School of Nottingham Univerisity, Sutton Bonington Campus, were present at the meeting to inform the Parish Council about the “Sports Weekend” that was proposed to be held over the weekend of the 4th to 6th November, 2011. Students from 8 other Vet Schools (Universities) would visit Sutton Bonington to take part in the “Sports Weekend”. This should be a fun weekend for those taking part and the organisers, some of whom were present at the meeting, wanted to make sure that the Parish Council was quite comfortable about the event and the numbers of students that would, ultimately, be staying in Kegworth for the three nights and two days. The organisers would provide security within the village, there would be ‘buses to pick up and set down the students in the Market Place and on Nottingham Road and there would be people to pick up any litter that was left by the extra volume of people in the village. The organisers had been having talks with the Police so that all eventualities were covered to make the impact on the village as little as possible. The Council agreed that it would be beneficial to the economy of the village as local suppliers would be used, as much as possible, to provide food etc. for the extra students.
RESOLVED that the above be noted.
965j - Kegworth Village Hall, erection of shed - vide Minute 953j.
Since the last meeting some of the Councillors had viewed the new shed that had been erected on the car park at the Village Hall.
RESOLVED that no objections be made to the shed.
966j - Notice to Quit on Allotments numbered 7 and 18 - vide Minute 954j.
Cllr. Hayes reported that he had attended Derby County Court on Thursday, 14th April, 2011 along with Mr. William Watson, Solicitor acting on behalf of Kegworth Parish Council. The Applicant put her case to the Judge but this was “Struck Out”. Two letters had been received from Mr. Watson of Pinders, Solicitors, along with a copy of the General Form of Judgement or Order. The Order stated, “1. The claim is hereby struck out as disclosing no cause of action. 2. Permission to appeal is refused. 3. The Claimant do pay the Defendant’s costs assessed at £520.80 to be paid within 14 days”. It was proposed by Cllr Jennings and seconded by Cllr. Hayes that the Solicitor’s account in the sum of £715 + VAT totalling £838 be paid and that Mr. Watson of Pinders, Solicitors be asked to file Notice in the Court that he is no longer acting on behalf of Kegworth Parish Council in this matter. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposition.
RESOLVED to note the outcome of the Court Hearing, pay the Solicitors account in the sum of £838.00 and to inform Mr. Watson, Solicitor, that he should cease acting on behalf of Kegworth Parish Council and be asked to file a Notice in the Derby County Court to that effect.
967j - Annual Parish Meeting.
RESOLVED that the Annual Parish Meeting be held at Kegworth Parish Council’s Office, 1 London Road, Kegworth on Thursday, 26th May, 2011 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
968j - Leicestershire Rural Partnership.
Information had been received that the Leicestershire Rural Partnership was reviewing its rural priorities. This was in the light of the demise of the East Midlands Development Agency, from whom a great deal of the grant money was obtained for rural projects, and the birth of the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership and continuance of Leicesteshire Together, the Sub Regional Strategic Partnership. The Chapters of the Framework are: Strong, Safe and Inclusive Communities; Thriving economy; High quality and accessible services; Countryside and the environment. Councillors had been forwarded the e-mail from which this information had been taken, so could view the full document on line if they so wished.
RESOLVED that the above be noted.
969j - Leics. and Rutland Association of Local Councils representative on the East Midlands Airport Independent Consultative Committee.
A letter had been received from the Leics. and Rutland Association of Local Councils which stated that, because Cllr. John Pike had not stood for re-election, he could not continue to be the LRALC’s representative on the ICC. Volunteers to fill the vacant position were requested.
RESOLVED that Cllr. Mrs. Teffahi’s name be put forward to fill this vacancy.
970j - Association of Airport Related Parish Councils.
A letter had been received from Mr. Alan Corbett, who had been the Secretary of the Association of Airport Related Parish Councils for some considerable time. Over the past few years, even though the Association still had 36 member Parish Councils, no-one had come forward to be Chairman of the Association, Secretary or Treasurer. Mr. Corbett had had to carry on in the position of Secretary and Treasurer even though he did not wish to. As he was no longer a Parish Councillor, Mr. Corbett was not now eligible to continue in these roles. He would like the Parish Council’s opinion on what should happen next. Should the Association be wound up? Should the money in the Association’s bank account be paid back to the member Parish Councils or should it be given to the Airport’s community fund for distribution? It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Teffahi that the Association should continue, even in its reduced capacity, so that it can be resurrected again if needed, and that the money should not be paid to the Airport’s Community Fund for distribution. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposition.
RESOLVED that the Clerk should inform Mr. Corbett that Kegworth Parish Council considered that the Association should continue and the monies should not be given to the Airport’s Community Fund for distribution. If the Association was to be wound up then the money should be given back to the Parish Councils who donated it previously in the form of annual subscriptions.
971j - Sewage Pipes under Kegworth Market Place and the A6.
The owner of a property in Kegworth Market Place had had difficulty with blocked drains. He had written to the Parish Council to see if it could help to solve the problem. The Clerk reported that all the properties around the Market Place, including the Parish Council’s own office, had been having problems with blocked drains. Most particularly the hairdressers, who continually had to have a company out to unblock their drains.
RESOLVED that the Clerk should write to the businesses and residents around Kegworth Market Place to ascertain if they are having any drainage problems and then write to Severn Trent and inform them that some of the properties in and around Kegworth Market were having a problem with blocked drains and Severn Trent should investigate, and ultimately, fix the problem.
972j - Directional Signs to Kegworth Village Hall.
Following the Parish Council’s request for directional signs to show the location of Kegworth Village Hall, a letter had been received from Leicestershire County Council, with a possible cost for the signs.
RESOLVED that the Kegworth Village Hall Management Committee be asked if it would like to contribute to the cost of the signs
973j - Recreation Ground Committee.
RESOLVED to note receipt of the monthly inspection report of the playground equipment on the Sideley Recreation Ground. Cllr. Pike had not stood for re-election so someone else would have to carry out the monthly inspection of the Whatton Road Recreation Ground equipment. The Chairman said that he would do this and agreed to meet with Cllr. Jennings for an initial briefing on the subject.
974j - Planning.
It was proposed by Cllr. Hayes and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Pascoe that the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 4th April, 2011 be approved and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposition.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting, which was held on Monday, 4th April, 2011, be approved and the recommendations contained therein be adopted.
975j - Finance.
It was resolved that cheques should be drawn in favour of the following:
Kegworth Baptist Church Grant £400.00
Kegworth Bowls Club Grant £400.00
Kegworth Town Cricket Club Grant £500.00
Kegworth Tennis Club Grant £250.00
Kegworth Village Hall Grant £1,000.00
Kegworth Village Assn & Museum Grant £1,000.00
Kegworth Imps Football Club Grant £500.00
Kegworth Methodist Church Grant £400.00
King George V Playing Field Com. Grant £500.00
Kegworth Imperials Football Club Grant £250.00
C.D. Frail Elderly (Monday) Grant £100.00
C.D. Frail Elderly (Wednesday) Grant £100.00
C.D. Frail Elderly (Friday) Grant £100.00
C.D. & District Volunteer Bureau Grant £500.00
Kegworth Village Fair Grant £150.00
Kegworth Scout Group Grant £50.00
Kegworth Hospital Transport Schm Grant £500.00
Cemetery Caretaker Cemetery Caretaker £75.00
Loughborough Online Ltd. Repair of computer £106.80
Ben Reynolds (BPR Plumbing) Repair to “School Allotment” taps £37.50
Pinders, Solicitors Acting for Parish Council re: Allotments £858.00
Kegworth Community Centre Affiliation fee £20.00
E-on Electricity for St. Andrew’s Chyd floodlights £113.56
Mr. T. Buckingham Grass cutting/work in St. Andrew’s Chyd £1,915.00
Float Postage, cleaner, window cleaner etc. £100.00
Norton Security Security package for computer £64.99
Mrs. R. Newcombe Return of allotment deposit £25.00
Ms. C. Tucker Return of allotment deposit £25.00
Admin. Assistant Administrative Assistant on request
Mr. G. Mellors Chairman’s Allowance £150.00
H. M. Revenue & Customs Income Tax and National Insurance £592.04
Clerk Salary on request