SPR Members Business Meeting
SPR Meeting—San Antonio
Friday, May 17, 2013 – 12:30 – 1:45 pm
- President's Welcome / Call to Order – Dr. Sue Kaste
Dr. Sue Kaste called the meeting to order and asked the members to observe a moment of silence in memory of SPR members who we were notified had passed away the prior year:
Joseph D. Calhoun, MD, Little Rock, ARAdele K. Friedman, MD, Philadelphia, PA 3
Andres Giedion, MD, Zurich, SwitzerlandBernard J. Reilly, MBBCH, Toronto, Canada
Dr. Kaste then recognized the past presidents in attendance and asked them to stand to be recognized:
Diane S Babcock, MD (1997)
M. Ines Boechat, MD (2008)
Dorothy I. Bulas, MD (2011)
Virgil Condon, MD (1983)
Charles A. Gooding, MD (1998)
Marilyn J. Goske, MD (2007)
Marta Hernanz-Schulman, MD (2009))
Neil D. Johnson, MD (2010)
Stuart A. Royal, MS, MD (2005)
Thomas L. Slovis, MD (1999)
Janet L. Strife, MD (2001)
Richard B. Towbin, MD (2003)
Lionel W. Young, MD (1985)
- Minutes of 2012 Business Meeting - Dr. Kaste called for approval of the 2012 Business Meeting minutes. The minutes were approved without amendment.
- SPR and SPR Foundation Treasurer's Report - Treasurer, Dr. Dempsey provided an overview of the Society’s financial position:
- SPR Year End 2012 Statements
- The Society’s net assets and liabilities increased from $1,494,079 at YE 2011to $1,655,677 at YE 2012.
- Overall result was revenue over expenses at 225,087; budget was 46,849. .
- SPR REF Year End 2012 Statement
- The Foundation’s net assets and liabilities increased from 2,146,743 at YE 2011to 2,298,839 at YE 2012.
- The grant funding budget for 2013 is $119,337.
- Dr. Dempsey also noted:
- Revenue of $1,553,417.56 up from 1,009,000 (2011)
- Expenses of $1.328,329.86 up from *818,195.14 (2011) *no SPR meeting in 2011
- More revenue, more expenses
- Revenue $255,420 above budget, largely attributed to popular Child Abuse Imaging, MSK courses and Annual Meeting
- Increased need for staffing
- Jennifer and Angela will need further assistance as the work needed to support the CME and educational goals is increasing.
- Increased interest in weekend meetings
- Corporate support for meetings – not guaranteed
- Journal royalties appear to be settling in at a lower level
- Chairman’s Report - Dr.Don Frush opened his comments by saying that the pillars of the SPR are “People, Programs/Products, Projects, Partnerships, Pennies, Passion and Potential.” The challenges are: Strengthen advocacy for pediatric imaging, $ equity: clinical and academic fronts, Value equity: time is a vanishing currency for pediatric subspecialties, communication is undervalued and there are Sorties into our areas of expertise- ie ultrasound.
Dr. Frush concluded his comments by thanking the membership for the opportunity to serve.
- World Federation of Pediatric Imaging – Dr. Ines Boechat gave a comprehensive update on the activities of the WFPI.
- Report of Standing Committees and Representatives
- Election Results –
- Dr. Don Frush reported the Leadership election results:
- For Second-Vice President: Diego Jaramillo, MD - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
- Members of the Board of Directors:
- Edward Y. Lee, MD, MPH - Children's Hospital, Boston
- Cynthia K. Rigsby, MD, FACR - Lurie Children’s Hospital, Chicago
- Research and Education Foundation Board:
- Rajesh Krishnamurthy, MD - Texas Children's Hospital, Houston
- Jonathan Dillman, MD - appointed member
- Nominating Committee Election Results:
- Ron Cohen, MD
- Beth Kline-Fath, MD
- Bylaws – Dr. Frush reported that the Bylaws amendments were approved. These changes will:
- To add Affiliate Class of Membership for trainees prior to Fellowship.
- To add Allied Class of Membership for professionals who support pediatric radiologists, i.e., nurses, technologists, Physician Assistants.
- To empower SPR to form interest Sections. The first envisioned use of this authority is to offer SCORCH a form of formal existence without undue bureaucracy and added administrative and legal effort and expense. Another use may be the jSPR group. (this was modeled after the AUR's bylaws which fostered the formation of AMSER)
- To empower the SPR to change the dues rate without a member vote. The Board has a tradition of careful shepherding of the Society’s funds and has raised dues only three times in 20 years. This authority will also be important when Sections (SCORCH and / or jSPR) wish to set and collect dues.
- The intentions of the Bylaws changes are:
- To codify the SPR’s right to conduct business through email. Many of these wording changes intent are to reflect the way business is conducted now. Emphasis should be that these modern communication methods allow greater member participation in the decision-making processes.
- These amendments were reviewed by the ACR attorney and approved by the Bylaws committee. They were distributed to the membership for review in January 2013 voted on in the month prior to the annual meeting.
- Physician Resources Report –Dr Ellen Benyareported that in addition to the Committee’s r three annual surveys: current, graduating fellows, fellows one year out and Fellowship Directors, they also worked with the AAP to collect data about our subspecialty. A survey from the AAP will be sent to all pediatric radiologists in 2013 or 2014.
The full Committee report is posted online, but highlights, for current fellows are:
- 36% will practice 100% peds radiology
- 21% in mixed practice with >75% peds
- 18% in mixed practice with 50-75% peds
- 16% in mixed practice with 25-49% peds
- 9% in mixed practice with <25% peds
- Publications Committee –Dr. Ashok Panigrahy reported that the committee provides Oversight/monitoring of the journal, Publication statistics, financial data and oversees Quality/delivery problems, etc. The Committee conducts a Membership survey ( every 5-6 years) and is responsible for the Selection of Berdon Award papers and Certificates for Excellence in Reviewing Manuscripts (with N.A. editorial office)
- Walter E. Berdon Award - Best Clinical Research Paper 2012: Swanson JO, Vavilala MS, Wang J, et al. Association of initial CT findings with quality-of-life outcomes for traumatic brain injury in children. 2012; 42: 974 -981.
- Thomas L. Slovis Award - Best Basic Science Paper 2012: Tkach JA, Hillman NH, Jobe AH et al . An MRI system for imaging neonates in the NICU: initial feasibility study. 2012; 42: 1347-1356.
- Web editor report –Dr. Mary Wyers
- Unknown Case Winners:
- Attending category: Joan Zawin
- Fellow/trainee category: Shilpa Hegde
- Honorable mention:
- Stephen Miller & Greg Bates (attendings)
- Irene Sher & Mark Bittman (fellow/trainees)
- Growth of educational content on subspecialty pages
- Dr. Wyers further report that the website hosting company was being acquired and the merger would result tin major changes to the site.
- Finally, Dr. Wyers reported that Assistant Editor, Dr. Ben Taragin would serve as the new SPR Website editor and Dr. Amy Mehollin-Ray would serve as the new Assistant Editor.
- Research and Education Foundation Report - Coley
- Jack Haller Award – The 2013 award was given to Dr. Gary Hedlund. Dr. Haller’s widow, Dr. Ozzie Haller made gracious introductory comments.
- Heidi Patriquin Award – the 2013 awards went to:
- Regina Nava, MD, St. Luke’s Medical Center-Quezon City, Philippines
- Olubukola Abeni Omidiji, MBBS, University Of Lagos, Nigeria
- 2013 Grants –
- Fellow Award: “Assessment of the diagnostic quality and clinical value of pediatric imaging studies performed at non-specialist imaging centers and imported to the radiology PACS system at a pediatric teaching hospital” - Aisling Snow, MB BCh BAO, Boston Children’s Hospital
- Pilot Award : "Innovative Molecular and MR Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Pediatric Brain Tumors" Ashok Panigrahy, MD, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
- Seed Grants –
- "Liver Elastography as a marker for progressive hepatic disease and failing Fontan physiology" Daniel B. Wallihan, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
- "Pilot study of rapid multiparametric abdominal MRI in the diagnosis of pediatric appendicitis" Katharine L. Hopkins, MD, Oregon Health and Sciences University
- Early Knee Cartilage Changes in the Obese Child "Early Knee Cartilage Changes in the Obese Child" Nancy Chauvin, MD , The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
- ABR –Dr. Don Frushgave a detailed updated on the issues at the ABR. His full report is posted online.
- ACR – Dr. Kate Feinstein gave the ACR – SPR update:
- SPR Collaborative Guidelines and Practice Standards at ACR ACMLC
- 2012 – 16 approved
- 2013 – 20 approved
- 2014 – 12 planned
- Pediatric Radiologists in Leadership roles at the ACR
- David Kushner, Marta Hernanz-Schulman – Board of Chancellors
- Kimberly Applegate - Council Speaker
- Phil Lund – Council Steering Committee, completed term
- New ACR Fellows: Daniel Dessner, Debra Gervais, Marilyn Goske, Jennifer Lim-Dunham, Tina Young Poussaint, George Taylor, Gilbert Vezina
- ACR 2013 meeting registrants – SPR members: 25 Councilors/Alternate Councilors and 28 others.
Dr. Feinstein concluded her report by encouraging SPR members to become involved in the ACR for the good of the specialty and for better care for children.
- AAP – Cassady – Dr. Chris Cassady, the Head of the Section on Radiology at the AAP updated the members on the work of the AAP and the opportunities for SPR collaboration. He encouraged SPR members to join the AAP and greater radiology involvement.
- Call to ESPR– Dr. Rutger Jan Nievelstein invited SPR members to attend the upcoming ESPR meetings: ESPR 2013 (Budapest) and 2014 (Amsterdam)
- Call to SPR 2014 – Dr. Richard Barth called SPR members to attend the 2014 SPR meeting in Washington, DC (May 13-17, 2014) at the J.W. Marriott Hotel. The theme of the meeting will be “ The Pediatric Radiologist Consultant: Bridging Innovation and Patient Care.” Course directors will be Brian Coley, Peter Strouse and Shreyas Vasanawala. Workshop and Special Session coordinators will be Dr. Mary Wyers, Dr. Ashok Panigrahy and Dr. Sara Milla. Dr. Beth McCarville will chair the Poster Committee.
- Installation of 2013 - 2014 Officers - Dr. Sue Kaste congratulated Dr. Richard Barth on his election as President of the Society for 2013-14 and congratulated the incoming Officers and Board on their election.
Sue Creviston Kaste, DO, Board Chair
Richard Allen Barth, MD, President
Brian Douglas Coley, MD, President-Elect
James Scott Donaldson, MD, FACRFirst Vice President
Diego Jaramillo, MD MPH, Second Vice President
Christopher Ian Cassady, MD, Secretary
Molly E Dempsey, MD, Treasurer
Lisa Horton Lowe, MD, Director
Rafael Rivera, MD,Director
George Simpson Bisset III, MD, FACR, Director
Beverley Newman, MD, FACR, Director
Cynthia Karfias Rigsby, MD, FACR, Director
Edward Y. Lee, MD, MPH, Director
Peter Jackson Strouse, MD, FACR, Editor
Benjamin H Taragin, MD, Web Editor
Neil David Johnson, MD, Past President
Dorothy Isabella Bulas, MD, FACR, Past President
Donald Paul Frush, MD, FACR, Past President
Marta Hernanz-Schulman, MD, FACR, ACR Commission
Marilyn Joan Goske, MD, Image Gently Liaison
Robert C McKinstry, MD PhD, SCORCH Liaison
M. Ines Boechat, MD, FACR, WFPI Liaison
- Acknowledgments and Adjournment - Dr. Kaste thanked the Society members for their attention and, business completed, adjourned the 2013 business meeting of the members of The Society for Pediatric Radiology.