Minutes of the January 4, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting

In Attendance:

A quorum was present.

Bill Christy, Heidi Stewart, Suzannah Plemmons Justus, Patsy Brison, Ingrid Friesen, Tikkun Gottschalk, Alan Coxie, Cindy Holman, James Ellis, Peter Kanipe, Jason Peltz, Doug Tate, Mae Creadick and Lisa-Gaye Hall.

Approval of Minutes:

Minutes from the December 7, 2009 meeting were reviewed. There was discussion regarding a few corrections. On page 2 Ms. Brison noted that nominations to the General Practice Hall of Fame were made for Wood, Starnes and Davis provided they are not already admitted to the Hall of Fame. Ms. Stewart noted that on page 1 Jason Gast should be changed to Jason Peltz. There was discussion on page 2 of the minutes with regard to the Retiring Justice Policy. The committee clarified that the Retiring Judge Policy will not yet take effect and further vote has been tabled pending Ms. Stewart’s and Ms. Brison’s discussions with Judges Winner and Cash. Ms. Friesen moved for approval of the minutes as corrected, Ms. Holman seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:

Ms. Justus presented the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual statement. She noted that we have an excess in bar dues and will contact our bookkeeper to reconcile.

Ms. Stewart stated that she and Ms. Hall will be reviewing the state policy on delinquent dues and follow up with the committee at a later date.

Ms. Brison moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, Ms. Holman seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Committee Reports:

Pro Bono:

Mr. Ellis reported that we are planning to recognize Jennifer Foster at the next bar lunch for her outstanding work on Pro Bono Week.


Ms. Brison stated that there is nothing to report.

Task Force Reports:


Mr. Christy reported that he and Jennifer Foster are planning to offer a CLE for the February bar lunch on Vicarious Trauma. It will be a 2 hour video replay following a lunch speaker who was part of the original CLE. There will be no cost for the CLE for individuals who accept 2 MAVL cases from PLS; otherwise the cost is $75.

E-News and Communications:

Ms. Stewart informed the committee that she has been approached about placement of ads on our site. Our currently policy only covers Bar Briefs. The committee discussed that it may be inappropriate for a governmental agency to have ads on our site, and that we should at least avoid pop-up ads. Ms. Hall agreed to check with Totsie about the feasibility and cost of ads on our site.

Other Business:

Retiring Judge Portraits

The committee has decided to delay implementing the Retired Judge Policy until Ms. Brison and Ms. Stewart have reported back to the committee following their discussions with Judges Cash and Winner. Ms. Hall will check with the County Commissioner’s office regarding the placement of future portraits in the courthouse.

Financial Policy

Ms. Stewart reported that a committee will meet this Thursday regarding a policy and will report back to the committee at the next meeting.

General Practice Hall of Fame

The committee agreed Dick Wood will be our nomination. Mr. Tate agreed to submit the nomination.

Liberty Bell Award

The committee agreed Harry Martin will be our nomination for the Liberty Bell Award, due in two days. Ms. Stewart agreed to submit the nomination.

I. Beverly Lake Public Service Award

Alan Coxie nominated Jim Barrett for the I. Beverly Lake Public Service Award. Mr. Christy seconded and the motion carried unanimously. This award requires a photo of the nominee, his resume and several letters of recommendation. Ms. Creadick agreed to locate Mr. Barrett’s resume and a photo, and speak to Terry Van Duyn about a letter of recommendation. Ms. Friesen agreed to speak to Kerry Friedman about another letter of recommendation, and Ms. Justus agreed to ask Roy Davis for a letter.

Survive the Crash Video Replay CLE

Ms. Holman suggested we offer the bar a CLE replay. The committee discussed offering a few options for the CLE prior to the end of February 2010. Ms. Hall agreed to announce the CLE at the next bar lunch and in E-News. Ms. Holman agreed to reserve the location for the CLE. Ms. Friesen moved that the committee agree to offer the Bar video replays of the Survive the Crash CLE, Ms. Creadick seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Action Steps:

  1. Ms. Stewart and Ms. Hall will review the state policy on delinquent dues.
  2. Ms. Hall will check with Totsie about the feasibility and cost of ads on our site.
  3. Ms. Brison and Ms. Stewart will report back to the committee following their discussions with Judges Cash and Winner.
  4. Ms. Hall will check with the County Commissioner’s office regarding the placement of future retired judge portraits in the courthouse.
  5. Ms. Stewart will report back to the committee regarding a proposed financial policy.
  6. Ms. Stewart will submit the nomination of Harry Martin for the Liberty Bell Award.
  7. Mr. Tate will submit the nomination of Dick Wood for the General Practice Hall of Fame.
  8. For the nomination of Jim Barrett for the I. Beverly Lake Public Service Award, Ms. Creadick will locate Mr. Barrett’s resume and a photo, and speak to Terry Van Duyn about a letter of recommendation. Ms. Friesen will speak to Kerry Friedman about another letter of recommendation, and Ms. Justus will ask Roy Davis for a letter.
  9. Ms. Holman will coordinate the video replay for the Survive the Crash CLE, and Ms. Hall will announce the same in E-News and at Bar lunches.

Next Meeting:

The next regular EC meeting will be ______at ______.

There being no further information coming before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned. These minutes are respectfully submitted on the ___ day of ______, 20__.


M. Mae Creadick