HELD ON WEDNESDAY April 13, 2005
The following meeting notes are written for the use of IFA members only and represent the Chairman’s and the Secretary’s understanding of the current position and opinions expressed on the various topics discussed. They do not necessarily represent the opinion of either the IFA or the authors and should not be copied or reproduced without permission.
Brian PerryIFA
Graham HarrisIFA
Simon PlaceCranfield University
Frank FickeisenIFA & Consultant
John LaytonVirgin Atlantic
Cliff EdwardsShell Aircraft International
Ron YatesIFA
Norman CreveulMonarch Engineering
Frank JaureguiIFA
Phil HoseyConsultant
Thor JohansenBoeing
Jim McKennaCAA UK
John SaullIFA
Roger HollidayConsultant
In attendence:Tony Heather, CAA UK
Hazel Courteney, CAA UK
Frank Turner, Bob Davis, Chung Mak, Andrew McClymont, Alan Troughton, Jim Rainbow,
Simon Witts, Zhou Kaixuan
2.News of Members
Alan Troughton regrets that he is still unable to travel, his UAV report is given in Para. 5.6 below.
Andrew McClymont was attending an ICAO meeting at the time of the TC, his report is given in Para.6.1below.
Peter Udsen, CAA Denmark, is planning to attend the next TC meeting.
The Agenda, which had been distributed before hand was agreed. The Chairman announced that there would be four presentations during the day, covering EASA, Fuel System Safety, and FORCE. These are reported upon in the text of these minutes. The committee offered their thanks to all the presenters
3. MINUTES of MEETING 04/2 held on14th November, 2004 in Shanghai.
Acceptance of the Minutes of the last meeting was proposed by Frank Jauregui, seconded by Cliff Edwards.
4. MATTERS ARISING – None, other than those covered in the Agenda.
5.1 JSSI Steering Group, Action Plans Team, FAST and CAST liaison
The current activities of the JSSI Steering Group and Action Plans Team are reported on page 5 of the 2005 edition of the IFA NEWS. Andrew McClymont and Brian Perry will continue to participate in the JSSI Steering Group and Action Plans Team work and further reports will be provided as appropriate.
These activities are now established as a JAA entity, and are fully supported by EASA.
The JAA FAST (Future Aviation Safety Team) activity is also continuing successfully and is also is fully supported by EASA.
Action: Andrew McClymont/Brian Perry
5.2 JAA Human Factors Steering Group
During the transition from JAA to EASA the work of the Group will be continued under JAA leadership and they will provide progress reports to EASA. Under the new Group Chairman, M. Stephane Deharvengt of the French DGAC, revised Terms of Reference for the HFStG are being prepared. It is hoped that CAP 716 will become the base line for an EASA document. See also Para. 5.10 below. Action: John Saull/Cliff Edwards
5.3 2004 Annual U.S./Europe International Aviation Safety Conference
Andrew McClymont will be attending, on behalf of IFA, the 2005 Conference, which is to be hosted by EASA, in Cologne on 7-9 June and a full report will be provided later.
Action: Andrew McClymont
5.4 Single Engine IMC Commercial Operations (EASA and ICAO status)
Nothing further to report Action: Brian Perry
5.5 EASA update
Thor Johansen of Boeing gave a brief overview of the relationship of EASA to the top EU organisation, in particular to the EC’s Directorate for Transport and Energy (DG Tren). He also pointed out the potential problems which may arise due to the current very broad definition of what is meant by “repairs”
Jim McKeena gave a detailed presentation on the current status regarding EASA rules and regulations and their implementation at NAA level. It should be noted that the EASA Regulations on fees and charging (488/2005) comes into force on June 1st.
A copy of his presentation is available on a CD which can be obtained from the secretariat and it is strongly recommended that members, wishing to get up to date regarding the current position, should get hold of a copy of the CD.
Further information on the current EASA/JAA status will be provided in the IFA News as it becomes available.
Action: Andrew McClymont/Brian Perry
5.6 UAV update
Alan Troughton reports that Yves Morier has taken the responsibility for airworthiness of UAVs with him, from the JAA to EASA.
The current UK CAA policy regarding UAVs is given in CAP 722. Copies of this 29 page document may be obtain from the IFA secretariat.
Action: Alan Troughton
5.7 ECCAIRS update
This activity is continuing under EASA. A Working Group has been set up by JAA/EASA to prepare common methodology for the analysis, review and reporting of the vast amount of incident reports which will be gathered. This activity has just started and reports will be provided to members as soon as measurable progress has been made.
Action: Brian Perry
5.8 FAA CPS Implementation Update
Nothing further to report at this time. It is planned to provide an update for the next TC meeting
Action: Brian Perry
5.9 Fuel System Safety
Tony Heather, CAA-UK, who is working with EASA on this topic, gave a briefing on the current status of the joint FAA/JAA Fuel System Safety maintenance proposals. There are still differences between the FAA and EASA regarding implementation of these and full details are given on the UK CAA CD referred to in Para.5.5 above. Copies of this CD are available from the secretariat.
Members are again reminded that these proposals will affect not only new designs of aircraft but also aircraft currently in service.
5.10 RAeS Engineering Human Factors Group
The RAeS Engineering Human Factors Group is now in place under the chairmanship of Cliff Edwards. John Saull is also planning to attend the meetings of this Group. They are holding a conference at Bentley Priory, near Stanmore on18th October, with the theme of ‘Risk Taking and Rule Breaking’. Cliff Edwards will arrange for details to be circulated to members via the secretariat and for copies of the IFA White Paper on Extended Working Hours to be available at this conference.
It was also suggested that the IFA may wish to have a stand at this conference.
Action: Cliff Edwards/John Saull
5.11 FAA consultation documents.
Frank Fickeisen undertook to provide a list of new and relevant FAA documents for the next TC meeting.
Action: Frank Fickeisen
6.1 ICAO
As an Industry observer member of the AIRP, the IFA participates in AIRP working group meetings twice a year. John Saull, IFA Executive Director, is the nominated IFA member, but because of a clash of meeting dates with major IFA meetings in November 2004 and April 2005, so far the IFA attendance at AIRP meetings has been by Andrew McClymont, IFA VP Europe.
The present major task is a complete review and revision of the ICAO Airworthiness Manual (Doc 9760). It is intended to have the first complete draft revision ready for review at the November 2005 AIRP working group meeting. Subsequently there will be an amended version prepared for final review and comment and then submittal to a full Airworthiness Panel meeting in ICAO HQ Montreal.
The present draft document is still in internal preparation, and is not available for external distribution. However if any IFA members do make use of the present published version of the ICAO Airworthiness Manual, and wish to make a comment which might have a bearing on the draft version in preparation, please get in touch with Andrew McClymont, IFA VP Europe, who will be pleased to discuss any points raised.
Action: Andrew McClymont/All Members
6.2 Flight Safety Foundation ICARUS Committee
John Saull is planning to attend the next meeting scheduled for 26th April and his report will be circulated as soon as it is available.
Action: John Saull
6.3 Aerospace North America (ANA)
Consideration is being given to the IFA being involved (papers and/or stand) at the ANA organised conference and exhibition in Hartford CT from September 19th to 23rd, 2005. This will address Safety and Security, Making Technologies Work and Doing Business Better. ICAO have already announced their intention of being involved with this conference.
Action: John Saull/Brian Perry.
Note: Since this meeting it has been decided not to attend this exhibition as the expenditure can probably be more productive by attendance at a major MRO event.
This has now been published and given a very wide circulation. There has been a very positive response both from IFA members and, via the secretariat, from other organisations. It is suggested that the authors follow up on these as and when appropriate.
Action: Frank Jauregui/Phil Hosey
Would all members also please keep Frank and Phil informed of enquiries for, and any reactions to the paper.
Action: All Members
It was agreed that the topic of the paper would provide an excellent basis for a future IFA
workshop. This to be reconsidered at the next TC in the light of feed back obtained at that time.
Frank Fickeisen has agreed to attend, on behalf of the IFA, a Transport Canada organised, Fatigue Conference, to be held in Seattle on September 11-15. Again it is proposed that copies of the IFA White Paper be made available to the delegates, possibly via the organisers in the ‘conference bag.’
Action: Secretariat/Frank Fickeisen
8. IASS 2005 CONFERENCE – Moscow, RUSSIA, 2005
IFA Members participated in the recent agenda selection meeting and 27 papers were chosen from
the 86 abstracts offered.
The Moscow conference is scheduled for November 7-9 but at the time of writing the exact location is not known. Details will be circulated to all members as soon as theses are confirmed by the FSF.
8.1 IFA Workshop Arrangements
Since these were so successful in Shanghai, it is planned run the same two, IFA organised, workshops in Moscow. The SMS workshop will be run by Cliff Edwards of Shell, and the workshop on the Global Structure of Aviation Safety Initiatives by Frank Fickeisen.
Subsequent to the TC meeting, this was agreed by the EC. Details will be advised as soon as available
Action: Cliff Edwards/Frank Fickeisen
9.1 JAA Organisation
For information, the current JAA organisational structure, at Hoofddorp, is given in Attachment 1.
9.2 Presentation by Dr. Hazel Courtney, UK CAA
This presentation covered the work of the newly formed Flight Operations Research Centre of
Excellence (FORCE). This is based at Cranfield University with the aim of providing a centre
where the problems of human error associated with flight operations can be investigated.
Currently the work is ‘sponsored’ by the UK CAA, Cranfield, EPSRC and GAPAN.
They are planning to extend the activities to include other operational aspects, including
maintenance and repair, and in this context it is proposed to discuss possible IFA involvement
with Hazel.
Action: Brian Perry/John Saull
Copies of the presentation are available from the secretariat.
Subsequent to the meeting, Phil Hosey has informed Hazel on how to obtain a copy of WATOG –
World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary.
9.3 Future IFA Activities
During the meeting some discussion was held relative to where the Technical Committee should direct its future activities. It was proposed, and agreed at the subsequent EC, that we should again think about possible representation and/or involvement in one or more of the many international MRO conferences which take place.
All members are asked to consider this and advise, via the secretariat, regarding any suitable MRO conferences of which they become aware, for consideration at the next TC meeting.
Action: All Members
This will take place on Sunday November 6th in Moscow. Details of location and time will be advised as soon as available.
Please note that, following discussion at the EC, this is date is changed from that proposed at the TC Meeting
Attachment 1. Current JAA Organisation