Minutes of the Home in Frome AGM Wednesday 16th Nov. 2011
Present: Jacqueline Peverley, Helen Ottaway, Howard Vause, Annabelle McFadyen, Barry Cooper, Gill Harry, Sonja Harris, Sheila Gore, John Beeching, John Payne, Pauline Davey, Alison Vas
Welcome:Sheila, as Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially Robert Golden and Tina and visitors from Bridport and Shepton Mallet.
Apologies:Brenda Bannister, Hilary Clarke, Sue Bucklow, Alan Yeates
Minutes of the previous AGM: these were read out and were agreed and signed by the Chair as a correct record of that meeting.
Matters Arising from the Minutes: None
Presentation of Annual Reports:
The following reports – attached separately - were presented.
A a. The Chair’s Report, given by Sheila, introduced the other reports
- b. The Secretary’s Report was given by Gill.
- c. Project Reports: reports of the following projects were given, accompanied by a sequence of film and stills put together for the occasion by Howard*.
c1. Jumble Sale report was given by Gill
c2. Shop talk report was given by Helen (on behalf of Niamh)
c3. Carnival was given by Annabelle
c4. Frome Aloud report was given by Sonja (on behalf of Sonja and Jaqueline)
c5. Workers of Frome Book report was given by John
c6. Celebration Workshop report was given by Annabelle
d. The Treasurer’s Report was given by Helen, on behalf of John Beeching.
Adoption of Reports and Annual Accounts: these were agreed and the accounts signed by the Chair.
Election of Officers -
PostCandidateNominated bySeconded by
- ChairSheila GoreJacqueline PeverleyAnnabelle MacFadyen
- Vice-chairNot filled
- TreasurerNot filled
- SecretaryGill HarryJacqueline PeverleyHelen Ottaway
- Committee Members
Howard VauseJohn PayneHelen Ottaway
Sonja HarrisSheila GoreGill Harry
Louise Bastable*Gill HarryJacqueline Peverley
Jacqueline PeverleySonja HarrisGill Harry
John has needed to stand down from the committee, as he is now being paid.
Louise Bastable is not able to be involved, due to new baby.
Alison Vas and Pauline Davey stated their interest in joining the Committee and will be invited to the next Committee meeting on December 12th.
The subsequent Committee for the year is:
Howard VauseJohn PayneHelen Ottaway (Co-ordinator)
Sonja HarrisSheila GoreGill Harry
Jacqueline PeverleySonja HarrisGill Harry
Alison Vaas
Pauline Davey
Setting of date of next AGM: Wed 14th November 2012 was proposed and agreed.
A.O.B. John Payne invited others to join him in a trip to Bath to visit mummers’ performances
Closing Remarks from The Chair: Sheila Gore thanked everyone for their attendance and support.
- Additional TV footage and photographs were also on display.