Minutes of the Galway Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Serving the Galway Central School District
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Members Present: Arlene Rhodes, Jim Hodsoll, Ed Pike, Fred Baily, Phyllis Keeler, Mary Lynn Kopper, Kevin Hertzel, Margie Prasek. Absent: Sue Stewart. Also present: Library Director Regina Doi.
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Arlene Rhodes at 6:55 pm.
Mary Lynn made a motion to approve the minutes of 3/30/13. Margie made a motion to approve the minutes of 4/1/13 and 4/3/13. All three motions were seconded and carried.
Treasurer's Report: - Report is on file for audit.
Mary Lynn made a motion to approve the check register, petty checking, petty cash, and purchase orders. The motion was seconded and carried.
Library Director's Report: Report is on file.
- Jim will accompany Regina to the SALS annual dinner meeting, May 20.
- Regina is working on a grant application with Alyson Bingham of the Support Our Schools program. Regina was instructed to use our last long-range plan (2009) and note that a new one is in progress.
- Rocking horse - Regina, Dusty Rhodes, and Benno Kollegger created a wooden rocking horse as a fund raiser. Margie and Regina will word the documents used for the publicity for this.
- Margie will call a Personnel Committee meeting asap.
- Discussion: Once a month, September – June, shall we pay for a substitute for two hours to allow Regina to attend the Glenville Hills Garden Club functions as a member and library representative. (The vote for this was deferred until the next meeting.)
- There was a discussion regarding the summer programs. Questions were raised as to what PR is being done and it was suggested that any programs not be held at the same time as the youth recreation commission summer programs.
Friends of the Library Report:
Margie gave the report from the last Friends meeting. The discussions centered on the June 11, 2013, wine tasting fundraiser. Margie will check with the Friends regarding arranging for another worker (other in addition to Sharyn Kalinkewicz and Ruth Gerardi) for the upcoming Library budget vote.
Standing Committees:
Buildings and Grounds - Dusty and Tim repaired the holes in the driveway and removed the snow barriers. Ed is reviewing possibilities for a redesign of the current office space in the Library. He also suggested we should be thinking about ways to make the outside and the inside of the Library visually more appealing. It was mentioned that Dick Sleeper would be glad to do painting jobs. Cameron McDonald (an Eagle scout) would like to do his Eagle project by fixing up the front area around the sign. He will be approaching the Board with a plan.
Unfinished Business:
- Policies:
Mary Lynn made a motion to accept the Purchasing Policy as it is now written. The motion was seconded and carried. Margie made a motion to accept the Ethics policy as it is has been amended. The motion was seconded and carried. Margie made a motion to accept the Protocol policy as amended. The motion was seconded and carried. All policies will be kept in a separate binder in the library. Phyllis made a motion to get policy binders for everyone. There was a second, but the motion was defeated as the opinion was that Board members could make their own binders if they wished. Once Sue has signed the policies, Regina will make copies for all board members.
- Library Newsletter: Fred mad a motion to accept the 2nd revision of the president's letter, now letter from the Board, for the Library Newsletter as amended. Motion was seconded and carried.
- Attorney Ben Gailey's legal opinion: Mary Lynn made a motion for the Library to accept Ben Gailey's legal opinion (on file) that we do not need to hold a permissive referendum, nor is one permitted, for purchasing the land as we had previously planned. The motion was seconded and carried.
- Jim spoke with Kyle Donnan about whether he would be willing to move his driveway, adjacent to the Dockstader property. Kyle is not opposed, but he would like an exchange of land in return. Margie made a motion to decline Kyle's suggested land swap at the present time. The motion was seconded and carried. Jim will contact Kyle with our decision.
- Jim asked us to clarify what the long-term plan is for the Dockstader property. Answer: We do not know at this time.
New Business:
- Ed made a motion to purchase the recommended Kohler Santa Rosa toilet for the library ($278.00). He will install it. The motion was seconded and carried.
- Jim made a motion to decline the offer made by Attorney Gailey to contact the Village Board and to offer his assistance for amending the zoning regulations needed for a library on the Michalski property. The motion was seconded and carried. Regina will contact Mr. Gailey by email concerning this decision.
- Jim made a motion to accept Attorney John Sutton's offer (on file) to obtain an estimate for title insurance for the Michalski property and to perform all the legal work connected with the purchase of the property. The motion was seconded and carried. It was suggested that we give John Sutton the option to be paid for his services and to reinforce that we do not wish him to step back. It was decided that we will not wait for Sue to return and that Mary Lynn and Arlene will hand deliver a letter to John concerning the above, with copies to all Board members.
- Margie made a motion that Arlene and Mary Lynn act as Library representatives and visit the neighbors of the Michalski property and talk to them about the land purchase and plans to build a new library, as requested by the Village Board. The motion was seconded and carried. Arlene will contact Mayor Hyde to find out how many neighbors they should contact.
- Margie made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Story Quilt committee that Jim Best’s application for the summer ceramics program be approved. The motion was seconded and carried.
- Jim made a motion to appoint an ad hoc committee to study fund raising and fund development methods. The members of this committee would include Marsha Boelio, Alyson Bingham, Phyllis Sleeper, Julie Pasieka, Jennifer Wetmore, Linda Jackowski, Laura Sakala and Board members Phyllis Keeler, Mary Lynn Kopper, and Arlene Rhodes. The motion was seconded and carried.
- Fred's time line: There will be a meeting with the Village Board on May 7, 2013, to review the work that has been done on the Michalski property, including the architectural feasibility study. Only a few of the Board members need to be present at the meeting with the Village Board. We should go ahead with our workshop meeting on May 1, 2013, and plan for the presentation to the Village Board.
- Meeting/contacting Ben Gailey - Sue has been the contact person up till now. Jim made a motion that any contact with Mr. Gailey be first approved by the Board. The motion was seconded and carried.
- NY State Construction Grant - We should try to move the purchase date of the land to July 1, 2013, so that we can take advantage of the grant. Arlene suggested that we inform the Michalskis that the necessary approvals for building a new library on the East Street site may not be received from the Village before June 30, 2013, when our option to purchase the property expires. We may need to request an extension of the option. Further discussion of this will be postponed till after the May 7 meeting with the Village Board. Jim made a motion to appraise the Michalskis of these issues meanwhile. The motion was seconded and carried. Jim and Arlene will go to see them before May 1. Arlene said that the Dockstader Trust is also willing to work with us if it is necessary to change the date of purchase.
Arlene read a section from the Trustees Handbook concerning the Open Meetings Law. We must be sure to give the public full notification of all our meetings at which a quorum would be present. All decisions must be made in full public view. At present we are in compliance with our current system of notifications. Margie will make a flyer stating the schedule of board meeting dates and times to be put up outside the Library.
As Margie will be vacating her position on the Board effective June 30, notification of the vacancy should be put on the Library Bulletin Board.
With no further business to address, Arlene declared the meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, May 1, 2013, at 7 p.m. The meeting with the Village Board will be Tuesday, May 7, 2013.
Margie Prasek
Secretary, Galway Library BOT