Held 10th February 2015, 8pm at the Parish Office, Sixpenny Handley.

Item / 80 / Action By
Public Open Session
One present regarding Pentridge Village Hall.
393 / Attendance
Cllr Stephanie Court (Chairman)
Ros Adams
Jenny Gordon
Penny Mansergh
Cllr Simon Meaden
Paul Styles
Jenny Chapman has tendered her resignation with immediate effect.
394 / Declarations of Interest
395 / Account Balances
Jenny Gordon ran through the Waistcoat Festival additional expenditure for the Commemorative Wheel and Plaque.
Members provided with up to date balances;
·  Community Fund £2517.31
·  Waistcoat Festival £2423.23
396 / Sixpenny Sessions Income & Expenditure
·  Phil Beer event postponed from 6th Feb to 21st February.
·  Members discussed purchasing a laminator for the Parish Office for use by the Community.
·  Penny Mansergh to claim printing expenses.
397 / Postcard & Book Sales
Members discussed how to raise the profile to increase sales. Details will be included on Waistcoat Festival Facebook page.
398 / Pentridge Village Hall Disabled Access
Members resolved to delay decision to consider funding until further investigation of other funding opportunities.
399 / Correspondence
400 / Next Meeting
To be confirmed.

Meeting Closed 9:06pm

These minutes are to be signed by the Chairman after approval at the next Full Parish Council Meeting.

Signed:…………………………………………………………………………………………… 26th February 2015

C:\Users\David Goodwin\Desktop\Google Drive\Sixpenny Handley\Minutes\Minutes COMMUNITY FUND 100215.doc