5. Animal Health and Safety
Children learn about the natural world, it’s animals and other living creatures, as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, therefore at Dinton Pre-School we believe it is important to have animals present for children to care for and interact with.Caring for pets also gives children the opportunity to learn how to be gentle and responsible for others. We aim to ensure that this is in accordance with sensible hygiene and safety controls.
Animals in the setting as pets
We carry out a risk assessment accounting for any hygiene or safety risks posed by the animal or creature, including considerations for children with allergies.
We provide suitable housing for the animal or creature and ensure this is cleaned out regularly by the manager and is kept safely.
oSuitable Personal protective Equipment (PPE) is used when cleaning out animals
We ensure the correct food is offered at the right times.
- The manager lives on site, therefore ensure the health of all pets during the holiday periods.
We register with the local vet and take out appropriate pet care health advice.
We make sure all vaccinations and other regular health measures, such as de-worming are up-to-date.
- Pets are not allowed near food preparation surfaces, near food or near kitchen equipment, if animals are placed on tables, the tables are appropriate cleaned afterward.
Children are taught correct handling and care of the animal or creature and are supervised.
Children and staff wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer after handling the animal or creature and do not have contact with animal soil or soiled bedding.
If animals or creatures are brought in by visitors to show the children they are the responsibility of the owner.
The school carries out a risk assessment prior to the visit, detailing how the animal or creature is to be handled and how any safety or hygiene issues will be addressed.
- Adult:ratios will be increased as necessary to ensure the safety of the animals and the children in the setting.
- The guinea pigs, chickens, gerbils and fish are all owned by Alison Hope-Jones and are her responsibility at all times.
- Trixie, Pre-School sausage dog, is owned by Rachael Newman and she is responsible for her at all times. Trixie is to stay in the office when children are attending the setting, she may accompany a member of staff to visit the children during the school day if appropriate. Trixie is covered by suitable pet insurance.
Visits to farms
- Before a visit to a farm a risk assessment is carried out by the manager - this may take account of safety factors listed in the farm’s own risk assessment which should be viewed.
- The Outings and Visits Policy is followed in regard to adult:ratios and parent/carer consent.
- Adult:child ratios will be higher as per Dinton Pre-School policy
- We explain to the children that they will not be allowed to eat or drink anything or place their hands in their mouths, while visiting the farm because of the risk of infection and explain why
- We check that the farm has suitable washing facilities, appropriately signposted, with running water, soap and disposable towels or hot air hand dryers. Any portable water taps should be appropriately designed in a suitable area
- After contact with animals and particularly before eating and drinking, we will ensure all children, staff and volunteers wash and dry their hands thoroughly.
- Hand washing will be supervised. We will always explain why the children need to do this
- Meals, breaks or snacks will be taken well away from the areas where animals are kept and children will be warned not to eat anything which has fallen on the ground.
- Outdoor footwear and clothing worn to visit farms are cleaned of mud and debris and should not be worn indoors.
With regard to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (and all legislation made under it) the Wiltshire Council Environmental Health Officer has reviewed our risk assessment and control of infectious diseases from animals and considers them “sufficient for the size and nature of the activities on our premises.”