Caring for the Community

Minutes of the Full Council Meetingheld on

Monday 25 July2016, Council Chamber,

Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre, Croesyceiliog.

Present: C Cllr R G Clark(Chair)Cllr C Crick

C Cllr Mrs V CrickC Cllr N Davies

Cllr D DewarCllr C Evans

Cllr S MatthewsCllr A Rappell

Cllr E SilcoxCllr G Welsh

Ms Ceri Mortimer, Clerk to the Council / RFO / Proper Officer

Mrs Catherine Hillier, Administrator

23. / Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr S O’Dobhain, Cllr M Price, Cllr B Rosser, Cllr W Steiner
23. / Declarations of Interest
Cllr N Davies declared an interest in Minute No’s. 15(i) and 15(ii) - TCBC Planning Applications.
Cllr C Crick and Cllr Mrs V Crick declared an interest in 5.2 Matters Arising from the Minutes of Meeting 27.06.16 Minute No. 20.2.
Cllr S Matthews declared an interest in Agenda Item 7.2 Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre Updates
24. / TCBC Corporate Plan 3 and Budget Presentation
The Torfaen Officer was not in attendance and the item could not be considered.
25. / Chairman’s Announcements
  • Children’s Play Park at Woodland Road:
-The refurbishment of the park was completed and in use from 25 July 2016.
-Commencement of the painting of the wall mural and painting of the park fence is to be confirmed with the Artist at Llantarnam Grange and the donating family.
-Date of Official Opening Event in August to be confirmed by the Clerk to the Council.
RESOLVED: Members noted the update.
  • Welfare Rights Advice Project:
The weekly free and confidential advice on Welfare Benefits and other assistance will commence in the Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre on Wednesday 27 July 2016.
RESOLVED: Members noted the commencement of the service.
  • Torfaen Museum Trust::
-The Museum Trust Membership Forms were circulated to Members.
-Members noted the removal of the Croesyceiliog sign for restoration.
RESOLVED:Contributions to the cost of the restoration to be considered by individual Members.
  • Ramblers Cymru – Paths for People:
Members received the leaflet “Paths for People” a guide to public paths for members of town and community councils.
RESOLVED: An invitation to be extended to the Torfaen County Borough Council Rights of Way Officer to a future meeting of the Full Council.
  • Bron Afon Community Hub:
Cllr R G Clark (Chair) and Cllr V Crick are invited to attend a meeting with Bron Afon Community Housing Association on Friday 29 July 2016 to discuss proposals for the Community Hub.
RESOLVED: Members noted the initiative and the forthcoming meeting.
26. / Minutes
26.1 / Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 27.06.16 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.
26.2 / Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting 27.06.16
(i)Minute No 16(iv) Proposed amendment to state “verbal update”.
RESOLVED: Approved
Cllr C Crick and Cllr Mrs V Crick declared an interest in the next item and left the Chamber, thus playing no part in the ensuing discussions.
(ii)Minute 20.2 Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre
Members considered the proposal by Jonathan Rhodes, Accountant, to donate his fee for work on the Trust accounts to the Mayor of Torfaen’s Charity Fund.
RESOLVED: Members welcomed and approved the donation of £100 in lieu of fees.
Cllr C Crick and Cllr Mrs V Crick returned to the meeting.
27. / Current Financial Situation as at 20/07/16
(i)Balance of Funds
The current balance of funds document was received, approved and signed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman as an accurate record.
Members considered the proposal that the WRSSC Working Party meet on Tuesday 2 August 2016 to consider setting budget heads and resources.
RESOLVED:Members approved the proposal.
(ii)Bank Reconciliation Statement
The reconciliation document was received, approved and signed by a non-signatory Member as an accurate record subject to the amendment of the document date to 20.07.16.
(iii) Bank Statements
Bank statements No’s 545 and 546 were received, approved and signed by a non-signatory Member as an accurate record.
(iv) Change of Bank Account
Members received a verbal update by the Chair and noted a written report will be provided to the Full Council meeting 26 September 2016. Members also noted the previously agreed separate Chairman’s Account for the provision of additional grants to local clubs and voluntary organisations over and above those provided in the Annual Grants.
RESOLVED: Members approved the account and the Chair to seek clarification by the Chief Monitoring Officer.
(v)Co-operative Bank Financial Services Compensation Scheme
RESOLVED: Members noted the Scheme.
(vi) Model Financial Regulations
Members considered the review of the One Voice Wales recently released Model Financial Regulations for Community and Town Councils to adopt being undertaken by the Clerk.
RESOLVED: Members noted the review and the adherence of the Council to the current Financial Regulations adopted May 2016 until the Clerk’s presentation to Council in September 2016.
28. / CLCC Projects
28.1 / CLCC Project Summary July 2016:
Members received the summary document and received a proposal to install a loop system in the Oak Room at Woodland Road Sports and Social Centre
RESOLVED: Members noted the cancellation of the Business Planning Committee Meeting 19 July 2016. Members further noted the recommencement of projects to be considered at the September meeting of the Business Planning Committee.
Members noted the photograph of the wild flower meadow at Cwmbran Boating Lake Car Park funded by the CLCC.
28.2 / Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre Updates:
(i)Valuation and Leasing Agreement:
Members received a verbal update by the Chair.
RESOLVED: Members noted the forthcoming valuation of the Social Club premises by Messrs Nuttall Parker, Estate Agents.
Members were informed of the Chair’s meeting with Jacky Rue previously the Community Halls Officer for Torfaen County Borough Council, and the proposal for her to work on going forward i.e. franchising, leasing etc.
RESOLVED: Members noted the proposal and approved the consideration of the Consultancy and fees by the Chair and the WRSSC Working Party for final ratification by Full Council.
(iii)Financial Accounts:
Members noted the Accounts April – June 2016.
(iv)Members discussed the repayment to SSE in respect of utility charges to the Trust up to 31 March 2016 authorised by the Chair. Members noted the installation of additional utility meters.
RESOLVED: Members ratified the payment of £3,000 to SSE.
(v)Members discussed action for remaining overdue payment demands to the Trust.
RESOLVED: Members approved the settlement of all outstanding Trust debts.
29. / CLCC Business Plan 2013-2017
This item was deferred to the September meeting of Full Council.
C Mortimer declared an interest in the next item and left the Chamber, thus playing no part in the ensuing discussions.
30.1 / CLCC Personnel
Clerk’s Six Monthly Probationary Review
Members received a verbal report by the Chair on the review and agreed set objectives to be reviewed in six months. The Clerk was confirmed as a permanent employee of the Council.
RESOLVED: Members noted the report.
C Mortimer returned to the Chamber.
31. / Gwent Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) Mr Jeff Cuthbert
(i)Police & Crime Priorities/Objectives:
Members received and considered the priorities/objectives outlined by the PCC Mr Jeff Cuthbert.
RESOLVED: Members agreed to further consider the priorities/objectives and advise the Clerk prior to the meeting of 7 September 2016.
(ii)Joined Up Working:
Members considered the invitation from the PCC to the Chair and two representatives to attend a meeting on 7 September 2016 at Forgeside Community Centre.
RESOLVED: Members noted the invitation and agreed the CLCC attendees as, Cllr R G Clark (Chair), Cllr D Dewar (V Chair) and Cllr Mrs V Crick. Reserve Members were agreed as, Cllr Ellie Silcox and Cllr S Matthews.
32. / One Voice Wales
32.1 / Larger Councils Conference 6 July 2016
Members received and considered the Clerk’s report.
RESOLVED: Consideration to be given by Business Planning Committee in October to the project of the election of two youth representatives to the Council following receipt of guidance from One Voice Wales in September.
32.2 / Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth – 13 March 2017
Members considered the communication.
RESOLVED: Members noted the event agreed to support through Cwmbran Community Council.
32.3 / Sustaining Welsh Communities Conference 26 September 2016
Members noted the attendance of the Chair and Clerk to the Council.
RESOLVED: Clerk to ascertain how many Members can attend and advise accordingly.
33.1 / Welsh Government (WG)
WG: Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill and Explanatory Memorandum
(i)Local Government Review Programme
Members received and noted the WG communication.
(ii)Welsh Government Written Statement by Mark Drakeford, Cabinet Secretary for Finance & Local Government Re. Local Elections and Electoral Arrangements
Members received, considered and noted the Statement.
(iii)Mark Drakeford – Plans for Welsh Tax Powers
Members noted the WG Plans.
34. / Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
Members received the Statutory Guidance.
RESOLVED: Members noted the Guidance and agreed to liaise through TCALC and link into the Business Planning Committee re implementation as a Council.
35. / Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) Latest News – Welsh Government Announces its First Year Legislative Programme (Published 5 July 2016)
Members received and noted the information.
36. / Ombudsman for Wales Annual Report 2015/16
Members received and noted the report.
37. / Torfaen County Borough Council Planning Applications
22.2 / 16/P/01012/HH PROPOSED :Two storey rear extension AT:11 Chapel Lane, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran NP44 2ND
RESOLVED: Members noted the application and there were no objections.
22.3 / 16/P/01053/HHPROPOSED: Proposed conservatory AT:111 Ashford Close North, Croesyceiliog Cwmbran NP44 2BL (Documents previously circulated by email)
RESOLVED: Members noted the application and there were no objections.

The Meeting Closed at 8.45pm

SIGNED: ______DATED:______


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