Bradwell Parish Council Minutes, 2016/17 Year. Page 10
Minutes of the internal Annual Meeting of Bradwell Parish Council
held on Monday 16th May 2016 at 7:30 pm at
Bradwell Parish Council Office, 21 Glovers Lane, Heelands, Milton Keynes
Members present:
Councillor James Alexander (Chairman)
Councillor Marie Bradburn
Councillor Robin Bradburn
Councillor David Evans
Councillor Leon Gilpin
Councillor Jenny Jones
Also attended: Harold Atkins, parish clerk/RFO and June Bryant, administrative officer.
1 Election of a Chairperson for the year May 2016 to May 2017
Cllr James Alexander was proposed by Cllr Jenny Jones and seconded by Cllr Robin Bradburn. There were no other nominations and this proposal was agreed by all members present.
RESOLVED: That Cllr James Alexander be elected chairman for the forthcoming year.
2 Election of a Vice Chair for the year May 2016 to May 2017
Cllr Leon Gilpin was proposed by Cllr Marie Bradburn and seconded by Cllr James Alexander.
There were no other nominations and this proposal was agreed by all members present.
RESOLVED: That Cllr Leon Gilpin be elected vice-chair for the forthcoming year.
3 Members’ Declarations of Acceptance of Office.
All members present signed in the presence of the proper officer (clerk) who witnessed them.
4 Apologies for absence. Received from Councillors Rose Davy and Rex Exon.
5 Disclosures of Interest. None disclosed.
6 Register of Members’ Interests
All members who were present completed and signed their Register of Members’ Interest forms.
7 Code of Conduct
A copy of the Council’s revised Code of Conduct, based on the template from the National Association of Local Councils, had been distributed to all members
8 Minutes
The minutes of the business meeting held on 25th April 2016 were approved as a true record by all members present, and signed as a true record by the chairman.
RESOLVED: That the Council approve the minutes of the meeting held on 25th April 2016.
9 Vacancies for Parish Councillors
The Parish Council elections saw eight candidates returned unopposed, with two vacancies: one in Heelands and one in Bradwell Common. Notices had been displayed in parish notice boards for the last 20 days with no result. Members agreed to advertise the vacancies in the forthcoming newsletter due for distribution in June.
10 Parish Council Boundaries
The clerk distributed a paper showing the boundaries of Bradwell Parish Council with the names of the neighbouring parishes marked. Also included was a map of all the parish, town and community councils and parish meetings throughout Milton Keynes.
11 Review of Committees or working parties
11.1. Review. After discussion, Cllr Robin Bradburn proposed that a new Personnel Working Party be set up. (A Working Party does not have delegated powers so all recommendations have to be submitted to full Council for ratification). This was seconded by Cllr Leon Gilpin and agreed by all members present.
11.2. Membership. Councillors Alexander, Gilpin, Jones and Marie Bradburn were elected to form the Personnel Working Party.
12 Standing Orders
The draft Standing Orders had been slightly revised from those in use since 2012. The chairman proposed that item 7b be deleted as it was uncertain whether a Code of Conduct course would be available within six months of a member joining the Council. This was seconded by Cllr Lean Gilpin and agreed by all.
RESOLVED: To approve the Standing Orders (revision of May 2016) with the exception of clause 7b. (Code of Conduct training period)
13 Financial Regulations
All members present agreed to the adoption of Bradwell Parish Council revised Financial Regulations (May 2016)
RESOLVED: To approve the revised Financial Regulations 2016.
14 To review the Council’s inventory of Lands and Assets
The Schedule of Assets as at 31 March 2016 was approved by all members present and signed by the chairman as a true record.
15 To review the Council’s Complaints Procedure
The Complaints Procedure was adopted in 2013 and members felt no need to revise it. It was further adopted for the 2016-2020 Council.
16 To appoint Mr Julian Vischer as Internal Auditor for 2016-2017
Members agreed to appoint Mr Julian Vischer, who is clerk/RFO to five parishes, as Internal Auditor for the year 2016-2017.
Appointments to Outside Bodies
17 Bradwell Memorial Hall Trustees
All councillors agreed that Cllr James Alexander should continue as the Parish Council’s representative on the Bradwell Memorial Hall committee. He is already a trustee of the Memorial Hall.
18 To appoint councillors to represent the Council on Outside Bodies in 2016-17.
Councillors were nominated and elected unanimously, as follows:
a) MK Parishes Forum: Councillors Leon Gilpin and Jenny Jones.
b) MK Association of Local Councils: Councillors James Alexander and Robin Bradburn.
c) Bradwell Sports & Social Club: Councillor Robin Bradburn
d) Bradwell Common Community Centre: Councillor David Evans.
19 Bradwell Charities
19.1. Presentation. The clerk presented a history of Bradwell Charities and the changing boundaries of parishes in which the Charities work. He also gave details of the current organisation and procedures.
19.2. Staff Organisation. The Parish Council office staff were authorised to continue to perform Bradwell Charities duties, where necessary, within paid Council time.
19.3. New Bradwell and Stantonbury Parish Councils. The clerk was authorised to write to New Bradwell Parish Council to request that they organise the deliveries of Bradwell Charity Christmas awards within their parish and also update the Charity lists in their area. The same will also apply to Stantonbury parish if the existing delivery arrangements cease to exist.
19.4. Request to have all of the current boundary of Bradwell Parish included within the Bradwell Charities operating boundary. The clerk was authorised to write to the Charity Commission to request that the whole of the current boundary of Bradwell Parish be included with the Bradwell Charities operating area. (At present about 60% of Heelands, Bradwell Abbey and a few houses in Bradwell Common are not in Bradwell Charities’ original area.
19.5. Election of Bradwell Parish Council Trustees:
a) Bradwell Parish direct trustees: Cllr Marie Bradburn and Ms June Bryant (to serve on the Estate Trustees of the Revd James Hume, Bradwell Relief in Need and The Wylie Trust)
b) Trustees delegated by MK Council for appointment by Bradwell Parish Council:
I) Mr Danny Waite and Mr Harold Atkins (also to serve on the Estate Trustees, Bradwell Relief in Need and The Wylie Trust)
ii) Cllr Jenny Jones and a councillor from New Bradwell Parish Councillor (to serve on Bradwell Relief in Need and The Wylie Trust.)
20 Review of Parish Council subscriptions to other organisations
Councillors agreed to continue paying the following subscription in 2016-2010:
a) Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils (which also includes subscribing to the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and the LCR magazine.
b) Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils (organises local meetings)
c) The Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC)
d) Fields in Trust (formerly the National Playing Fields Association)
e) Milton Keynes Forum (the local Civic Trust based at Bradwell Abbey).
21 Review of Councillor Remuneration
Councillors present unanimously resolved not to receive any councillor remuneration for the year 2016-2017.
22 Arrangement of Meetings for 2016-2017
Councillors agreed to continue to an approximate three weekly interval between business meetings, except at budget time and excluding the Public Annual Electors’ Meeting. The chairman proposed that there should not be so long a break from July to September and that there should be a meeting in August, This was agreed and the clerk would amend the meeting dates accordingly. He would then send a draft list of dates to all members.
23 Bradwell Common Local Park Play Area
The deadline for the WREN submission precludes this matter being left to 6th June meeting.
It was proposed by Cllr Robin Bradburn and seconder by the chairman that:
i. Cllrs Davy, Alexander and Gilpin would work to complete the complex WREN submission.
ii. The amount requested from WREN is £50,000
iii. The Parish Council contribution will be £5,000 - £6,000
iv. The Council has budgeted £20,000 so it will be possible to add some more equipment or facilities.
RESOLVED: That all councillors present agree to the above items I, ii, iii and iv.
24 Planning
New Planning Applications (The Council is now strictly allowed 21 days to respond)
a) Ref. 16/00865/FUL – Conservatory to the rear of 3 Hunters Reach, Bradwell.
b) Ref. 16/01101/FUL – Demolition of porch and store and erection of a single storey front extension at 20 Summergill Court, Heelands.
No comments or objections were made.
25 Environmental and Community Matters
Cllr David Evans reported:
a) Rubbish is accumulating at the end of Stokenchurch Place, Bradwell Common. To be reported.
b) Can action be taken over obstruction caused by congestion in and around Abbey Road, Bradwell Village, near Bradwell Sports & Social Club resulting in the obstruction of roads and the redway that should be kept clear for emergency situations? Referred to the Club.
The business having been completed the chairman closed the meeting at 9:46pm.
Date ……………..…………………………2016