None- none
- I don't think there would be any
- None
- I do not see any disadvantages.
- I don't see any disadvantages.
- N/A
- It wouldn't effect me either way
- Not sure
- None
- n/a
- Nothing really
- n/a
- I can't think of any.
- Don't know
- For the parents, what to do with your child when there isn't school.
- Daycare on the day off.
- Finding daycare for school-aged students on the days off is going to be a big challenge. Daycare is currently a huge problem in Monroe City!
- Families with small children would require daycare on the off day.
- As a working parent, It would be difficult and expensive to find appropriate day care for my children for just one day. Day cares often charge a week even if your child is there one day.
- Babysitter for the extended school day after 3:05 (until Public dismissal)
- Arrangements for children whose parents work 5 days a week,
- Parents finding daycare
- Finding daycare for the 5th day.
- parents would have to get daycare for their younger children
- Hard on family trying to find daycare for another day, I am totally opposed to a 4 day week
- what am I going to do with my kids that 5th day, pretty sure I can ask for another day off. No daycare, all family works.
- finding child care for my children
- Added expense for people that have young kids that would require daycare.
- parents with younger children extra expense for daycare
- Daycare costs for families
- Interfering with parents work schedules.
- Daycare for kids in elementary
- Parents have to find a sitter and pay for it. I personally have 5 kids so that is an issue.
- I can see issues with daycare and too much idle time for the kids.
- childcare for off days,
- Daycare
- Additional costs of daycare would go up for working parents too.
- care for small children in off days
- For parents that work I feel it would be hard to find someone for childcare.
- Childcare for some, but not for me.
- Parents have jobs!
- If the school isn't open on Monday's many parents could have difficulty with daycare coverage for their younger students.
- what will I do with my kids on the day off while they aren't old enuff to be home alone.
- Daycare for younger children
- Most parents would have to find daycare for their children on these days and the cost of childcare for that one full day could cost parents the price of a full time spot. As a daycare provider as well I can see this causing issues. Monroe has a shortage of childcare anyway than needing full time spots one day a week would be almost impossible.
- day-care for parents
- Childcare is difficult to find for working parents who are unable to stay home one day a week.
- Be harder for parents who have to find daycare for that one day.
- Parents will need to plan day care.
- Parents work schedules
- daycare costs for young children on the day off as parent work weeks won't change
- difficulty obtaining supervised childcare- too much time for kids to run free.
- most businesses will not be able to accommodate a 4 day work week to correspond with the 4 day school week which will cause increase in daycare costs or more kids running the streets or staying home unsupervised.
- More need for daycare.
- Daycare expense
- Young kids finding day care.
- Daycare providers availability for children
- Children who are not provided proper care
- Cost if daycare for parents.
- Those who need childcare. I don’t, but it could be a problem for other parents.
- Finding someone for kids on the 5th day
- Another major disadvantage will be daycare of the younger students. Currently day care is a problem in our community. I would feel some parents would be forced to leave young children home alone and unsupervised.
- Daycare issues.
- Child care at home
- Also, I think it would be a challenge for the parents to find a daycare or babysitter for their children on that day there wouldn't be school.
- Babysitting issues/cost
- Some parents would have to pay more for daycare!
- Childcare for the one day may be an issue for some.
- Child Care expense would increase.
- Daycare
- Parents would have to find a babysitter for the kids in elementary school.
- Having to find a sitter for 1 day.
- Having to find child care for 1 day a week
- Daycare for younger children
- Could lead to parents having to pay for extra day of child care.
- Babysitting
- Parents that work will now have to find daycare for kids on Fri
- Childcare for ones in grade school
- finding daycare for school children
- Increased child care costs, availability of child care;
- Daycare
- Working parents with no family in the immediate area will struggle to find safe/reliable daycare
- Working families with no family in the immediate area would need to find reliable, safe daycare.
- Trying to find someone to watch the children on the Fridays.
- Daycare issues.
- I see a major expense of extra daycare and travel.
- Elementary age childcare
- Difficult for parents for childcare on day off.
- day care for those who need it. for my family no disadvantage.
- Child Care - a 5 day school week supports a 5 day work week.
- Parents finding care for their children.
- Parents having to pay for childcare for the 5th day of the work week.
- Childcare
- This may also cost more to the parents in the form of daycare on the Monday they would be off school. This is also the case for parents that may have to adjust work schedules to watch their children on the day off school
- More money in day care.
- Daycare costs.
- What will Fridays be like for young age kids? Monroe City does not have many babysitters.
- increased pressure on day care providers in an already over loaded market,
- Will need Childcare with work schedule,
- Harder for parents who work to find babysitter
- I expect it to be a burden on working parents to secure a safe environment for their kids (babysitter, etc)
- Child care/Supervision
- Finding childcare for 1 day. Monroe City lacks severely in day care providers.
- Increased cost of daycare expense for families who are already struggling.
- Daycare on the 5th day while parents work and more ideal time for kids.
- younger children needing child care
- Having to pay for extra daycare with same income.
- Varies from a work week and increases need for daycare services.
- This would disrupt long standing daycare and childcare plans for the whole community. It would be a burden on parents who depend on the school to be available 5 days a week and might cause some working parents to have to reduce work hours. This would be especially difficult on single parents.
- Parents having to pay more for daycare for younger children,
- Day care needs on the day off school could be an issue for a lot of folks, as daycare is scarce in Monroe City
- Will have to have somewhere for the kids to go during the off day while at work.
- Some parents would have to find childcare on the day off of school. Maybe that could be done withinthe school system.... childcare.
- childcare for young children
- Childcare issues
- The only potential disadvantage that I see is child care for working parents but that shouldn't be a concern of the school district.
- Child care for working people
- Just about everything. Finding babysitters for 100+ kids one day a week.
- and so will the financial burden you will be placing on low income families to find daycare on those days.
- Parents who work will have to make arrangements for childcare but it could be an opportunity for upper level students or student clubs could band together and provide daycare and earn extra money.
- Many parents will not like having to figure out child care for the extra day.
- Although many kids may have someone at home to supervise them, finding child care is going to be a huge problem for a lot of people. Those that don't need child care are going to have a lot of unsupervised children and even the most well-behaved kids don't have the reasoning and decision-making capabilities to keep them out of trouble or from making poor choices (safety) all of the time.
- also daycare could be an issue for younger children.
- childcare cost passed on to parents/grandparents for extra day
- Childcare will be difficult for some parents
- Child care on the '5th day' for working parents,
- An extra day parents have to find daycare.
- Day care one day a week for parents of young children. Very hard to find and has a great expense
- Little kids and parents not be able to find daycare
- Child will have to go to daycare if no school (not old enough to to stay home). Or the parents will work 4 days a week instead of 5.
- Also, the four day work week would have an impact on parents finding additional daycare which could cost the minimum wage earner undo hardship.
- child care costs
- Parents who work 5 days a week would have to find daycare for one day a week during the school year and probably have to pay for a full week to keep the space.
- Child care,
- younger children will be left home too young;
- Having to find and pay for daycare!
- *Difficulty finding childcare for working parents
- Monroe City being a small town must also take into consideration that a high percentage of the parents do work 5 days a week if not 6! And the child care in this town does not support the 4 days a week. Let’s keep our kids in 5 days a week
- Finding day care for young children.
- I have several concerns regarding the four day school week. First and foremost I don't feel it is in the best interest of the students or the parents in this district. Parents will be faced with the challenge of finding daycare or live with the worry of children being home alone as most have full time jobs. There are very few childcare providers in the community which means either the children will be home alone or grandparents will be called on to supervise.
- Childcare
- Daycare/childcare concerns on that extra day.
- Daycare is another issue I know some say the school is not a daycare provider but I feel that we are required as parents to send the children to school and most parents work 5 days a week so the students going 5 days a week makes it easier on families having routines. Not to mention Monroe city does not have many daycare providers and I know several students that are home alone at young ages that should not be after school right now so let them have a whole day. To me this will lead to more children getting into trouble.
- There may very well be an issue for the small kids requiring a sitter. Daycare spots will need to be juggled to handle them for that extra day. That also means an increased cost for parents. I saw where that was mentioned & it was listed as only about 22 days or so but that will still be a huge adjustment in family budgets.
- Daycare for younger students for working parents. Lack of daycare already a problem for Monroe.
- The majority of the people's lives run a 5 day work week and so should the school. A 4-day school week will put a hardship on parents. As a result there will be more kids staying at home by themselves and a daycare will need to be opened to accommodate for alot of the elementary children.
- parents having to find a sitter for their child or children which could be hard since there are not enough now & so many day cares don't want to take a child for one day a week & parents might not have family that could watch them for the day.
- Daycare will be a major issue for a lot of parents. I understand that the school is not a daycare but is some cases that is what it is. Added burden to those parents that both work and struggle to make ends meet will only mean that they will probably spend less time working with their children.
- Parents would need to find daycare, in which there isn't enough daycare providers in this area. Not all parents have their child's grandparents or relatives that live in the area to watch their children. There would be an added expense for these families.
- My work week will be effected.
- care for young kids on the day off
Extracurricular Impacts
- Coaches/athletes will start practice later, thus getting home later.
- Sports practices and club meetings pushed back even later, meaning more late nights of homework.
- Sporting practices will run later/students being dismissed early for games/meets will be missing more classroom time.
- transportation for athletic practices when no school,
- later days mean more sports/activity related interruptions so the students who have my class 6,7 hour will miss more in order to get to games etc. since most other schools around will still be doing 5 day weeks
- practices for Sports, etc would go even later into evening
- One more disadvantage would be transportation. For those middle & high school students who choose to participate in sports, transportation to practices on the "off school day" could be a major issue. How do coaches expect their under the age of 16 players to get to practice? I feel many students will have to drop out of sports due to their lack of transportation. In addition, would the school district still be able to hold sporting events on the "off day". After all, kids have to be in attendance on the day of an event in order to participate that evening.
- sports schedules affected.
- Negative impacts to extra curricular activities.
- Some extra curricular activities may be negatively impacted.
- Their evenings are also shortened each day for activities outside of school.
- My children are involved in multiple extra curricular activities. By the time they participate in open gym, have class, practice after school, wiz bowl, ffa, etc, it is already very late in the evening when they return home. I honestly cannot imagine how a longer school day would work for them.
- After school sports/extra curricular...how would the younger students make it to that one day of practice?
- I'm concerned about kids staying home by themselves on the Mondays we wouldn't have school. I feel like this may happen because parents won't want to pay for a babysitter for one day a week.
- lastly, if we are looking at a way to decrease financial burdens or just give our kids/teachers more time, I would rather see the extracurricular activities be lessened. To me, that's where most of the time goes.
- Working parents may have difficulty getting children to practices and picking them up,
- Possible longer days that would interfere with my kids' dance and cheer teams. Some practices are at 4pm in Hannibal. They compete so they spend a lot of time there. School is always number 1, but they have worked very hard for years to get where they are on the competition circuit
- I'm wondering if there will still be days that the students will have to be at school for practices and to work on projects when there is not a scheduled day.
- Harder for parents to be involved in the students activities. Students who play sports on Fridays would be more tired.
- disadvantage for out of town/rural kids for extracurricular activities;
- extra curricular, would the kids still have practice on day off, if not, less practice not good, would games and such still be scheduled on this day? If there is still a practice, kids with working parents, and cannot yet drive will struggle to make it to a midday practice. We don't all live in town, and right now my daughter doesn't have a close friend that also plays her sport, that she can stay with in town.
- Transportation becomes an issue as I'm certain there will continue to be school activities (practices) on those days off. Parents (or grandparents) will have to find ways for their children to get to school so that they can participate.
- Sports and practices
- On the days of a sporting event athletes would have to leave and possibly miss two class periods.
- Missed school time d/t participation in extra-curricular activities.
- older students not getting enough rest when having to go to away games and getting home late, then having to get up early to go to school, homework might suffer,
- The middle & high school students would also be affected as some play sports and get home late from games. They may have tests to study for or homework to complete, therefore studying late and getting up earlier than usual would be a disadvantage.