Minutes of the Full Board of Governors
7th October 2015
Mr. A Bennett (Chair) AB Mrs. S L Gohr (Head) LGMr. D Hough DH
Mrs. C Richards (Vice) CRMrs. J Uittermark JUMrs. L Smith LS
Mr. B Cox BC Mrs. K Smart KSMr. D Maxted DM
Mr. P Smith PSMrs A Kowalska (Clerk) AK
The meeting commenced at 5.00pm
The Governors enjoyed a brief recording of some of the activities that had been occurring during the first part of the term at Pikemere. The Governors thanked Miss Smith for putting together the presentations which they found most enjoyable and informative.
There were no introductions required.
Mrs. R Zartarian RZMrs. K Fuller KFMrs. E Martindale EM
Rev A Speedy AS
There were no conflicts of interest to declare.
All Governors present returned their Pecuniary Interest forms.
Reading material provided:
- School Governance (Miscellaneous Amendments)(England) Regulations 2015
- The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools
- NGA Twenty Questions
- Teachers Pay Award
- School Improvement Partnership and Advocacy
AK mentioned an email from the new Director of Children’s Services and also confirmed that all Governors were happy for their home addresses and personal emails to be given to the NGA.
Action AK
AS was not at the meeting so could not confirm her intentions. AK to follow this up.
Action AK
DH was reminded that his term of office was due to finish in February 2016. AB confirmed he had been in touch with CE about this as had DH.
AB advised that due to personal circumstances he would be resigning as Chair and a member of the Governing Board from March 2016. It was agreed that Governors would discuss in more detail the succession of the Chair at the Self Evaluation meeting on 25th November 2015.
KS entered the meeting at 5.15pm
As AB would not be available for the full academic year it was agreed that AS would be asked to be part of the Headteachers’ performance review for 15/16 on the condition that she intended to re-stand.
DM entered the meeting at 5.20pm.
The minutes of 17th June 2015 were approved DH/PS
DH provided an update on the Section 106 money for new builds. He advised that a payment had been made but would be managed by the Council under a Simon Hodgkiss to support school places within the Borough. DH felt it was worth applying for the money but being very clear what the money was for. LG advised that she had already done this but did not believe that it was a case of bidding for the money but more where the County felt there was a need. BC supported this argument. Over the next few years there may even be a need for a new primary school in Alsager due to the number of new builds and CE would allocate the money as demand occurs in schools.
The Governors debated and agreed on adopting the CE Governor Charter. All Governors present signed the Charter.
The Governing Board approved the holidays for 2016/2017.
The minutes of the following Committee meetings were agreed and approved:
SIP15th July 2015 JU/CR
Data15th July 2015 PS/AB
The GB had received a copy of the Headteachers report prior to the meeting.
LG explained the low attendance record over the Summer term due to a sickness bug which had particularly affected Reception.
Holidays were taken but not to a degree that caused the school any concern as Pikemere is a green school with above 95% attendance. PS questioned why the percentage figures did not add up to 100%. BC advised that SIMS only takes certain absence codes as part of this report. LG agreed to confirm the figures. Action LG
LG explained that Data had been reported to the Data Group at the end of the Summer term and the new information, which is due out very shortly, would be presented at the next Data Group meeting.
LG provided a detailed insight into the staff development which had been taking place. She explained the work with the Trust and the Good2Outstanding group. LG advised how the November Inset day would work with all the Trust schools visiting each other.
LG provided information on the Parent Forum that had taken place and invited Parent Governors to the next meeting on 3rd November 2015 at 6pm. LG advised it had been a very positive experience with a good balance of opinion. The Governors were provided with a copy of the minutes.
LG provided details of the Safeguarding Audit which had taken place just after the Ofsted inspection.
LS delivered a short presentation on KIVA which is an anti-bullying programme where the children take responsibility. LS and RZ are fully trained in delivering the programme. LS provided some written information and explained the process of “removing the audience”. The Governing Board discussed the criteria for bullying and how the programme was to be launched.
LG advised that the My World project had been taking place very successfully for Year 6 Pupil Premium pupils. The Nurture programme had been revived and new Peer Mentors have been trained.
There were no matters arising from the Headteachers report.
AK went through the Directors report.
All the information for the web site is now available but Governors are welcome to add or update their profiles if they wish through the school office. AK advised that attendance needed to be recorded and she would do this from September 2015.
The Governors discussed and approved the need for all staff to be on the living wage. AK would double check with CE that this was being done automatically.
Action AK
The SFVS needs to be completed by 31st December 2015 this year. Governors had been sent a copy in the pack prior to the meeting and asked to complete what they could. Governors who were not on the Finance and Buildings committee found it quite difficult. The individual answers would be used as part of the evidence base when the draft was put together. The final draft would be taken to the Finance and Buildings Committee Autumn meeting for approval.
Action AK
DM and AK maintain a record of all Governor training and Governors should advise either one if they attend a course or complete an online training session.
Action ALL
DH requested to be booked on the Refresher Course for experienced Governors and DM requested to be booked a place on Safer Recruitment.
Action AK
AB suggested the implementation of a statement /certificate of training which each Governor would complete after every course. This had a positive response and DM agreed to draft one up.
Action DM
The Governors agreed they would actually like to visit other schools as the teaching staff were doing. BC invited the Governor to visit his school. AK advised that the Directors Report briefing was a good place to network with other local Governors.
The admissions criteria for September 2017 had been highlighted to the Governing Board during the Summer term and opinions were asked to be brought to the Autumn meeting. The Governors were also provided with a breakdown of Admissions over the last four years. The Governors discussed in depth the advantages and disadvantages of all the options, paying particular attention to discriminating towards any particular group of families.
It was unanimously agreed to remove the staff children’s priority from any of the options.
A vote took place for the criteria order with the following results.
Option A – 3Option B – 6Option C – 0Abstain - 1
It was agreed that EYFS children would be considered AFTER children living in the catchment.
This policy would now go out to Pikemere Stakeholders for consultation.
Action LG/AK
The Governors agreed that when they review the 2018 Admissions Policy they will also look at the EYFS Admissions policy at the same time.
All the following policies were approved:
-Confidentiality Policy
-Data Protection Policy
-Gender Equality Policy – JU asked if this could/was not already covered under a general equality policy and whether there was a need for the two. It was agreed it was not necessary to have two policies.
The Governing Board approved the proposed trip to Menai for Year 6.
AK confirmed the next Full Governors meeting would be in February 2016 but the Self Evaluation meeting was on 25th November. The SIP meeting would start at 5pm and be followed by the Self Evaluation. Refreshments would be provided.
AB asked for a Governor to attend the next Trust meeting. PS agreed to attend.
The meeting finished at 6.50pm
Summary of Action Items
Action / ResponsibilityUpdate NGA records / AK
Contact AS re term of office and Headteacher’s PM / AK
Confirm holiday percentages / LG
Living Wage confirmation / AK
Advise if attending a course / ALL
Book DH and DM on courses / AK
Draft a statement of training / DM
Admissions Policy Consultation / LG/AK
Full Governors Part OnePage 1