Minutes of the Friends of Wreningham School, School Library, 4th July 2011

Present: Nikki Foley (Chair), Jules Alexander (Treasurer), Emma Rees (Mins Sec), Rob Jones, Lindsay Parfitt, Gilly Cugnoni, Mandy Francis, Cathryn Nuttall and Celia Phoenix.

Apologies: Julie-Anne Stevens, Tracie Draeger and Catherine Griib.

Approval of the previous meeting’s Minutes, 7th June 2011

Treasurer’s Report:

CASH IN HAND £ 308.23



Payments since last meeting:





Receipts since last meeting:

CAKE STALL £ 80.70

HORSESPORT (Raffle ticket cost) £ 45.00

SKIRMISH (Raffle ticket cost) £ 44.70


BAG 2 SCHOOL £300.00

QUIZ AND CHIPS (Extra Donation) £ 32.00




Past Events

·  Ashwellthorpe Garage Sale

The Friends agreed that this had been an extremely successful event. Thanks to Mandy who had advertised the sale on both Broadland Radio and the EDP, there was a fantastic turn out of eager shoppers. In the end 11 houses in Ashwellthorpe participated along with 9 stalls in the village hall. At one point it was difficult to keep people out of the village hall whilst setting up! Emma thanked Cathryn and Tim for producing such brilliant maps and for all of their help setting up the hall. Nikki and Emma also thanked Lindsay for her excellent organisation and contribution of refreshments.

·  Class 3 & FOWS Cake Stall

This was another successful cake stall which raised £80.70. There had been a good number of donations from families other than the Friends. Thank you to everyone who set up and manned the stall.

Future Events

·  Family Foot Rally – Sunday 10th July, 1.30 – 4.00pm

A route has been planned in and around Ashwellthorpe, finishing at the Village Hall where refreshments will be served. Can anyone who could supply a cake on the day please make themselves known to Lindsay. Cathryn confirmed that the Ashwellthorpe village hall has been booked. Cathryn has agreed to set up the village hall early on Sunday morning, many thanks to Cathryn for doing so.

Lindsay asked Rob if he would ask the school staff to each provide a baby photo and a “Guess the Baby” display could be set up in the hall for participants on the Foot Rally to have a guess at once they returned to the hall for refreshments.

Jules mentioned that she might be able to borrow a scarecrow from work as Lindsay requires one as one of the clues. If anyone has a raffle prize, please pass it on to Lindsay.

·  Used Uniform Sale – Wednesday 13th July

The Used Uniform Sale is going to be held during the school Open Evening, Lindsay and Nikki have agreed to set up the uniform stall. There will also be a Friends stand, explaining a little bit about what the Friends do. Lindsay and Julie-Anne have very kindly agreed to man this stall. The prizes for the Summer Draw will be on display and a few more tickets may even be sold.

Emma thanked Tracie in her absence for her superb flier asking parents for donations of old school clothing, trainers, football boots, coats etc for the sale. Any items will be gratefully received by the 11th of July. Emma has washed and sorted the lost property. Lindsay will liaise with Rob regarding Friends information to be included in the next newsletter.

·  Sports Day Grand Draw – Friday 15th July

Grand Draw Tickets went home in the book bags several weeks ago. The prizes are all ready to go. Woodforde’s Brewery has very generously donated a Demipin (18 pints) of Wherry to be included in the beer and wine hamper. Emma has put up some pictures of the prizes around the school and on the new Friends notice board. A flier has also gone home asking parents to return their tickets, counterfoils and money.

Emma mentioned that Starbucks have agreed to provide complimentary teas and coffees between 11.30 -12.30pm. Rob requested that the Friends supply squash for the children. Nikki has agreed to buy a Friends gazebo from FOCUS, as the last one the Friends bought was returned as it was faulty. Mandy has kindly agreed the loan of her gazebo for the morning.

The Friends will also need donations of cakes for a cake stall, which will be a Red, White and Blue Sports theme. Lindsay will supply the bunting. Gilly has agreed to supply bunting and tablecloths.

Any Other Business

Nuria ordered the whiteboard on behalf of the Friends and Paul Parfitt and Selwyn Rees kindly mounted the board onto the wall of the school building. The board looks great and will replace the posters attached to the gate and fence.

The Friends enjoyed a good night out at the Bird in Hand on Friday 1st July. Lindsay, Celia, Julie-Anne and Catherine were presented with their leaving presents. Nikki thanked the ladies, especially Lindsay, for all of their service to the Friends over the years. The ladies duly accepted their parting gifts and a few tears were shed.

Nikki read a letter during the Friends meeting from Catherine, expressing her sincere thanks for her gift and also her pleasure at being able to help the Friends over the years. Lindsay, Celia and Julie-Anne also thanked everyone for their gifts and kind words.

Rob explained to the Friends that the pergoda for the Class 1 outdoor classroom was going to cost £3700. As the Friends had previously discussed, they wanted to purchase one substantial item for this refurb and so they unanimously agreed to fund the additional £700. Emma mentioned to Andrea Price that the Friends would like to add a small plaque to the pergoda recognising the financial contributions that Santander had made over the years.

Emma requested that the Friends organise a flower and shrub watering rota during the summer holidays:

Week commencing: 25th July - Nikki 1st Aug – Cathryn 8th Aug – Jules 15th Aug – Mandy

22nd Aug – Emma 29th Aug – Emma 5th Sept - Rob

Nikki mentioned that Alex Phillip’s wondered if the Friends would consider contributing towards the cost of a leaver’s disco for the Class 4 children and their families to be held in WreninghamVillage Hall on the 22nd of July. The Friends thought that unfortunately, as they had agreed to pay an additional £700 towards the pergoda and also agreed to pay £100 towards the school leavers disco, then they were unable to help on this occasion.

Rob, Nikki and Lindsay attended the last Wreningham village hall meeting. They made their point regarding a 3 tier charging system for the village hall, although it does not look as though the village hall committee will be implementing their suggestion. It was agreed that it would be helpful for the Friends to send a representative to future village hall meetings, so as not to duplicate events. Mandy and Nikki have agreed to attend monthly meetings.



Have a super summer holidays!