

MINUTES of the fifth meeting of the 2010/2011 academic year held on

Monday, 28 June, 2011, in the Edinburgh Room, Queen Anne Court,

Greenwich Campus, Park Row, Greenwich, SE10 9LS, commencing at 5.30 pm.

Present:Sir Stuart Etherington (in the Chair)

Mr J Barnes / Mr S Howlett
Baroness Blackstone / Prof P Maras
Mrs S Clarke / Ms S Patel
Mr S H Davie / Mr M Sekhon
Mr N Eastwell / Prof M Snowden
Ms M Hay / Mr J Stoker
Mr P F Hazell / Mrs H Wyatt
Mr A L Holmes

In attendance:

Prof T Barnes (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise))

Mrs T A Brighton (Minutes Clerk)

Mrs L Cording (Secretary and Registrar)

Mr R Daly (Director of Finance)

Prof N Garrod (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Resources))

Prof S Jarvis (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development))

Prof N Spiller (Dean, School of Architecture & Construction)

Apologies for Absence:

Mr A Albert

Mr J E Brathwaite

Mr L A Devlin


86.1Retirement of Member of Court

The Chair reported that Jim Brathwaite was due to retire from the Court on 31 August 2011 when his appointment came to an end. During his eight years of membership, the University had benefited from significant investment from SEEDA and had enjoyed his support for a variety of regional projects. The Chair said that he would write to Jim Brathwaite in order to convey the Court’s appreciationof his contribution to its work.


There were no declarations of conflicts of interests.


The Court received a presentation from the Dean of the School of Architecture & Construction on the current activities of the School and the plans for its future development.


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2011 were taken as read and signed as a true record.


90.1Reversionary Lease, Medway Campus

The Court noted that an official response was still awaited from DfID on the Medway lease. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Resources) reported that he had spoken earlier in the day with the property developers representing DfID . They had agreed to consult further with their client in order to reach agreement on an acceptable price for the lease. The Vice-Chancellor reported that she would seek a meeting with the Secretary of State in the event that resolution of the matter was prolonged unnecessarily.


The Vice-Chancellor stated that her successor, Professor David Maguire, would complete the development of the new five-year strategic plan for 2011-2016. She updated Members on issues discussed at the Court Strategy Day on 3rd February 2011, outlining what had been achieved in the last year and what would be taken forward in the next on the following areas of interest to Court:

iAcademic Provision : the current focus on enhancing academic excellence would continue. The need to raise standards including the quality of students was recognised and entry levels for the 2011-12 intake of students had been increased. Improving student retention rates and recruiting additional new academic staff remained key priorities. Streamlining the portfolio of programmes would continue to ensure that it remained attractive to students and ways to improve the flexibility of delivery would continue to inform planning decisions. In order to improve the academic success of overseas students, the programme of English language tuition would become compulsory for all new international undergraduates from the start of 2012.

iiEmployability : In recognition of the correlation between leaving qualifications and employability, improving employability rates would continue to be a key strategic objective. The new Greenwich Graduate initiative worked alongside students’ academic development and was aimed at developing the life skills of students.

iiiCollaborations andInternationalisation : The QAA had given the University full confidence in its collaborative provision and the programme of collaborative activities in the UK and abroad would continue. The possibility of establishing an overseas campus in India was already being explored.

ivResearch and Enterprise : The work to develop a strong research and enterprise culture within the institution would continue. The programme of new blood appointments would help to build on the existing recognised research and enterprise capability within the University. The change in funding methodology following the next research evaluation exercise would make it imperative for the University to secure additional funding from other external sources.

vLeague Tables : It was recognised that league tables were influential to students and parents when selecting universities, and a thorough review of the University’s position in the various league tables was under way with a view to ensuring that resources were targeted to best effect. A comprehensive analysis of the tables and possible ways forward would be submitted to Court at its next meeting.

viScenario Planning :The University would continue to develop relevant scenarios to test the impact of higher graduate contributions and the ramifications of the publication of the HE White Paper.

viiEstates : The completion of the Stockwell Street site development in 2014 would provide an opportunity to review the configuration of accommodation at Greenwich as well as to consolidate accommodation onto one site at Avery Hill. The carbon management plan would continue to be funded at the agreed levels until 2016.

The Court discussed the relationship between the University’s mission and league table performance. It was recognised that the league tables judged institutions on issues which were often incompatible with Greenwich’s widening participation agenda. The University would need to work hard to improve its league table standing and it would continue to build on the achievements of the last year as set out in paper CRT 10/80.


Introducing the evaluation report on the Learning and Teaching Strategy, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) reported that the strategy had aimed to ensure that students were supported at all stages of their academic life. It contained six key aims comprising a number of objectives addressed through specific activities. The strategy had been successful; an Educational Development Unit had been established, the Greenwich Graduate Initiative had been developed and a total of 44 teaching and learning innovation projects had been funded. All of the objectives had been achieved to a greater or lesser degree with the notable exception of improving overall retention rates.

It was noted that a new learning, teaching and assessment strategy for 2011-2016 was under development. There would be widespread consultation with staff. Areas where progress had been slow, such as improving retention rates and levels of degree classifications, would be prioritised.


The Court received a report on the University’s widening participation activities carried out in 2009/10.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) reported that Greenwich was acknowledged to be in the top five universities for widening participation. Widening participation activities were traditionally funded by two sources; a grant from HEFCE and external funding via Aimhigher and Life Long Learning Networks. Much of the external funding would be discontinued in July 2011 and the University had had to review its programme of activities to take account of an expected shortfall of .c£400,000 of funding.

It was noted that a total of 265 events and programmes had been organised involving 9,227 participants. The focus of widening participation work had been a more concentrated engagement with schools and colleges. Much of this work was delivered by student ambassadors and associates trained to undertake activities such as helping school pupils with English and maths. This student ambassador-led approach was proving to be a most cost effective way of working and had received national recognition from Aimhigher.

It was further noted that the University’s 2012/13 Access Agreement had now been approved by OFFA although some clarification on targets had initially been sought. The Access Agreement set new priorities and objectives for widening participation and the institutional strategy would be realigned to meet those objectives.


The Court received an annual review of progress on the development of the Stockwell Street Site at Greenwich.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Resources) reported that the Mayor of London’s office had confirmed that there would not be an appeal against the planning approval. Notwithstanding the continuing concerns of local residents about the location of an electric sub-station on the site, it was still anticipated that the building works would start in February 2012 and that occupation would take place during 2014.


(CRT 10/84)

The Court received:

ia report monitoring the University’s performance against its key performance indicators

iia separate bound report on progress towards achieving the operational targets in the Strategic Plan (Version 1 – June 2011).

The Secretary and Registrar reported that the separate document provided a general overview of the University’s performance in relation to its key performance indicators and asked Members to keep the document for future reference. She highlighted the section on student recruitment and noted in particular, that applications from overseas students were lower than anticipated at this stage of the recruitment process. The decline was thought to be a direct consequence of the UK Border Agency policies including the decision to withdraw work permits at the end of study. It was noted that the HE sector was continuing to voice its objections about these issues to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.


The Vice-Chancellor reported verbally on the following recent developments:

96.1Dean of School of Health and Social Care – Written acceptance of the offer of the post was currently awaited from the successful candidate.

96.2Dean of Business School – The post of Dean of Business School had been

re-advertised. Interviews would be held in two weeks’ time.

96.3White Paper on Higher Education –The White Paper entitled “Student at the Heart of the System” had been published one hour before the meeting. The press statement released by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills indicated, amongst other things, that: universities would be required to publish additional information to help student choice, student charters might be made mandatory, a review of university-industry collaboration would be undertaken and private providers would be eligible for access to tuition fee loans.

96.4Retention – Because of the link between student satisfaction, retention and employability, a student retention working group had been established earlier in the year to review the ways in which retention levels could be improved. The group had now produced a set of recommendations and work to address these was now under way.

There was some discussion on the relationship between tariff scores and retention. As retention was a complex issue it was agreed that a report summarising the factors germane to withdrawal together with a statistical breakdown of under- and post-graduate students be considered at the next meeting.

96.5Times League Tables – Greenwich had moved up from 103rd place to 99th in the Times League Tables although the University’s performance in some areas, such as staff: student ratios, remained disappointing.


The Chairman of the Audit Committee introduced the report to Court outlining principal items of significance arising from the meeting of the Committee held on 23 May 2011. The following items were highlighted:

97.1Terms of Reference

Following a review of its terms of reference, the Committee had agreed that there was currently no need for amendment. Members had agreed to review the Committee’s effectiveness at the end of the year as the new Members of the Committee would have completed a full year’s service by that time.

97.2Student Numbers and Funding Related to Data Quality Audit

The Committee had received a presentation from the Head of Planning and Statistics on student data. Committee Members had been comforted on the quality of student data following the satisfactory outcome of an audit by HEFCE. The Chairman of the Committee also reported on his annual meeting with the Head of Planning and Statistics held earlier in the day from which he had gained further assurance on the internal processes for providing statutory returns to HEFCE and other regulatory bodies.

97.3Risk Management

The Committee had considered the annual review of risk management activities carried out during 2010-2011. There had been considerable discussion on the processes underlying the Risk Register. The Committee had recalled that the means of identifying and discussing risks had changed and had observed with some concern that the procedure for considering risk in the current planning cycle had been weakened. The Committee had as a result asked management to review the matter in the immediate future.

The Court approved the Institutional Risk Register dated May 2011.

97.4External Audit

The Committee had received a presentation from the External Auditor on the methodology and timing of the financial audit for the year ended 31 July 2011. This year’s audit would incorporate a review of the University’s IT systems and of the e-procurement system.

97.5Internal Audit

The Chairman reported that the programme of internal audits was behind schedule and noted some concern about the quality of recent reports.


The Chairman of the Finance Committee introduced the report to Court outlining principal items of significance arising from the meeting of the Committee held on 13 June 2011. The following items were noted:

98.1Students’ Union

The Committee had discussed the poor financial performance of the Students’ Union at length. Members had remained unconvinced that the subvention to the Students’ Union was being used in the best possible way and had asked the Chief Executive Officer to canvass the views of the student body on the services needed. The Committee would be reviewing the findings and monitoring the trading activities in six months’ time.

98.2Provisional Budget 2011-2012

The Court noted that the proposed revenue and capital budgets for the 2011-12 financial year forecast a surplus of £1.5m and resolved that they be approved. A final budget would be presented to the November meeting of Court.

98.3Terms of Reference

The Committee had undertaken its annual review of its terms of reference and had agreed that no amendments were necessary.

98.4University Estates Issues – C4 Site Option, Medway

It was reported that the option to develop the C4 site at Medway which had received Court approval in 2007 had never been executed. Although the universities of Greenwich and Kent had signed the agreement, SEEDA had originally declined until a dispute over an unrelated matter with the University of Kent had been resolved. SEEDA had now confirmed that it was ready to complete and the Court:

inoted that the five year option agreement would begin when SEEDA signed the document (ie 2011 not 2007)

iire-affirmed the approval granted in July 2007 for the University to acquire an option agreement with the University of Kent for five years at a cost of £1 including the Deed of Variation to the C3 site.

98.5Greenwich University Enterprises Limited

The Committee had considered a proposal to invest in the spinout company, Toximet, in which the University already held 4.6% of the shares. The company was about to engage in a further round of fundraising. Having examined the potential returns to the University, Committee Members had agreed that the University should take up the offer. The Court therefore resolved that:

the University invest in an additional 1250 Toximet shares at a cost of £150,000 in order to retain its percentage ownership in the company.

98.6Orders Over £400,000

The Court approved, subject to the relevant School or Office having sufficient funds for the purchase and to compliance with the University’s financial and tendering regulations, the following purchases exceeding £400,000 (excl of VAT):


Order Value (excl of VAT)

Facilities Management Office

Purchase of Utilities – Electricity £1,273,000

Purchase of Utilities – Gas £683,000

Provision of security services for 2011/12 for the £1,381,000

Avery Hill, Greenwich, Medway and Woolwich sites

Refurbishment of Aragon Court Residences £625,000

(£325,000 : 2010/11 £300,000 : 2011/12)

Provision of Cleaning/Portering Services Contract for

the Avery Hill (part), Greenwich and Medway campuses£1,018,000

Provision of Intersite bus services for students for 2011/12 £667,000

Construction works associated with the Stockwell Street

Development £3,520,000

Information & Library Services (Learning Services)

Books £740,281

Journals – Electronic and Print £653,775

Recruitment & Admissions (International Office)

Assisting the International Office in the recruitment of £800,000

on campus international fee paying students from China


The Court received a report on items of academic significance arising from the meeting of Academic Council held on 5 May 2011 and noted that:

ithe annual review of the 2009/2010 reports from External Examiners had indicated general improvement in the University’s assessment and examination processes. The Council had endorsed three recommended courses of action to address comments about inconsistencies identified in some parts of the operations;

iithe Council had endorsed the decision of the Academic Planning Committee that, with effect from the 2011/2012 academic year, the provision of Philosophy would be discontinued as a single honours programme and offered instead via joint programmes.


The Court:

inoted the resignation of Jim Brathwaite effective from the date of expiry of his term of appointment on 31 August 2011

iiresolved that, following his election as President of the Students’ Union, Arun Thakral be appointed to the Court under Article 7(2)(c) for the period 1 August 2011 to 31 July 2012

iiiresolved, following an election by and from Teaching and Research members of Academic Council, that Professor Martin Snowden be re-appointed to the Court under Article 7(2)(b) for the period 1 September 2011 to 31 August 2014