An Executive Committee meeting of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board was held in the boardroom of the Administration Centre, 235 Montée Lesage, Rosemere, QC on Tuesday, 2006-05-16 19:30 hours, at which were present:
Edward Turchyniak, Chairman;Nick Milas, Vice-Chairman; Natalie Auclair, Steve Bletas, Robert Dixon, Grace Nesi, Nancy Rupnik, Commissioners; Tom Mouhteros, Parent Commissioner; and Giordano Rosa-del-Vecchio, Director General.
Also present were: Robert Vallerand, Deputy Director General; François Badin, Director of Human Resources; Line Desgroseilliers, Director of Information Technology; Daniel Hogue, Director of Material Resources; Effie Maniatis, Director of Educational Services; Livia Nassivera, Director of Financial Resources; George Paquette, Director of School Organization & Transportation; and Carolyn Curialeand William Pollock, Commissioners; and Jocelyne Thompson-Ness, Administrative Assistant.
Absent: Linda Iaconetti, Parent Commissioner.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 19:33 hours.
1.0ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA:The following additions and changes to the agenda were proposed:
5.12Authorization to Engage Financing – École Notre-Dame...... RES
5.13Authorization to Engage Financing – CDC Laurier (École St-Christophe)...... RES
5.14Summer School Principal...... INFO
5.15Young Achievers Laval...... INFO
5.162006 CSBA Conference...... INFO
6.10Policy #2006-HR-02: Working Conditions ACSQ...... INFO
9.3Training for Commissioners...... INFO
11.4School Field Trips...... RES
11.5June 2005 Examination Results...... INFO
060516-CA-0201Robert Dixon MOVED THAT the agenda be accepted as amended in document #SWLSB-2006/05/16-CA-001.
Carried unanimously
2.0APPROVAL OF MINUTES:In a verbal notice, Edward Turchyniak advised that in the minutes of the meeting held on 2006-04-18, the following required correction:
- Page 1431, 1st paragraph, 5th line the word “buildable” should be replaced with the word “conformable”.
Item 3.7, 2nd line the word “is” should be added before the word “not”.
- Page 1433, item 5.5, 1st paragraph, last line, the words “at the beginning of June” are to be replaced with “on Thursday, June 8, 2006.”
- Page 1442, 3rd paragraph – this paragraph should appear as the last paragraph of this item and appear just prior to item 8.0
Grace NesiMOVED THAT the minutes of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meeting of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board held on 2006-04-18, having been received by all members prior to this meeting, be approved as corrected.
Carried unanimously
3.0BUSINESS ARISING:3.1Sale of Land - Roland-Durand:
The Deputy Director General informed the Executive Committee that the Director General of the Ville de Rosemère has advised that the Ville was supportive of the school board’s request for a derogation for the land on Roland-Durand and that it will be presented at the next meeting of the Municipal Council with a recommendation for approval.
3.22006-2007 School Calendar - Rawdon & Joliette:
The Director of Human Resources advised that Executive Committee that the 2006-2007 school calendar has been received from the Commission scolaire des Samares.
He went on to note that there was an imbalance in the number of pedagogical days and that the Director of School Organization has looked into the matterand it will not translate into additional transportation costs for the extra days.
WHEREAS the school calendar is the responsibility of the school board;
WHEREAS the Laurier Teachers Union and the SirWilfridLaurierSchool Board were able to negotiate and agree on a draft proposal;
WHEREAS the Directorate has endorsed the proposed calendar for the presentation to the Council of Commissioners for approval;
______MOVED THAT, on the recommendation of the Director of Human Resources, the Directorate and the Executive Committee; the Council of Commissioners of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board approve the 2006-2007 school calendars, as presented in the following documents:
- Document #SWLSB-2006/05/24-ED-001 for JolietteElementary School, Rawdon Elementary & Middle School and JolietteHigh School.
3.3Update on Tel-jeunes:
The Deputy Director General advised the Executive Committee that a meeting had been held recently with representatives of Tel-jeunes, Noel Burke, Associate Deputy Minister of the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS); Mike Canuel of LEARN and representatives of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board to discuss the services of Tel-jeunes being offered in English.
He went on to note that the Associate Deputy Minister did not feel that the funding of this project would fall under his mandate and suggested that Batshaw Youth Services be approached as this service is more of a social service.
The Director General of Batshaw Youth Services has been contacted and a meeting will be organized.
Steve Bletas, Chairman of the Council of Commissioners, noted that the Chairs of the English school boards would be meeting with the Ministre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) and that he will be submitting a question in writing concerning Tel-jeunes for the Ministre’s consideration.
The main issue at this point with the Tel-jeunes project is where funding for the program will come from.
Nancy Rupnik noted that the Agences de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et de services sociaux de Laval Laurentides and Lanaudière can also be approached concerningthis project.
3.4Policy #2006-CA-02: Deeds of Establishment & Three-Year Plan:
The Director of School Organization reviewed the changes to the deeds of establishment and three year plan noting that some changes were made from the feedback received from the consultation.
WHEREAS section 211 of the Education Act (R.S.Q., chapter I-13.3) requires the school board each year to establish a three-year plan of allocation and destination of its immovables;
WHEREAS section 211 also requires the school board to draw up, in accordance with the plan, a list of its schools and of its vocational training and adult education centres and issue a deed of establishment to them;
______MOVED THAT, on the recommendation of the School Organization Committee and the Executive Committee, the Council of Commissioners of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board approve policy #2006-CA-02: Deeds of Establishment and Three Year Plan for Allocation and Destination of Immovables of all schools, centres and other buildings.
3.52006-2007 Budget Building Consultation:
This item was moved to 7.0, Financial Resources and will appear as item 7.4.
3.6Sale of Land - boul. Souvenir O.:
The Deputy Director General advised the Executive Committee that the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS), after almost a year, has authorized the sale of land on boul. Souvenir O. to HolyCrossArmenianApostolicChurch. The Parish has been contacted and will begin the process of drawing up all the necessary legal documents to complete the sale. A resolution for the sale of this land has already been adopted by the Council of Commissioners.
In response to a question from the Chairman, the Deputy Director General noted that the disbursement of the funds gained from this sale will be subject to the approval of the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS).
4.0DIRECTOR GENERAL’S REPORT:The Director General extended his heartfelt thanks for the surprise retirement party organized for himself and the Deputy Director General on 2006-05-04.
He went on to advise that on 2006-05-23 the annual evaluation of the Strategic Plan would take place with a Focus Group made up of the various school board stakeholders.
5.0CORPORATE AFFAIRS:5.1Deputy Director General’s Report:
The Deputy Director General presented his monthly report noting that two training sessions were held for Governing Boards, one in Laval and the other in the Laurentians, and that the sessions were well received. Feedback from these two sessions suggested that similar Governing Board training be scheduled annually at the beginning of the school year.
He continued his report noting a contract for the use of the Arundel Nature Centre by Dynamix, the revision of the protocol with Commission scolaire de la Rivière-du-Nord for the use of the cafeteria at Laurentian Regional High School, and a request from the Ville de Rosemère for the use of the front parking lot by residents across the street from the Administration Centre during non-working hours.
Steve Bletas advised the Executive Committee that two Regional Focus Groupswould be held on 2006-06-01, one with the Chairs of Governing Boards and the other with the Parents Committee.
5.2Report ofDirector of Adult & Vocational Education:
The Deputy Director General drew the Executive Committee’s attention to the written report contained in the package.
5.3Report of Communications & Public Relations Sub-Committee:
There was no report.
5.4Report of Arundel Nature Centre Management Sub-Committee:
There was no report.
5.5SWL Foundation:
Steve Bletas noted that the sale of tickets for the upcoming Sir Wilfrid Laurier Foundation Lobsterfest are going well.
5.6Date of December 2006 Council Meeting:
______MOVED THAT the Council of Commissioners of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board approve that the Council meeting for the month of December be set for 2006-12-13, in accordance with by-law #BL2000-CA-05: Date, Time and Place of Regular Meetings of the Council of Commissioners of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board.
5.7Date of July, August and December 2006 Executive Committee Meetings:
The Deputy Director General noted that annually certain meeting dates need to be shifted as the meetings fall during a vacation period.
060516-CA-0203WHEREAS resolution #041214-CA-0092 changed the meeting date of the Executive Committee to the 3rd Tuesday of every month;
WHEREAS the 3rd Tuesday of the month for the months of July, August and December 2006 are not conducive for the scheduling of a meeting;
Natalie Auclair MOVED THAT the Executive Committee of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board approve that the Executive Committee meetings for the months of July, August, and December 2006 be set as follows:
Carried unanimously
5.8Date, Time & Placeof Meetingsfor 2006-2007:
060516-CA-0204Nick Milas MOVED THAT regular meetings of the Executive Committee of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board be held at 19:30 hours in the Boardroom of the Administration Centre located at 235 Montée Lesage, Rosemère, Québec on the following dates for the 2006-2007 school year:
Carried unanimously
5.8.2______MOVED THAT regular meetings of the Council of Commissioners of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board be held at 19:30 hours in the Boardroom of the Administration Centre located at 235 Montée Lesage, Rosemère, Québec on the following dates for the 2006-2007 school year:
2007-06-20 ♠
(♠ If required)
5.9QESBA 2006-2007 Budget:
Steve Bletas advised the Executive Committee that the Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) has requested feedback from its member boards on its 2006-2007 budget.
WHEREAS the Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) will be presenting its budget for 2006-2007 at its Annual General Meeting in fall 2006;
WHEREAS the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board delegates to the Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) Annual General Meeting need to know the position of the Council of Commissioners on the proposed 2006-2007 Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) budget;
______MOVED THAT the Council of Commissioners of the SirWilfridLaurierSchool Board recommend the approval/rejection of the proposed 2006-2007 budget of the QuebecEnglishSchool Boards Association (QESBA) as presented.
5.10Entente for LRHS Cafeteria with C.S. de la Rivière-du-Nord:
The Deputy Director General noted that the adoption of the entente with the Commission scolaire de la Rivière-du-Nord would normally be handled by the Executive Committee but given that the final version of the entente has not yet been reviewed the issue should be tabled to the Council of Commissioners for adoption.
The Executive Committee entered into discussion and agreed that the entente should be tabled to the Council for adoption.
5.11Sale of Alcohol - LES:
060516-CA-0205Robert Dixon MOVED THAT the Executive Committee of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages at the Laurentian Elementary School Golf Tournament fundraiser as part of the lease arrangements for 2006-05-27. AND THAT the event only be valid upon receipt of a copy of the issued permit required to conform to provincial law.
Carried unanimously
5.12Authorization to Engage Financing - École Notre-Dame:
The Deputy Director General advised that Executive Committee that a meeting had been held with Gilles Marchand, directeur général d’équipement scolaire for the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS), concerning the urgent renovations needed for École Notre-Dame in order to have the building ready to accommodate students at the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year. Mr. Marchand was very impressed with the presentation of the Director of Material Resources, saw the urgency of the project and recommended that the school board ask the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) to engage funds for the renovations from the 2007 - 2010 MELS three year plan given that the funds for the current three year plan have been distributed. A letter will be sent to the Ministre posthaste asking to engage these funds.
He went on the extended appreciation to the Commission scolaire de Laval for its cooperation in ceding École Notre-Dame and École St-Christophe to the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board.
060516-FR-0206WHEREAS the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board elementary student population in Sector 2 of the Ville de Laval has and will be increasing significantly over the next several years;
WHEREAS this increase requires the creation of an additional elementary school for the 2006-2007 school year;
WHEREAS the General Directorate of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board has met with the Directeur de l’équipement scolaire, Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS), and that he is supporting the need for an additional elementary school for Sector 2, Laval, for the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board;
WHEREAS the Commission scolaire de Laval is prepared to transfer an existing elementary school in Sector 2, Laval, to the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board for the 2006-2007 school year;
WHEREAS the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board will require an investment of 320 000$ in order to properly finish this new school;
Nancy Rupnik MOVED THAT, on the recommendation of the Directorate, the Executive Committee of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board request the authorization of the Ministre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) to engage an amount of 320 000,00$ so as to properly equip the new school for the start of the 2006-2007 school year.
AND THAT the Chairman, and in his absence or with his knowledge the Vice-Chairman, as well as the Director General, and in his absence or with his knowledge the Assistant Director General, be authorized to sign all documentation concerning this project.
Carried unanimously
5.13Authorization to Engage Financing - CDC Laurier (St-Christophe):
The Deputy Director General advised the Executive Committee that the project for École StChristophe will be a two phase project, phase one being the renovation of the building to accommodate the Laurier Competency Development Centre and the second phase being an energy conservation project.
060516-FR-0207WHEREAS the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board secondary student population at Laval Junior High School and Laval Liberty High School has and will be increasing significantly over the next several years;
WHEREAS this increase will require additional classroom facilities for both schools as of the start of the 2006-2007 school year;
WHEREAS the Technical Vocational Education sector of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board currently occupies the basement of the building housing LavalJunior High School and LavalLibertyHigh School;
WHEREAS the additional classroom space will require the transfer of the Technical Vocational Education to another location for the start of the 2006-2007 school year;
WHEREAS the Commission scolaire de Laval has indicated to the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board that a building currently vacant is available for immediate transfer;
WHEREAS this building has not been in active service for the past two years;
WHEREAS there is an urgent need for the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board to invest an amount of 1 000 000$ in order to prepare the building for student occupancy;
WHEREAS the Directorate of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board met with the Directeur de l’équipement scolaire, Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) and that he is supporting the financing of this project;
Steve Bletas MOVED THAT, on the recommendation of the Directorate, the Executive Committee of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board request the authorization of the Ministre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) to engage an amount of 1 000 000$ so as to immediately undertake the renovation of the Competency Development Centre - Laurier (École St-Christophe).
AND THAT the Chairman, and in his absence or with his knowledge the Vice-Chairman, as well as the Director General, and in his absence or with his knowledge the Assistant Director General, be authorized to sign all documentation concerning this project.
Carried unanimously
5.14Engagement of Summer School Principal:
______MOVED THAT, on the recommendation of the Directorate and the Executive Committee, the Council of Commissioners of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board engage Denis Lapierre as Principal for the 2006 Summer School, effective 2006-07-04 to 2006-08-11. AND THAT he be paid in accordance with his personal contract. AND THAT the Deputy Director General be mandated to sign the contract.
5.15Young Achievers:
Steve Bletas advised theExecutive Committee of the “Young Achievers” initiative being sponsored by the Courier Laval noting that it involves all of the schools in Laval. Principals and teachers will be asked to nominate students and a jury will look at the nominations and select the winning candidates. The winning candidates will be honoured at a gala hosted by the Mayor of the Ville de Laval.
The Director General advised that at a recent meeting of the English Directors General the issue of the regionalization of school boards was discussed at length and that the Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) will be asked to draft a resolution to the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) on the concerns of this proposed regionalization.
He also noted that the Ministre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) would be requested to ensure that the English school board community would have a seat on any type of committee formed on the regionalization of school boards. The Ministre would also be asked to fund a position within the English school boards at the level of an Assistant Director General for the specific purpose of representation on any committee formed for the regionalization of school boards.