Minutes of the East Hanney Parish Council
Meeting Wednesday 1st June 2016 – 8pm
1. Attending: Cllr J Triffitt, Cllr J Long, Cllr P Aram, Cllr D Kirk, Cllr S McKechnie.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr S Scott, Cllr Barber (VWHDC) and Cllr Tilley (OCC).
In attendance: G Langton (Clerk).
2. Members Declarations of Interest.
Members declared potential interests as follows: Cllr Long owned property opposite Standholme (item 24) and Cllr Triffitt owned property opposite The Willows (item 23).
3. To confirm: The minutes of the May 2016 meeting of the Parish Council (P1 (06.16)).
Received minutes of April meeting. Proposed by Cllr Long, seconded by Cllr Triffitt.
4. To confirm: The minutes of the May 2016 meeting of the Parish Council (P2 (06.16)).
Received minutes of May meeting, noting a typographical error in item 7. Proposed by Cllr Long, seconded by Cllr Aram.
5. To receive: Update on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda.
Land acquisition: The Council noted the possible future acquisition of land in general would be considered at the July meeting of the Council, where the Council would try to establish the grants available and what the legal position would be should the Council be bequeathed land or money to purchase land. Action Clerk to contact OALC.
DPP Planning: It was noted that representatives of the Council met with representatives of DPP, who would be submitting an application in due course.
Public Art project: The Council heard that the Arts Officer had been in contact with the Clerk and that the applications to replace the circular benches has closed that the applicants, both of whom were Oxfordshire based would need to be interviewed. The Council proposed a Tuesday. Action Clerk to circulate the applicants’ details and arrange a suitable date with the Arts Officer.
6. Public Participation Period.
No members of the public attended the meeting.
7. To receive: Reports from District and County Councillors (if available).
The District and County Councillors gave their apologies.
8. To receive: Invoices paid since last meeting and current statement of account (P3 (06.16)).
The Council noted the payments and receipts, hearing that since the production of the paper, there had been extra payments to Green Scythefor £199.74 plus VAT and to the Land Registry for £6.
9. To consider: Audit 2015-16 part 1 (P4a (06.16)).
The Council approved the annual governance statement, noted that the Council assessed its financial risks at its January 2016 meeting and that it sought appropriate insurance in May 2016. Proposed by Cllr Kirk, seconded by Cllr McKechnie. The audit form was signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
10. To consider: Audit 2015-16 part 2 (P4b (03.16)).
The Council approved the accounting statements. The Clerk commented on the variances to the previous year. Proposed by Cllr Kirk, seconded by Cllr McKechnie. The audit form was signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
11. To consider: Response to random extended audit (P5 (06.16)).
The Council noted that it would be considering the risk register at its July meeting.
12. To receive: Updated village asset register (P6 (06.16)).
The Council received the updated asset register. Proposed by Cllr Kirk, seconded by Cllr Long.
13. To consider: Response to the letter received from HWMH Operations Committee (P7 (06.16)).
Cllr Long noted that the letterreceived referredto the PC citing its lack of funds as part of the reason forrejecting the request but mentioned the planned precept for 2016-17.Cllr Kirk noted the timeline of therequestfor funds to purchase afridge-freezer but also that the PC had consideredthe justification insufficiently detailed.The Council noted the planned future works by the Hall, notably to frame and hang the WW1 picture provided by the History Group. As the Council was now in a position to make a donation to support the Hall, Cllr Kirkproposed a donation of £500 towards the mounting and display of the WW1 picture donated by the Hanney History Group. This was seconded by Cllr Aram and approved by the Council.
14. To consider: Annual Parish Survey (P8 (06.16)).
The Council resolved to receive an update from Cllr Scott at its July 2016 meeting.
15. To consider: Acquisition and installation of new playground equipment (Cllr Aram).
The council noted that approximately £4500 of Section 106 money was available. Cllr Aram introduced the item for the Council, commenting that he considered it advisable to provide a new piece of play equipment as soon as possible following the feedback from the young people at the recent Neighbourhood Plan ‘pizza event’. Cllr Aram proposed that a nest swing was installed. This was seconded by Cllr McKechnie and the Council resolved to seek quotes and consider at the July meeting. Action Clerk.
16. To consider: Request for Section 106 funding (Cllr Aram).
Cllr Aram reported that the club had received a grant from a third party to repair and upgrade the playing field floodlights, which the Council had previously agreed could be funded through Section 106 allocations. However, he reported that the football club needed new goals. The Council resolved to consider this proposal for the use of Section 106 funds at its July meeting.
Action Clerk.
17. To consider: Securing the playing fields. (Cllr Aram).
Cllr Aram suggested that the Council commence the work agreed in previous meetings. It was noted that WHPC would need to be informed as some of the proposed works could affect access to their land.
The Council noted that the rough ground west of the EH allotments required fencing-in and that the fence along the front of the allotments required some work. It was also noted that a number of posts by the overflow car park were damaged or had been removed and required repair or replacing. The council resolved to consider the work but required updating as to the final plans, Cllr Aram to seek fence quotes and circulate the plan. Action Cllr Aram.
18. To consider: A rapidroute for display andapplication of previouslyagreed EHplaying field rules (Cllr Triffitt).
Cllr Triffitt reported that WHPC had agreed that it would also display the rules once agreed by that PC. Action Clerk to share the rules with WHPC Clerk.
19. To consider: The state of villagepavements,in particularthat fromthe Black Horse towardsthe BritishLegion (Cllr Triffitt).
Cllr Triffitt reported the state of the footpaths. Action Clerk to report the issue to the County Council.
20. To consider: Identification of playing fields to commemoratethosewho lost their lives inWWI (P9 (06.16)) (Cllr Triffitt).
Cllr Triffitt brought the Council's attention to the contents of the paper. The Council discussed the proposition, resolving to investigate this for the Ebbs Lane donated land. Action GL to contact the Fields in Trust group to see if the land is applicable under the scheme.
21. To note: The benefits of membership of advisory and other bodies (Cllr Triffitt).
The Council noted that it was a member of a number of organisations and thus had access to a number of facilities and advice streams. The Council noted that it needed to be fully aware of what was available to them and the details of the membership. Action Clerk to prepare a paper for the July meeting.
22. To note: The Parish Tree Survey areas.
The Clerk reported that the survey will be undertaken over 2 separate tranches, with the trees in the village along the roadsides and the Green being surveyed as tranche 1 and those around the playing field in tranche 2 after the specifics of their ownership had been identified. The Clerk noted that 2 organisations had been contacted for quotes and would be considered at a future meeting of the Council.
23. To confirm: The Parish Council’s response to the following planning applications:
a. The appeal against the rejection of planning application P15/V1616/FUL
The Council heard that the Planning Inspector had rejected the appeal by Linden Homes and that details were available on the Council’s website.
b. P16/V0391/HH - Demolition of existing conservatory and replacement with rear extension at The Willows, Mill Orchard.
The Council noted that it had submitted a response to the District Council noting no objections to the application.
24. To consider: The Parish Council’s response to the following planning applications:
a. P16/V1074/LDP - Proposed Installation of two velux windows to the roof of the property.
The Council noted it had no objections to this application.
b. P16/V1084/MPO - Modification of Planning Obligation on P15/V2175/FUL to reduce the affordable housing obligations under Section 106BA.
The Council noted that it would be submitting a formal response to the District Council objecting strongly to the request to reduce the number of affordable houses, noting that having gained approval, the developer has the benefit of the development on the terms approved. It would therefore seem equitable for all concerned for the conditions and requirements of the application as submitted and reviewed through planning committee to remain unaltered.
c. P16/V1105/HH - Proposed single storey extensions and alterations at Standholme, Ebbs Lane
The Council noted it had no objections to this application.
d. Letter sent to the Council by the owners of Lynwood, Ebbs Lane.
The Council received the latter and noted its contents. The Council resolved to contact Mr and Mrs Ely to thank them for their notification and that the Council would consider the application at a meeting once it had been received. Action Clerk.
The meeting closed at 10.20pm.
Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()5