Minutes of the Durrington in Bloom Meeting held on Thursday 4th of August 2016 in the Town Council Office
Cllr P Taylor
Mrs W Parsons
Cllr S Paines
Mr J Ellis
Mrs R Ellis
Mr P Haydn-Davies
Clerk S J Tucker
Wilts Cllr W Wright
Ms K McEwan
Item / Comments / Comments/ActionLESSONS IDENTIFIED / OPEN GARDENS
These were a success, despite fewer gardens opening in 2016. Peter will start his search of new gardens and approach previous residents who have opened their gardens for 2017.
The emphasis and advertising must focus on the fact that it isn’t a competition as opening a garden to the public can be a daunting experience.
Advertising will start in the April 2017 Durrington and Larkhill Dispatch / Peter (for March 2017)
Sponsorship increased this year totalling £180, the sponsors were as follows, the September Dispatch will thank all sponsors and a certificate will be produced for them:
JP Todd
Friends of Durrington
Conn and Bolter
Over 60’s
The McEwans x 2
Donald Capewell
Rangers Garage
A special thank as well to Trevor and Barbara Parker who planted all of the tubs, Sarah would write a letter of thanks to them.
Some money remained to put in winter flowers later in the year. / Sarah
The judges appreciated the chance to nominate the winners of the ‘Best Kept Allotments’. A new theme would be needed for 2017. / All
The number of entries was disappointing this year, with many classes in the vegetable section not entered into, poor weather earlier in the season was possibly to blame.
The committee decided that for 2017 entries would need to be confirmed the week prior to the show in order for them to best set up on the day.
Advertising will start in April 2017. Sarah will speak to Cllr Armstrong-Watkins prior to his allotment holders’ meetings to try and bolster support for the event and to determine what holders think the classes of vegetables should be (early season) in the hope more entries will be forthcoming.
It was decided to remove Runner Beans, Marrows and Cucumbers from the competition as July was too early, however Broad Beans should be added.
It was disappointing that there were no entries from children in the ‘Design a Crown for the Queen’, particularly as Cllr Graham Wright had visited all schools/pre schools to advertise this.
A new theme for Photography will be decided at the meeting in March. / Sarah
Next Meeting / The next meeting will be held on Thursday 2 March 2017 – subsequent meetings will be the first Thursday of each month. / All