Minutes of the Dunsforths Village Meeting

Saturday 5th January 2013

St Mary's Church, Lower Dunsforth

There were 13 electors present.

1. Introductions and welcome

Tim welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 13th October 2012

The minutes were accepted as an accurate record of the last meeting.

3. Matters arising

Matters arising as follows:

The bulb planting sessions were well attended in both Upper and Lower Dunsforth and combining the planting with lunch/snacks proved to be a sociable and enjoyable way of getting the job done.

Tim had followed up with Highways whether it was feasible to widen roads on the more dangerous corners but the response was unfortunately not. He confirmed we could access temporary flashing speed signs and if we felt this would be helpful – please contact Tim. Finally, the Give Way sign had been moved at Tom Lane.

The holm oak that was being cut back by the village name sign at Upper Dunsforth was not just being trimmed to keep the sign clear. It was cut low to allow tractors leaving the field behind to have clear access of the road to avoid accidents.

4. Planning issues since the last meeting

An extra window had been added to the western elevation of Oakwood in Lower Dunsforth to provide a fire escape for the domestic office space. This was not included in the original planning permission and following a complaint Harrogate Borough Council confirmed a further application would need to be submitted. The owners agreed they would submit this in the next few weeks.

Keith Ramsey commented that two trees had been removed at the same development and he thought he remembered the original planning application stated these had to be replaced. Tim agreed to check.

Mike Wildblood raised concerns about the items being burnt down by the river bank by Mr Radcliffe because a) it might lead to this area being classed as a previously developed site and b) it ruined the riverbank. Tim agreed to send a gentle letter as nobody wanted to offend Mr Radcliffe after all his help during the floods.

Action: Tim to check re trees at Oakwood.

Action: Tim to write to Mr Radcliffe re burning on riverbank.

5. Payments made since last meeting, and payments due

Payments were due as follows:

£60Peter Thompson to mount Lower Dunsforth sign

£3.30 Drainage Board

£290Mr J Elgie for copse maintenance

£609Mr J Elgie for grass cutting

£888W T webster and Sons for verge maintenance

£144Mazars audit fees

6. Incinerator update

David Grypton provided a detailed update. A very unsatisfactory North Yorkshire County Council planning meeting had taken place. It appeared that the majority of Councillors had not read the report and three Councillors read from typed documents so had obviously made their minds up in advance of the meeting. The planning was approved. It had now been referred to the National Planning Casework Unit at the Department of Communities and Local Government and the Secretary of State had 28 days from the planning decision to call it in. However, he had not had time to review within the 28 days so had issued a holding notice meaning we are currently in limbo.

Still working hard to provide submissions including comments from EU that UK has a chance to avoid the errors of Europe of providing too much incinerator capacity and also from an ex-DEFRA officer saying incinerators produce more carbon than than they get rid of. In addition, David is working on a submission to the Ombudsman to complain about the conduct of North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) in the process.

Mike Wildblood asked whether we should be writing to politicians. David said yes and would circulate via Tim information to use.

Keith Ramsey asked whether we could get a view from candidates who will be standing to replace John Wilson as to whether they support or oppose the incinerator. He also asked whether we could get an update on public funds spent by NYCC. David said £6m had been spent so far and we would find out further spend as progressed. Tim agreed to follow up on both points with David's help.

7.Setting the Precept for 2013/2014

Leah commented this was the first year she had attempted to set the precept so was relying on the advice and experience of everyone at the meeting. It was proposed that we keep the precept the same for 13/14 and a list of anticipated spend was put to the meeting. The following points were discussed:

Insurance – quote is for £180

Drainage – remains same at £5

YLCA – membership is £40

Audit fee – increased to £144 from £80 last year

Little Red Bus transport – remains same at £120

CPRE – membership is £35

Expenses – kept at £50 although unlikely to be called upon

Copse maintenance – was £275 last year but will need review against budget

Daffodil bulbs - £50 - £100. This was removed as felt we now had enough daffodils!

Verge cutting contingency – to be included if possible

Incinerator – provide £200 for research again

Phonebox – to put in a provision and Leah to check with Vic Bean as to what sum would be needed

Damaged Lower Dunsforth sign – removed and would claim on insurance

Village Website – removed. To try for Awards for all funding or use reserves to match Millenium Fund contribution.

During discussion Peter Thompson raised issue of some outstanding highways jobs. Tim had followed most up but was happy to pick up any outstanding issues and walk the villages with Peter. Tim also commented that the new sign pointing down Mary Lane is only one sided and he would follow this up.

Action: Leah to amend proposed costs to come within budget of £1185 and submit precept.

Action: Tim to follow up Dunsforth Lane sign.

Action: All to let Tim know of any outstanding actions re roads etc.

8. Floods at Lower Dunsforth and Emergency Planning

Tim had met with the Internal Drainage Board who had agreed to walk the drains with Tim in mid January and they would also be willing to attend a village meeting. Tim had also met with Ian Spiers at Harrogate Borough Council re emergency planning, road closures, ambulance access issues, degree of flooding etc. Ian was also willing to attend a village meeting, had helped Tim draft the start of an emergency plan and was going to provide a battle box with items such as Hi-Vis jackets, mobile phone, battery radios etc. 200 sandbags are also available if we can find storage facilities. It was suggested David Jackson might be able to help and Tim would follow up.

Tim, Rob Sanderson, and Keith Ramsey had met with the Environment Agency and discussed the river breaching the outer bund and also the reduced height part of the inner bund. The Environment Agency agreed to look at what they might be able to do re the lowered section of the outer bund within their budget. They also raised the issue that people with land outside the inner bund get a flood alert but not a flood warning. You only get the flood warning if you have a house, but land owners also need the warning. Usefully the Environment Agency did state that they were not following a policy of benign neglect re the outer bund and would take action if any deterioration had an impact on flooding. They also agreed to liaise with Highways re the flooding of Mary Lane.

Tim will arrange an extraordinary meeting to focus on flooding when he can find a date that will be convenient for HBC, the Environment Agency, Highways etc. It would be good if as many people as possible could attend to make it worth the agencies time to attend. Tim also needed volunteers for an emergency committee (Joan Holmes was one volunteer from the meeting).

Joan Holmes suggested inviting Mr Smirthwaite and Yorkshire Water. It was also suggested that we invite the Fire Service as floods back up the drains and residents have to phone them to pump the water away.

Paul Nathan Geary asked about who was responsible for clearing the sludge that runs off the fields at the Marton junction. Tim had checked with Highways and they had confirmed it was the farmers responsibility to clear it and put up signs.

Action: Tim to check with David Jackson re storing sandbags

Action: Tim to liaise with agencies re attendance at an extraordinary meeting on flooding.

Action: All to consider volunteering for emergency committee.

9. Millennium Fund projects – Village website and Kruckenberg photos

See point above re Awards for All bid and Millennium Fund. Tim had found a website designer who was willing to do the work at a reduced price of £500. Joan Holmes mentioned that Staveley had a simple map of their village on a board so that delivery drivers could easily identify each house. Perhaps we could have something similar by the phonebox in Lower Dunsforth? It was decided to consider for the funding bid.

Paul Nathan Geary said he would check any other grants available and also asked us to cost in maintenance.

The Kruckenberg project had been extended to include photos of all aspects of village life through the year. Everyone was reminded to send Kruckenberg photos in.

Mike Wildblood asked who makes financial decisions in regard to the Millennium Fund. Joan confirmed it was the Millennium Fund Committee.

Action: Leah to finalise the Awards for all bid started by Tim and consider what else might be added.

Action: Paul Nathan Gerry to look at additional grants.

Action: All to send Kruckenberg photos in to Linda Simpson.

10. Highways issues

Tim had agreed earlier in meeting to walk villages with Peter Thompson to pick up any outstanding issues.

Leah had spoken to NYCC to ask why the access roads to the villages were not gritted. It turns out that the Dunsforths are one of a handful of villages only classified as priority 3. If we want to be considered for priority 2 status we need to submit a business case but no guarantees this would lead to change. David Grypton volunteered to help Leah put a business case together.

Action: Leah to put together a business case for gritting to NYCC.

11. Update from Joint Parish Meeting

An update was provided by Leah including - bridge lighting at Boroughbridge was not being pursued as impractical; phase 2 of the waste recycling collection would be rolled out in our area by HBC this year; bus service cancellations are being discussed with Eddie Brown; and the Boroughbridge Town Council were progressing negotiations with HBC to take over the running of the car park which would cost £10K per annum and they were asking for help from other parishes to meet this cost.

12.Winter Weather Agents Scheme

Leah updated on grant of £250 available to villages wanting to put together a village agent scheme to support residents during bad weather. She would explore whether there was an appetite to progress this.

13.Oil Cooperative Update

Nic Holmes of Upper Dunsforth had kindly taken on the volunteer co-ordinator role for the oil cooperative. All new members would be very welcome. Current members were pleased with the scheme and the savings it achieved so all felt it was great that it was going to continue.

14. AOB

Broadband – No progress getting the LN communications broadband to Lower Dunsforth so now dependent upon BT's plans. This would be dependent upon Boroughbridge exchange being upgraded. Any further information received would be circulated.

Community Rights – we have the opportunity to list the village pub as a valued asset with HBC which would give the residents time to consider a community buy out should the pub come up for sale. It was agreed we should discuss this in more detail at the next meeting.

Log theft – Norma had logs stolen from outside her house so other should be aware.

Draft minutes – Peter Thompson requested draft minutes were circulated as early as possible after village meetings.

Copse maintenance – Peter Thompson asked whether Neil Swain would consider leading on copse management in Upper Dunsforth as he had some knowledge of this through his work.

Role of church – Mike Wildblood explained that the church was looking at its role in the community. They would welcome ideas about how the church could be more widely used.

Action: Leah to add community rights re pub to next agenda.

Action: Leah to circulate draft minutes as soon as ready (noting January's likely to be delayed due to imminent arrival of new baby).

Action: Leah to ask husband whether he would lead on copses.

Action: All to consider how the church could be more widely used.