Minutes of the Council meeting held on 20th October 2016 at 7.30pm in the blue room at theMorritt Arms.

  1. Apologies for absence.

Cllr A Falshaw and the Vice Chairman send there apologies.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting.

The minutes were sent out prior to the meeting, the Chairman asked Councillors are they correct all agreed, proposed by Cllr A Watson and seconded by Cllr M Stead, the Chairman signed and dated the minutes.

  1. Co-opt Councillor for the Parish of Rokeby.

The Chairman asked members if they have been able to get anybody interested, unfortunately nobody has come forward, the clerk said the Vice Chairman had somebody in mind and was going ask to see if they were interested, but with the Vice Chairman absent we still don’t know. The matter will have to be on the next agenda.

  1. Matters arising.

The matters relating to street sweeping and weed control at Greta Bridge Cottages, also litter along the A66 corridor have been reported on numerous occasions, litter on the A66 is a continuous battle.

The request for a donation towards the Abbey Bridge Toll Booth was agreed at the last meeting, the clerk has been in contact with Mr Salvin to say the PC agreed to pay £20 towards the plants etc we will keep in touch to see if it is required.

The potholes opposite GretaBridge farm have been attended to recently.

Brignall road has been repaired at the requested site (corner opposite double gates below BrignallChurch)

Traffic lights atGreatBridge. (DCC).

We are looking into purchasing some new video detection equipment that is now being produced which would be able to detect the horses better than the existing inductive loops and microwave vehicle detectors and have checked that we have enough spare cable cores on site to install this equipment. As yet there is no date for when we will be able to get the new detectors.

Overhanging tree branches Brignall pond.

This matter was allocated out to a Clean and Green team in the beginning of September, the department has been asked to provide the PC with an update on this matter, we are still waiting for a reply.

BridlePathGretaBridge Rokeby-Peel House.

The path was inspected a while back, so apologies for not getting back to you. It is in a suitable condition for a rural bridleway. I did note some pot holes appearing, but they are not an issue to users. I wouldn’t be able to authorise the installation of a post, as the track is being used by the land owner to access their land and it would only disappear again. As their access is private rights I can’t really do anything about it, but I will keep an eye on the surface condition.

The bin request has been passed to our Clean and Green team and if I get a response I’ll forward it to you.

  1. Correspondence.

A list of correspondence was sent out with the agendas prior to the meeting.

6. Audit report year ending 31st March 2016.

The audit has been completed by BDO there were no matters which came

To our attention which required the issuing of a separate additional issues arising report. The PC accepted the annual return and the certificate.

  1. Wind turbines at Punder Gill farm. (Outcome of decision)

A final decision on this matter has been made by the planning authority; two listed buildings came to attention which went in favour for it to be rejected, final decision.

8. A.O.B.

A planning application Mortham Estates. No: 1 Abbey Cottage listed building consents for internal works to enlarge kitchen and re-locate ground floor bathroom to first floor. The Chairman asked members do we have any objections all agreed to approve the plans.

The clerk said that another recommendation for the closure of the telephone kiosk at Greta Bridge has come to attention, BT are saying that it is not used at all now and is on the list for it to be discontinued.

The Vice Chairman sent an e-mail prior to this meting, Sir Andrew Morritt suggested that the salt bunkers should be kept full with salt which would stop them being used as unofficial rubbish bins which over flow in time.

The clerk said that work has begun on repairs to the road/bank leading to Barningham.

No further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm.