Minutes of the Circulation Services Committee Meeting, April 21, 2010, 2:15 p.m. in the Gerstein Science Information Centre, Alice Moulton Room.

(Law), Catherine Devion (UTSC), Lisa Andrews-Attwater (Rotman), Margot Froud (Dentistry), Jan MacLean (Music), Susan Bond (Trinity), Stephanie Abba (Regis), Chris Crebolder (Emmanuel), Mike Hamilton (Media Commons), Lisa Doherty (Architecture), Monique Flaccavento (OISE), Monica Jucha (UTS), Anne Rebello (St. Michael’s College, Kelly Library), Maryam Atrie (St. Augustine’s), Wenran Zhang (ITS), Lari Langford (Access & Information, Robarts).

Regrets: Terry Correia (Access & Information, Robarts), Renata Holder (Gerstein), Bonnie Horne (Gerstein), Mei-Chu Lin (East Asian), Bev Branton (Vic Pratt), Ryan Dodge (ROM).

1.Minutes of the Meeting of January 20, 2010:

Under item #6, the holds in transit sentence should read “books are returned to the pick-up library, i.e. the library where the hold was placed (which is usually Robarts – the default “online” library) instead of the owning library .”

Also under item #6, DIRBs can use Request Item for items held at UTL at Downsview only.

2.Business Arising:

Lari Langford described some of the UTL and University activities which support services to patrons with disabilities, especially in the context of the Customer Service Standards attached to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005). She talked about the upcoming Information and Communication Standards (expected to be enacted in June2010), which will have further implications for University and Library services. Susan Bond suggested that the UTL web-site for Services to Persons with Disabilities include a list of resources and resource persons in the library system. Lari indicated that the newly-reconstituted standing committee of Library Council, for Services to Persons with Disabilities should be convened as soon as possible. Neil Allen asked about accessible software on library work-stations. Lari indicated that, in the central libraries, the option to loan laptops with accessible software has been the choice, thus far.

Re the change in policy about drinks in spill-proof containers in the central libraries, it was noted that the Library Code of Conduct now needs to be updated.

3.Report from ITS:

Wenran Zhang reported on the Sirsi Symphony “Roadmap” (version 3.4) unveiled at the recent Sirsi Users Conference in Florida. This version will be available for implementation in the fall. Features include mobile messaging, output for some Sirsi Reports in XML and Excel formats, upgrades to the placing of holds and other “power tools” to connect items to patrons, Web 2.0 applications for the I-phone (and other smart phones), e.g. searching the catalogue, placing holds, etc. She described the device.

Neil Allen asked about the slow launching of Workflows functions when first opening the client at the beginning of the day or periodic “freezing” of the system. Wenran said she would talk with Sirsi about the causes for the slowness in establishing a Sirsi session.

Chris Crebolder inquired about the problem with call-number ordering, particularly as it affects creating a shelf-list for inventory control. Wenran agreed that she will e-mail the information from Sirsi as to whether this problem will be fixed in version 3.4.

4. Forgiving Other Libraries’ Fines:

Neil reported that Renata Holder was sending a reminder to all libraries that we do not forgive each other’s fines. This prompted a discussion about how fines can be cancelled and another discussion about the requirement for individual logins for anyone who is permitted to waive, cancel, or pay fines. The need to introduce new individual override passwords was raised and Neil agreed to contact Yvonne Ramcharan about moving ahead on this for those who have the ability to waive/pay/cancel fines.

Anna Scot-Sacawa raised the question about the need in the Law Library to continue to accept partial payments, year round. This turned the discussion to the reason behind the annual end-of-term embargo, in non-central libraries, on accepting partial payments (central libraries can only accept full payments at all times). As there was general agreement that this policy was really a “practice” and not a requirement from the Circulation Services Committee, members will proceed to exercise local flexibility, as needed.

5.Overdue Notices:

Lari Langford proposed a change in the timing of the sending of the first Overdue Notice, from the current 14 days overdue to 7 days overdue. Members agreed to proceed with a pilot of this change, in lieu of implementing a “grace day” overdue notice (seen to be too soon after the “courtesy” notice). However, with the 7-day loan period in effect at Dentistry and Architecture libraries, it was suggested that these two libraries could pilot a “grace-day” notice service. Wenran will implement these changes as of May 10,2010.

6. Holds “intransit”:

We discussed the occasional problem when “intransit” holds do not switch to “Holds” status. It was suggested that this occurs when holds are placed through the web script, e.g the Request Item service. To clarify whether this is the cause, we agreed to review the way this script (written by Sian Meikle) works, at the next meeting.

7.End of year fines and claims returned notices:

We agreed that the annual end-of-session fines and overdue book notices would be sent to all current undergraduates and TST graduate students, in mid-May. Claims returned notices, to all current patrons, sent 3 times a year, will be sent before the end of April.

8.Other Business:

Neil confirmed that alumni borrowing cards are accepted at all college libraries.

There was a discussion re obtaining updated e-mail and other contact information for students (and staff and faculty), when the information in the patron database is incorrect. Lari can provide this information from the UTORAble database, so all members are encouraged to e-mail her when needed.

Mike Hamilton reminded everyone about not discharging Media Commons materials.

Lari described the new self-return and sortation system which will be installed in Robarts Library in the late summer, 2010.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for 2:15 p.m., Wednesday, May 19, 2010 in the Alice Moulton Room, Gerstein Science Information Centre.