Meeting commenced 19:30hrs
PRESENT: Cllrs Bishop, Bryant, Fenn, Harris, Hole, Kilby, Matthews (Chair), Powell, Rogers, Streatfield, Thompson, Weaver, White, C.Cllr Jones, D.Cllr Carpendale, D.Cllr Swan, Julie Lawes (Clerk) and 3 members of public.
19.02.18 Apologies for Absence
Cllr Thomas – valid reasons given
20.02.18 Declarations of Interest and to consider any Dispensation Requests
21.02.18 To approve the minutes of the meeting held 8th January 2018
PROPOSAL: That the minutes be signed as a true record of the meeting held.
Proposed: Cllr HarrisSeconded: Cllr WhitePASSED
22.02.18 Clerks Report
23.02.18 Correspondence: received and noted
24.02.18 Half Hour Open Forum(Residents)
1) C.Cllr Jones reported – details attached
2) D.Cllr Carpendale reported – details attached
3) D.Cllr Swan reported – details attached
25.02.18 Planning Applications (Cllr Rogers)
DC/18/ / Address / Detail / Recommendation00162 / Westering, London Road / Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory / APPROVAL
Proposed: Cllr Streatfield Seconded: Cllr Hole PASSED
26.02.18 Planning Correspondence (Chair)
Babergh District Council has approved the following planning applications: 71 The Street - Outline – Erection 1 dwelling; Harvest Moon, London Road - Consent for Advertisements; Village Hall, The Street - Consent for Advertisement; 3 Ash Grove - Erection of single storey rear extension; Arosa, 1 Dawes Close - Erection two storey rear extension; Great Gilberts Farm, Old London Road - Change of use of 2 barns and land from agricultural use to Class B8 storage. Erection of Class B8 Storage building. Installation of package treatment plant and earth bund (as amplified in additional information received 21.12.17).
27.02.18 Development and Communication (Chair)
Hopkins Homes are currently visiting the site. No building work has taken place.
Persimmon Homes are appealing the refusal of 150 dwellings alongside the new application for 100 dwellings. Babergh District Council is waiting on a new design layout and housing needs evidence. A provisional date of 21st March 2018 has been given for the Babergh Planning Committee to discuss the application for 100 dwellings.
There have been no submissions from Scott Properties at this time.
Cllr Thomas produced a press release regarding development which was circulated to the press. The EADT telephoned advising this will appear in the paper in the next couple of days. The Chair will be attending a meeting of the BAPTC with Arthur Charvonia to discuss planning matters.
28.02.18 Posters / Signs Protesting Housing Development(Chair)
Much discussion was held on the provision of posters and signs within the village. It was agreed signs could be produced promoting awareness of the current development issues as not all residents appear to realise the impact the proposed developments will have on the infrastructure of the village.
A review of our communication on development strategy is required looking at posters and leaflets etc advising how residents can get involved. Suggestions are to be circulated prior to the next meeting where a proposal will be made. MARCH AGENDA
29.02.18 Data Protection (Chair)
We have been looking into the requirements for the changes in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and what is required by us as a council.Due to the Clerk and Councillors being unable to act as the Data Protection Officer (DPO) a suggestion has been made that we work alongside Stratford St Mary Parish Council fulfilling each others requirement as a DPO. Appropriate training will be required.
PROPOSAL: That Jenny O’Hanlon, Clerk for Stratford St Mary Parish Council is appointed our Data Protection Officer and Julie Lawes Clerk for Capel St Mary Parish Council theirs.
Proposed: Cllr Matthews Seconded: Cllr HarrisPASSED
30.02.18 Reports: Neighbourhood Planning (Cllr Hole)
A leaflet has been designed and is now being produced with delivery expected end of this week. Collection boxes are provided in the Library, Drayton Insurance and the Parish Council office. The cut off date for returns is 5th March with a drop in consultation event on 15th March in the library 3.30pm to 8.30pm. Councillors are required to assist in the running of this event, each being present for a section of the event.
Paul Bryant at BDC has advised they no longer hold any presentation materials for Neighbourhood Planning.
31.02.18 Reports: Capel Community Trust (Cllr Harris)
The pathway entrance to the library is now completed. Cllr Bryant advised the grassed area is susceptible to flooding. Consideration is being given to the installation of a safer set of stairs for the stage area. Discussion and fundraising continues with the Association on the refurbishment of the Family Bar knocking down the archway. A Fire Risk Assessment has been carried out on the building.
There have been drainage issues at the pavilion now being addressed.
Cllr Harris thanked the Parish Council for the funding allocation for 2018/2019 on behalf of the Community Trust.
32.02.18 Finance: Current Budget and Bank Reconciliation (Chair)
Bank Balance as of 29th January 2018 £82,413.64
All donations have been claimed.
The following accounts were over-budget: Internal Audit by £10; SALC Subscriptions by £16.40; Suffolk Preservation Society Subscriptions by £5.
Reserves currently £22,021.17.
33.02.18 Finance: Bills to be paid (Chair)
PROPOSAL: The following bills be paid en-bloc.
Proposed: Cllr BishopSeconded: Cllr PowellPASSED
Name / Description / Cheque No / Sub-Total / Total / VATS&G Industrial Roofing Ltd / Repairs to Pavilion roof / EP / £7,182.00 / £1,197.00
Playquip Leisure / Repairs to hinge on self closing gate / EP / £208.50 / £34.75
EDF Energy / Allotments Electricity / EP / £33.34
Graham Whybrow / Village Green Maintenance / EP / £165.00
Extra Christmas Tree Lights / EP / £24.00 / £189.00
Canon UK / Photocopier Hire / EP / £88.26 / £14.71
CCT / Library Hire AGM / EP / £35.00
Library Hire Persimmon Meeting / EP / £35.00 / £70.00
Vertas / Grass Cutting Jan-Mar 18 / EP / £2,219.51 / £369.92
Horticultural Supplies Ltd / Rat Poison / Weed Killer / EP / £307.14 / £51.19
Mr Prophet / Bus Shelter Cleaning / EP / £20.00
Allotments Association / Nelson Potter - Various / EP / £171.80
Louie Kocher / Litter Picker / EP / £62.50
Wave (Anglian Water) / Allotments Water / EP / £175.02
Julie Lawes / Clerk Salary / EP / £934.51
Expenses / EP / £9.03 / £943.54
HMRC / JL NI / EP / £35.03
JL Tax / EP / £2.40
PC NI / EP / £40.29 / £77.72
IWJS / Allotments Septic Tank / EP / £138.00 / £23.00
Nest Pension / JL Contributions / DD / £40.50
PC Contributions / DD / £30.37 / £70.87
£11,957.20 / £1,690.57
34.02.18 Finance Correspondence (Chair)
35.02.18 Questions to Chairman (Councillors)
1) Cllr Thompson advised an evening of entertainment is to be held at St Marys Church 14th April 2018 to raise funds for the War Memorial. Tickets are £10 each and the evening will include songs, poems and extracts from WW1.
2) Cllr Bishop advised a request has been received for a litter bin on the new London Road, Bentley side. MARCH AGENDA
36.02.18 Date of Next Meeting (Chair)
Monday 12th March 2018 in the library commencing 19:30hrs. Public welcome.
Meeting closed 20:40hrs