To Members of the South Littleton Parish Council
You are duly summonsed to attend the next meeting of South Littleton Parish Council to be held at 7-30pmon Thursday the16th November2017 at
The Scout Hut,Recreation Ground,South Littleton
For 15 minutes, residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this agenda, or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman.Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council meeting itself
- Apologies:To receive apologiesand approve the reasons for absence
- Declarations of Interest-
- Register of interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests
- To declare any Personal interests in items on the agenda & their nature
- To declare any prejudicial interests in items on the agenda& their nature
- To consider any applications for dispensation on any prejudicial interests in items on the agenda
- Minutes: to consider the adoption of the minutes of the meetings held on the
19th October 2017.When adopted, copies of minutes available on the Parish Web Site ( or from the Clerk
- County Councillors Report(C. Cllr Alastair Adams)
- District Councillor Report (D.Cllr Richard Lasota)
- Finance:
- Schedule of Payment for November 2017to be agreed
- Precept 2018/2019 preparation
- Clerk’s Update plus correspondence received including:-
- Correspondence
- Report on Urgent Decisions since the last meeting
8. Contaminated Land:- update Cllr R Lasota
9Chevin Homes :- Offer of a Plot of Land on South Meadow update
10. South Meadow report
- Land on South Meadow
- New Residents Association updateCllr Bucknall
11. Working Groups:- Chairman’s Reports/updates
- Open spaces – Cllr R Herborn
- Traffic Groupincluding HGV’s Cllr P Spain
- Social events Cllr P Spain
- Defibrillatorupdate Cllr P Bindley Road crossings for children Cllr P Bindley
- Wall surrounding Severn Trent Site Cllr P BindleyAllotments: - Cllr P Bindley
- Street Lightsupdate Cllr R Herborn
- Lengthsman Cllr R Herborn
- New Home Bonusideas for expenditure Clerk/Cllr Spain
- Youth including the service of the Youth Bus Cllr D Jones
- PACT Cllr D Jones
- Web Site Cllr M Shaw
- Littleton Link New Printing Company Cllr M Shaw
- Councillor Vacancy Clerk
12. Planning and Urgent planning matters since production of agenda
Applications:-17/02122/AGR Mr John Russell, Land Off, Blacksmiths Lane.
Proposed agricultural building for the storage of hay and machinery – application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry equipment
Urgent planning matters since production of agenda
13. The planned reduction in full time fire men and women working out of Evesham Cllr P Bindley
14.Councillors reports and items for future agenda
15.Urgent Matters at discretion of Chairman
16.Date & Venue of future meetings: - to confirm the date of the next Council
meeting, due to be held at7-30pm at the Scout Hut on 21st December2017
Date may be brought forward to the 14th December
Chris Size
Clerk to South Littleton Parish Council 01386 832 621