December 1st, 2016
The meeting of the Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District was held at the district office in Bloomfield, NJ. In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, advance notice was given to the press (The Star Ledger and Herald News newspapers) and posted. The meeting was also advertised on HEP’s website.
Members and public present were as follows: Supervisors Matt Ward, John Sarnas, Mario Tridente, Gray Russell, and Jerry Flach; Glen Van Olden, Director; staff members Matt D’Alessandro, Fran Aguirre, and Dave Malka; Frank Minch, Executive Secretary, NJ State Soil Conservation Committee; and Dr. Amy Rowe, Environmental and Resource Management Agent for Essex and Passaic Counties.
The public meeting was called to order by Matt Ward at 7:00 p.m.
The minutes from the November 3rd, 2016 meeting were reviewed. M/M Jerry Flach, M/S John Sarnas and passed unanimously to accept the minutes, with Matt Ward abstaining.
Glen reviewed HEP’s Treasurer’s Report and banking accounts for the month of November 2016.
M/M John Sarnas, M/S Gray Russell and passed unanimously to accept the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November 2016.
Glen Van Olden reviewed the Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Plans certified in November 2016.
M/M Mario Tridente, M/S John Sarnas and passed unanimously to accept all actions taken on Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans certified in the month of November 2016.
Glen Van Olden – 2016 Distinguished Service to New Jersey Farm Bureau (NJFB) Award
Glen Van Olden received the “2016 Distinguished Service to NJFB” Award. The award was presented to him at the NJFB Convention in November.
Essex County Construction Officials Meeting
HEP-SCD hosted the Essex County Construction Officials meeting at the district office on 11/22/2016.
Essex County Master Gardeners Soils Class/Workshop
On 11/17/2016 Glen attended the Essex County Master Gardeners workshop and soil investigation at the Essex County Environmental Center. There were 41 attendees. USDA NRCS Soil Scientist, Edwin Muniz, performed an X-ray Fluorescence Study of the soil in an area of the existing community garden to determine concentrations of several trace metals.
Soil Restoration Standards and Self-Certification Process
The public comment period regarding the Soil Restoration Standards is over. The process of implementing the Soil Restoration Standards and the “self-certification” process have to be studied. There was a discussion regarding the various complexities of implementation and the likelihood that districts will be left in a difficult position without clear direction or SSCC assistance.
Stop Work Orders
Kearny: 74-86 Sellers St., Block 150, Lots 14, 15 & 16; No SESC plan certification
Two-acre parking lot, no municipal permits issued
N. Haledon: 944-960 Belmont Ave., Block 30, Lot 14.01;
Demo of commercial property commenced prior to SESC plan certification.
Meeting with Hudson County Administrator and Agents
On 11/1/2016 a meeting was held at the Hudson County Administration Building Annex to discuss violations of the NJ Soil Erosion and Sediment Control (SESC) Act by agents of Hudson County that had gone without corrective action. Attendees included Glen Van Olden, Matt D’Alessandro, and Dave Malka; Tom DeLeo, Hudson County Director of Parks and Community Services; Thomas Malavasi, Hudson County Engineer; Abe Antun, Hudson County Administrator; and other Hudson County agents. Glen hoped the meeting would provide the County with guidance to achieve future compliance.
Meeting with Passaic County Administrator – 11/21/2016
On 11/21/2016 a meeting was held with Anthony DeNova, the Passaic County Administrator; Steve Edmond, the Passaic County Engineer; Matthew Ward, HEP Chairman; Glen Van Olden, HEP District Manager; and Frank Minch, Executive Secretary of the NJ State Soil Conservation Committee; and other agents of Passaic County including the Office of the County Counsel. The purpose of the meeting was to re-educate and provide guidance regarding the NJ SESC Act.
Meeting with Essex County Administrator – 12/1/2016
On 12/1/2016 a meeting was held with Ralph Ciallella, the Essex County Administrator; Sanjeev Varghese, the Essex County Engineer; Gray Russell, HEP Supervisor; Glen Van Olden, HEP District Manager; Dave Malka, HEP inspector/reviewer; Frank Minch, Executive Secretary of the NJ State Soil Conservation Committee; and other engineering and administrative agents of Essex County. The purpose of the meeting was to re-educate and provide guidance regarding the NJ SESC Act.
The supervisors requested that Glen write a letter to both the Essex and Passaic County officials who attended both meetings summarizing the procedures required to comply with the NJ SESC Act.
The Supervisors questioned Glen regarding the city of Paterson’s recent compliance and Matt Ward requested that he prepare a report regarding such.
American Farm Bureau Bank – Credit Card
Glen Van Olden recently received an application for HEP-SCD to apply for a corporate credit card. At times, it is difficult for the district to conduct business without one. M/M John Sarnas, M/S Mario Tridente and passed unanimously to move forward with the application.
2017 NJ Annual Conservation Conference/Meeting
Frank Minch informed that no decisions have been made regarding the host venue/district for the 2017 NJ Annual Conservation Conference. It would require a reasonably priced venue with easy access to encourage a high statewide participation rate.
Regional Supervisors Meeting
There was a short discussion regarding the Northern Region Supervisors Meeting, typically held in the spring. If no other Northern district wishes to host, HEP would be pleased to host again.
At 8:07 p.m. Supervisor Gray Russell departed.
EXTENSION – Dr. Amy Rowe, Environmental & Resource Management Agent
Dr. Rowe informed on her recent activities which included:
11/9/16 Rutgers Environmental Stewards Graduation – 3 completed the certification and 9 completed the classroom portion of the training from the Passaic Class
11/17/16 Meeting with Friends of Laurelwood Arboretum regarding the dredging of their irrigation pond
11/30/16 Urban Innovations Conference in Newark – presentation on the education and outreach in the community by Rutgers VETS
11/30/16 Teaching students at the JP Holland Charter School in Paterson about the importance of honeybees
Rutgers VETS 2016 participants will be graduating on 12/10/16.
Currently recruiting for the 2017 Rutgers Environmental Stewards class that will begin at the end of January.
There was a discussion regarding the NACD grant requirements. HEP needs an invoice from Rutgers to be able to cut Rutgers a check by the end of December.
USDA/NRCS – Dan Mull, District Conservationist, USDA/NRCS –Absent–No Report
SSCC/NJDA – Frank Minch, Executive Director
NJ State Soil Conservation Committee (SSCC)
During the meeting Frank spoke on various topics including the Soil Restoration Standards and meetings with Essex, Hudson, and Passaic County officials.
The next meeting of the SSCC is 12/12/16. Glen Van Olden is planning on attending. Matt Ward asked Frank to include on the agenda HEP’s meetings with the Essex, Hudson, and Passaic County officials.
There being no further business, M/M John Sarnas, M/S Jerry Flach and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
John Sarnas
The next meeting will be held on Thursday,
January 5th, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
The HEP-SCD District Office
80 Orchard St.
Bloomfield, NJ 07003