Garner Police Athletic / Activities League

Minutes of the Board of Directors for October 3, 2013

In attendance:Bud Davenport, Nancy Anderson, Mitch Brewer, Lt. Chris Clayton, Amaka Flynn, Chuck Killian, Buddy Gupton, Sgt. Chris Adams, Sgt. Mike McIver, Rob Smith and Chief Brandon Zuidema.

The meeting was called to order at 6:02 by President Bud Davenport.

The following business was discussed:

1)Minutes from the September board meeting were presented for review. No discussion. Motion by Buddy, second by Amaka, and approved unanimously.

2)Bud discussed the treasurer’s report since Claude was absent. Five thousand dollars ($5000) was recommended to be moved into the capital improvement fund by the Finance/Fundraising Committee. The Board agreed to move the money. The Broomball fundraiser generated close to $3000 in profit. The Chief and Broomball Committee are continuing discussions about how to add more donors and teams for next year. They are also discussing trying to have something to draw more people to buy tickets such as a Hurricane player. Finally, the Chief and committee are going to explore the possibility of advertising on the boards for the day of the event. Realistically this event is expected to raise $4000-$5000 each year. A motion was made by Nancy to adopt the report, second by Buddy, and approved unanimously.

3)Program reports by Sgt. McIver:

  • Avery St. – we have played football, basketball, and dodge ball with the attendees. NGMS is on a single year round track, so the kids attend for nine weeks, then off for three weeks. We have begun to identify a core group of kids. We concluded the first 9 weeks of school with pizza and soft drinks for the attendees.
  • EGMMS – On September 25, 2013 we had our first meeting. We had the students come up with a motto or creed for the PAAL group this year. The students had virtually no influence from adults and came up with”The East Garner Middle School Police Athletic League believes in responsibility, respect and we are dedicated to community service.” Last week we brought in the new students to this year’s program. We did team building exercises. The smaller group has been a great adjustment. We find ourselves dealing with significantly less behavioral issues and having more time for activities and positive interaction. In the short term we are looking forward to attending the Carolina Hurricanes game on Sunday October 6, 2013. We are going to be doing our campus beautification project this fall. We are also planning a visit to the SPCA, a few police activities and sports. In the long term we are working with the Special Olympics Committee looking for ways to volunteer. We are also going to try and have a 3-3 basketball tournament and possibly involve students from NGMS. That project is still in its infancy and more details will be forthcoming as they arise. We would like to do it late spring.
  • Explorer Post/Cadets – beginning in October.
  • Garner Magnet High School – will begin this fall.
  • NGMMS Girls Club – We have 10-12 girls that are coming regularly. There are several teachers involved with the program, and several outside volunteers, including PD personnel and community members. The group has met five times; we are currently on hiatus during track-out. I anticipate utilizing this time to regroup with staff, address what’s working and what could be done differently, and plan for the next 9-week session block. In the future, we also hope to plan for a mini-camp during one of the weeks the girls are tracked out, spending a little more time on a topic that’s more involved than a 1 ½ hour session can do justice for. The girls will return the fourth week in October and Stacie Hagwood is scheduled to bring some animals and discuss her role as an educator for the Museum of Natural Sciences. On Oct. 30 Linda Clayton will be teaching child CPR for the girls who babysit or care for younger siblings. She will address adult CPR and a safe sitting class on later dates.
  • Vandora Springs Elementary - beginning in October.

4)We have been awarded a Wachovia Grant, which we have already received funding for; we are waiting for the formal announcement for recognition.

5)We are approved for BWW fundraiser on Monday, December 2, 2013 which is a Monday Night Football Game. We will advertise for this event in November.

6)Claude has e-mailed a Belk Days sign-up sheet for our participation in the November event.

7)Chris Clayton was nominated and elected as Secretary for the Board of Directors.

8)Sgt. McIver brought up a proposal for ordering items to give away with the Garner PAAL logo on them such as hats, magnets, and other marketing materials. The Board directed him to draft a proposal for the items and amount he would like to spend and bring it to the November meeting. Sgt. McIver estimated he would want close to $1000. Amaka noted that we needed a line item for next year’s budget for this type of expense.

9)The Chief brought up two items in new business:

  • The Chief suggested PAAL adopt the slogan “We spell community PAAL” and the Board agreed. All future letterhead and documents will contain this slogan.
  • The Chief brought up to the Board that we need to consider developing another major fundraiser. Broomball has probably maxed out on its potential for income at around $4000-$5000, and moving forward as PAAL begins to explore the option of a facility and staff in the next 3-5 years that we will need more income. The Chief welcomes any ideas for another major fundraiser moving forward.
  • Bud mentioned a need to develop a strategic plan which will help address the issue of allocating funds in the future for facilities and staff. This plan will also help set a direction for PAAL and allow us to look ahead instead of focusing on immediate needs. Bud is going to follow up with the Chief and Tim and possibly enlist the help of Jenny from Wake County to assist us with developing a strategic plan. Rob added that these documents help with the procurement of grants because they show the organization has a clear direction.

The Board welcomed Sgt. Chris Adams as its newest member and adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors for the Garner PAAL Board will be held on Thursday, November7at 6:00 p.m. at the Garner Chamber of Commerce.