65 11/12 To Record the Members Present: 7.30pm.

Councillor Mr J Allen [Chairman]

Councillors: Mrs D Dobson, Mrs J Bulman, Mr R Gardiner, Mrs I Knight, Mr M Pearmain, Mr M Steptoe

(Parish, Ward and District Councillor) and Mr S Sterry.

Also present:

Four members of the public.

ECC Councillor Mr R Pearson.

Great Wakering Councillors: Mrs H Wilson and Mr L Street.

The Parish Clerk, Mr B Summerfield.

66 11/12 Apologies and reasons for absence:

To be received by the Clerk in person via: email, letter and telephone.

Councillor Mr J Edmunds (away)

67 11/12 To Receive Declarations of Interests:

i All Councillors (as the Parish Council) declared an interest in the item: Village Hall Committee ( as Trustees ).

ii All Councillors as the Parish Council declared an interest in the item: Playspace.

iii All Councillors as the Parish Council declared an interest in the item: Barling Millennium Parish Park.

iv Councillor Mr M Steptoe declared an interest as a governor of the Barling Primary School.

v District and Barling Magna Parish Councillor Mr M Steptoe declared a possible conflict of interests in planning applications when representing the Parish Council at District level and therefore would:

i judge each Planning application with that in mind

ii declare the personal interest conflict, when it arose

iii will not make up his mind (for or against) until the application comes before the District Council.

iv reserves the right to change his mind.

vi The Clerk advised all Councillors to update their ‘Declaration of Interests’ (lodged at the RDC).

68 11/12 Guest Speaker: None

69 11/12 Public Forum: (5 min per person only)

Councillors, Guests, visiting Ward/County Councillors and questions from members of the public.

Essex County Councillor Mr R Pearson reported: Awareness of travellers movements – ECC Old peoples homes not closing – CiF are being encouraged.

Ward Councillor Mr M Steptoe reported: Travellers at Crays Hill are to be moved from the illegal sites soon – Data protection – a shop at LWR and BHR junction has planning for A1 use.

Two members of the public: Drew the attention of the Council to their opposition to the planning application (11/00338/COU) it is their view that it is an inappropriate development in the green belt.

Councillor Mrs H Wilson voiced her concern and complaint re: a Microlight flying over her home at 5.30am on a recent Sunday morning and further continuous Microlight noise early in the morning and during the same day.

No forward warning had been received by the local population.

Half a dozen complaints have been received by the Parish Council

Ward Councillor Mr M Steptoe reported: No flying time restriction are in place for Baldwins Farm (the airfield where the Microlight aircraft had landed) – The RDC have approached the owners with their issues/concerns – the MP has been approached to investigate why Microlights are outside the rules of the CAA – The noise created by a chainsaw cutting a hedge and with deference to neighbours, at a reasonable time on a Sunday, cannot be compaired with the noise created by a chainsaw sized engine in a Microlight, flying slowly over residential area’s.

Mr P Ellingworth of Baldwins Farm airfield responded: appreciates the publics concerns and is willing to talk to complainants – more Microlights turned up on the day at the airfield, than was expected – the EA is involved – no fly zones with 500 feet minimum were observed, early morning and throughout the day – all aircraft are fully insured and certified – expects that Saturday/Sunday events would be further organized with flying restricted from after 7 am Saturdays and after 8 am Sundays and Microlight events no more than twice a year.

70 11/12 To Receive the Minutes of the Meeting of 9th June 2011. 8.12pm

The Council resolved to agree the Minutes above.

Proposed by Councillors: Mrs J Bulman seconded by Mr R Gardiner and agreed by all.

The Chairman signed the Minutes as a true record.

71 11/12 Matters Arising (not included on the Agenda)

i (Minute 46/i) Security patrol on the haul road.

To report misuse of the haul road, The new security Mobile Number 078256 80936 (24hrs / 7days week).

ii (Minute 46/ii) Website.

The Clerk reported: additions to the website and requested photographs/information from councillors for the site.

iii (Minute 46/iv) Chairman’s and Citizen of the Year boards.

Agreed Clerk to ask Gillian to organise the Citizen of the Year Board, erected opposite the Chairman’s Board in the Committee Room.

iv (Minute 46/v) Village Sign on the opposite corner (LWR and Barling Road).

The Clerk reported: he has chased his earlier email of request and has now had a response for a site meeting.

v (Minute 47/iii) GWCA shared full page. The Clerk’s draft of the BMPC advert is held up by a lack of the V/H advert.

Agreed the Clerk will write the V/H entry as the GWCA ‘copy dead line’ is today.

vi (Minute 53/ii) New proposed streetlight at the ‘build out’ LWR.

The Clerk reported: Essex County will look after the running costs.

vii (Minute 53/iv) GW Summer Play-scheme 2011 re: Donation.

The Clerk reported: No donation last year.

viii (Minute 54/iv/iii) Gift aiding

Councillor Mrs J Bulman report indicated that it was not applicable in the PC case.

ix (Minute 60) Lorries again parking on the Haul Road.

The Clerk reported his conversation with Corys, Barling re: lorry control and the new 24/7 number.

x (Minute 62) Southend Airport development.

No additional planning requirements for Easyjet

xi (Minute 62) Travellers.

All are aware of the imminent traveller movements

‘The Parry’ was described as vulnerable

xii (Minute 62) Children riding horses on the local roads.

All agreed owners and parents should be more responsible.

Councillor Mrs I Knight will write to the British Horse Society.

Councillor Mr M Steptoe will make RDC aware of the Councils concerns.

xiii (Minute 62) FP5 LWR to Peartree Cottage overgrown. Ref: 52302

The Clerk reported his reference to the above and all FP’s in our area.

xiv (Minute 62) Barling Road/BHR junction pavement overgrown. Ref: 52363

Councillor Mrs I Knight has sent photographs of the area to Ward Councillor Mr M Steptoe.

Agreed the area needs spraying off.

72 11/12 Parish Plan Public Meeting Thursday 7th July 2011 at the Village Hall.

i The Chairman’s reported the detail of the meeting:

ii The Clerk’s notes of the meeting were received:

Agreed the next meeting of the Steering Committee to be held on 9th August 2011 in the Committee Room at the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Clerk to expedite.

73 11/12 Playspace.

Mr Pitts reported nothing untoward.

74 11/12 Planning.

Councillor Mr M Steptoe declared an interest as the Ward and District Councillor and took no part in the deliberations or

consultation decisions of the following:

i New applications:

i Application no 11/00348/FUL Site of 1&2 Kingsmead Cottages, Barling Road (Units no 1 & 2 to become One Dwelling. Part Demolish Flying First Floor to Existing No 2 to Create Detached Dwelling. External Alterations to Windows and Door Locations to Existing No 1 & No 2 Kingsmead Cottages)

- The PC has no comment.

ii Application no 11/00338/COU Unit north of New Buildings Farm Cottages, Mucking Hall Road, Barling.

(Proposed Extension and Alteration of Existing Barn (Including New Raised Roof with Dormers) for Use as a Single Dwelling House Incorporating an Office and Agricultural Store Associated with Use of Land at the Site for the Purpose of Agriculture)

The PC object based on:

i Greenbelt.

ii New build/house on Greenbelt

iii Agricultural area not sufficient to support the application

iv concerns re: the access

ii Appeals: None

iii Delegated and Development Committee Planning decisions: items were read to the Council

iv Alleged Planning Contraventions: None

75 11/12 H&S Advisory Committee (Councillors: Mr Gardiner, Mrs I Knight, Mr M Pearmain, Mr S Sterry and Mr C Wood).

Councillor’s report: Agreed that an awful lot of work has been done but that the H&S policy bible now needs to be produced to bring to all councillors and volunteers the guidance required. A meeting in August to be arranged.

76 11/12 To Receive the Minutes of the Meeting of The Village Hall Committee 12th July 2011.

Not received by the Clerk and a Councillor.

77 11/12 Matters Arising None

78 11/12 To Receive the Minutes of the Meeting of Wildlife Committee 12th July 2011

Were circulated and received.

79 11/12 Interim Matters Arising

i (Minute 7 ii/i) Container


Councillor Mr S Sterry requested that it be Minuted that he asked if the Security of the container could be dealt with in correspondence.

i Wildlife councillors indicated that they were unhappy with the progress of the Clerk’s voluntary input into the security of the Container.

ii The Clerk reported that the information following from the Security firms site visit, would be available in due course.

iii The specification for the discussed steels and internal steel cage/door in the aluminum container to be sought.

ii (Minute 7 ii/iii) Dog and Litter bins

i Councillor Mr M Steptoe explained the reasons for Fountains change of direction and the latest quote of £840-30 + vat for 6 bins per week per annum from the RDC dept.

ii Agreed to ask Mr Pitts for a quotation for 6 bins per week per annum. Clerk to expedite

iii (Minute 7 iii/i) A part time wildlife manager

i After discussion the Council agreed in principle

ii The Wildlife Committee to produce a job description, hours of work, knowledge required and experience, etc etc to be put to the next PC meeting.

iii Councillor Mr M Steptoe to research the sharing of qualified persons in this field.

iv The Finance Committee to consider the impact of the potential employment on the Precept and current funding on receipt of all information.

iv (Minute 7 iii/ii) Open Day

The detail of the event was discussed and agreed that plan ‘B’ (in the light of a bad weather forecast) was that the food is to be served in the Village Hall and the presentation of the Citizen of the Year to take place there.

v (Minute 7 iii/v) Open Day Risk Assessment

A basic Risk Assessment for the open day was received by the Chairman Councillor Mrs I Knight from the Clerk.

Discussed two signatures to record the updates and pre-event checking of the site.

vi (Minute 7 iv) Requested agenda items:

i The Clerk advised that Mr Pitts average monthly charges over three years were £120-00 per month.

vii (Minute 7 iv/ii) Public Risk Notice

Following advice from the insurers it was agreed the WL Park does not need one.

viii (Minute 7 iv/iii) Woodland Trust

Agreed to join.

ix (Minute 7 iv/iv) Draft Minutes

Agreed to a trial run

x (Minute 7 v/ii) Water Board

Agreed that an application to the Water Board re: the connection/supply be made.

xi (Minute 8) Date of next WL meeting

Agreed the 4th October 2011.

80 11/12 Wildlife Committee (Structure)

i Committee report re: Minute 330/xii

The Wildlife Committee to take up with Charitable Status, work as a group contracted by tender to the BMPC, at an agreed set fee per annum and seeking their own grants, was rejected in favour of the Status Quo.

ii Alternative:

The Clerk circulated his advice re: updates for discussion on the structure of the Wildlife Committee, based on

evolving resolutions since November 2009 (Minute 144 09/10) and for entry into Standing Orders.

Corrected: Councillors Mr M Pearmain and Mr S Sterry left the meeting

81 11/12 Correspondence.

i Six e/letters July 2011 of complaint from residents re: Microlight flights from Baldwins Farm was recorded.

ii A letter June 2011 from Barling Magna Community Primary School re: Royal wedding donation was recorded.

iii Two e/letters June/July 2011 from Cllr Mr M Pearmain re: the Village Post/stick were recorded.

Agreed to be forwarded to the Village Sign Committee.

iv An e/letter June 2011 from Wyvern Community Transport re: Proposed twice weekly bus service from Great Wakering to Rayleigh was fully supported by the whole Council.

v An e/letter June 2011 from Mike Steptoe re: Natural Environment White Paper was recorded.

vi An e/letter June 2011 from NALC re: Data Protection, controllers registration was recorded.

vii A mileage expenses claim for June 2011 from Councillor Mrs I Knight was recorded.

viii Publications and General Information inc: EALC County Update and Bundles, Making the Links, Fieldwork, Bus timetables, Bus Maps, Meetings open to the Public, etc were recorded.

Councillor Mr L Street left the meeting

82 11/12 Finance.

i A Financial Statement for the period ending June 2011 was recorded.

ii i The Clerk will write into the Financial Regulations the Standing Orders expenses format for approval at the next meeting.

ii The standard Councillors allowances to be discussed by the Finance Committee in due course

iii The VAT 2010-2011 claim received @ £3,917-55 was recorded..

iv The second part precept received @ £17,920-00 was recorded..

v The letter and documents to the Audit Commission 20th July 2011 re: Audit Return 31st March 2011 was recorded.

vi An Invoice June 2011 from RCCE re: Annual Subscription @ £55-00 was recorded.

vii An Invoice June 2011 from Mr Pitts re: 306908 General Green Maintenance @ £237-00 was recorded.

viii An Invoice June 2011 from Mr Pitts invoice re: 306914 General Green Maintenance @ £165-00 was recorded.

ix An Invoice June 2011 from B S/G&S Supplies re: invoice for container paint @ £ 62-00 was recorded.

x Invoices June 2011 from B S/Mrs I Knight re: reimburse fuel, refreshments, key, hose connectors @ £ 53-51 was recorded.

xi Invoices (Trade UK IK account) @ £89-40 timbercare, matt emulsion, worktop, bow saw & blade, bypass lop and Invoices

(Trade UK IK account) @ £50-52 fence brush, timbercare, teak decking stain, teak wood stain @ Total £139-92 was recorded.

xii An Invoice July 2011 from Mrs I Knight re: reimburse Strimmer/brushcutter fuel, dustbin sacks, refreshments @ £33-52) was recorded.