Minutes of the August 8, 2014 Meeting

On Friday August 8, 2014 at 10:10 AM, members of the Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee (LSHSC) gathered for the Committee’s eleventh meeting. The meeting was held at the Houston Pilots’ office, 203 Deerwood Glen Drive, Deer Park, TX 77536. The published agenda is included: enclosure (1).

CALL TO ORDER – 10:12 A.M.

Executive Secretary, Kelly Teichman was not in attendance due to travel.Laci Theriot, standing in for Kelly Teichman, performed the Roll Call. 15Members of the Board were present; a satisfactory Quorum was established.


Committee Chair, Capt. John Peterlin, welcomed the CommitteeMembers and the participants. The members and attendees briefly introduced themselves. The Chair then made opening remarks and mentioned that it appeared from recent vessel issues on the HSC that the menhadenhavestarted running.


Captain Penoyer (USCG) thanked everyone for their service to the Port and coordination with the Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee. He said that the Coast Guard will issue an MSIB bulletin that describes the parameter of their current efforts and what they are doing. If you have concerns, please contact the sector. The first briefing on maritime activity (1-5 year timeframe) will be soon- Capt. Baroody (USCG), Capt. Penoyer, and Col. Pannell (Corps of Engineers) will get together on this.

The Texas City investigation is still ongoing and will continue to follow. The Vessel Traffic Service department is always paying attention to the level of traffic as there are areas of questions/concerns. Also, the last USCG Port/Waterway Assessment was 5 years ago. It should be a Lone Star initiative. Capt. Penoyer added that the Houston/Galveston area is in the “big ship business.” Capt. Penoyer added that there is not a passenger vessel member on the committee, and we need that as the overall concern is assets on water. As far as the future, the committee and industry needs to be thinking about the forecast of maritime activity to come.


The Minutes of May 9, 2014 were distributed to members of the board and sent electronically. Enclosures will be available on the website. Motion passed with no objections.


  1. Maritime Education – Presented by Ms. Tammy Lobaugh
  2. The Maritime Education subcommittee report is enclosed: enclosure (2).
  3. Subcommittee continues to focus on being the synergy between educational opportunities and the maritime industry.
  4. Continuing to ask for participation- Capt. Polk of the Seafarer’s Institute and Linda Clary of the Port of Houston Authority have recently joined.
  5. The committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 11:30 AM.
  6. Encouraging industry to share job postings,internships, apprenticeships, and other opportunities, which can be posted on committee website.
  7. Philip Kropf and USCG have been sharing valuable information to recreational boaters regarding closures, traffic conditions, and dredging projects. You can see the postings on
  8. The annual Youth Maritime and Logistics Expo is coming up- it is a great opportunity for industry. It will be on Saturday, September 6th at the Bayport Cruise Terminal. The gates will close at 1 p.m. so the Port of Houston’s centennial celebration can follow. JJ Plunkett has the application for vendors and exhibitors and flyers are available.
  9. There are several maritime camps through San Jacinto College, TSU, etc., which are vital through informing students and non-industry about the profession.
  10. The subcommittee is working on proposing a maritime essay contest idea for local school children to the full committee.
  11. Marcus Woodring with the Port of Houston added that there will be a Houston Military to Maritime Career Fair at the Bayport Cruise Terminal on September 13th. Matt Woodworth is chairing the event. Flyers are available for that event as well.
  1. Navigation Operations- Presented by Mr. Aaron Heniger on behalf of Mr. David Foret
  2. The Navigation Operations report is enclosed: enclosure (3).
  3. The Facility Team working group met up to review their mission and ways to get more business. The Port Bureau has a wide distribution list.
  4. ATON knockdowns: 21% in May, 17% in June, and 26% in July
  5. New Representatives attended the Casualty Analysis workgroup. They are using an online collaborative tool to address issues and lessons learned.
  6. Manhaven- they completed first safety assessment at Vulcan and addressed the outcome.
  7. VTS is continuing to monitor slacklines.
  8. The bridge to bridge communications team needs to reconvene again. It was a very productive group.
  9. The bridge to bridge communications team needs to reconvene again.
  10. There are three cases that are currently under review by the Houston Pilot’s Association. If you have any issues or examples, please send to James Prazak.

3. Waterways Utilization – presented by Captain JJ Plunkett, USCG (ret.)

a.The Waterways Utilization report is enclosed: enclosure (4).

  • Committee had great attendance at the last subcommittee meeting.
  • Next meeting is on September 2nd at the Port of Houston.
  • Jim Andrews has left G&H Towing, but he will still be involved with committee. Steve Huttman is his alternate. However, his executive board voting position will need to filled.
  • The scheduling work group met in July as well. George Pontikos leads that working group.
  • Brownwater working group- Most people think of Houston as a deepwater port. Tom Marian recently had a meeting in July on brownwater interface and three recommendations were offered:
  • The communication practices from HOGANSAC be reviewed and implemented
  • Brownwater representative coordinate with VTS- development training will help low visibility.
  1. Dredging & Marine Construction – presented by Ms. Laci Theriot for Mr. David Casebeer
  1. The Dredging and Marine Construction report is enclosed: enclosure (5).
  • Federal, private, and Port of Houston dredging project updates were given as well as non-VTS/recreational boater issues during last 3 meetings
  • Tri-subcommittee meeting with NavOps and Waterways Utilization was in July.
  • Port of Houston updates: The Port of Houston Barbour’s Cut dredging began on July 25th. This project is to widen the berths to 225 ft. and shift the 300 ft. channel 45 ft. north. Channel and berths will be deepened to 45 ft. This dredging should be done by the of the year. The Bayport dredging will be widening the channel by 100 ft. in the bay reach and 50 ft. in the land cut. The berths and channel will be deepened to 45 ft. as well. The Bayport project is scheduled to happen in October. The contractor has not submitted any work plans yet for Bayport; however, the Port’s Community Relations department will distribute the information once it becomes available on deepeningportofhouston.com.
  • Subcommittee used the last three meetings to discuss issues regarding GIWW traffic, dredging and placement area/disposal use, and communication regarding upcoming dredging efforts.
  • Ms. Theriot mentioned that the GIWW traffic study is still underway- the subcommittee is waiting to hear from the Dept. of Transportation and the Corps of Engineers. The study won’t be complete until 2015.
  • CRA and Orion Marine Group had their Sediment Testing and Dredge Disposal Workshop on July 15th. 125 industry members attended and many questions were answered as to the future of capacity and disposal requirements.
  • The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 12th at the ACTion Group in Channelview. Chris Frabotta from the Corps of Engineers will be presenting on the Corps’ new hydro survey website.
  • Capt. Peterlin mentioned that the Manson Construction hopper dredge is back to work in Galveston (federal project).


Capt. Bill Diehl discussed traffic trends and the GHPB-produced 3/5/7 year projections for the Houston-Galveston COTP Zone. Analyzing three cases - a status quo case, a crude-oil export case, and a 4% GDP growth case, he discussed the effects each case might have on regional traffic.

With the base case, oil will continue to be exported as refined produces while the export of crude remains prohibited. As LPG exports rise, they will be augmented by ethylene-ethane exports beginning in 2017-2018 (at the same time that Freeport LNG exports begin). The results are a total vessel increase of approximately 1,500 vessels between 2014-2020.

Under the crude oil export scenario, crude oil exports will replace both refined product exports and coastwise crude movements, one-for-one, until the latter activities both disappear, while all other facets of the base case remain the same. Under this scenario, the results are a total vessel increase of 500 vessels between 2014-2020 net of a nearly 500 vessel decrease between 2014-2016.

Under the case of economic growth (4% GDP 3Q2015-3Q2017), the focus is on consumer goods and oil equipment while internal oil consumption increases slightly, reducing refined product exports. This case results in a total vessel increase of approximately 1,300 vessels between 2014-2020.

Weighting the three cases produces a forecast as below:


  1. Waterways Management- presented by LCDR Navin Griffin.
  2. Capt. Peterlin welcomed LCDR Navin Griffin, who is now in Xochitl Castaneda’s role.
  3. They are currently conducting two WSA’s for Enterprise and Odfjell.
  4. CGC HATCHET to return from the drydock towards the end of this month. The department had a change of command as Senior Chief Allen retired- now they are under the direction of Senior Chief Pierce.
  1. Area Maritime Security Committee – presented by John Walker
  2. Had a meeting in Freeport last week.
  3. Currently getting Capt. Penoyer’s approval on the Maritime Security Plan- they hope to finalize it by October 23rd.
  4. Next year’s security exercise will focus on casualties.
  1. Area Committee- presented by CDR Shannon Pitts
  2. Next meeting is on September 4th (The Woodlands- Anadarko is hosting)
  3. Texas City oil spill after action report and FOSC report are in progress
  4. Having a mass rescue workshop proposed for November 13th. The event will focusing on capabilities- ex. scenario: 1,000 miles offshore
  5. Also participating in a Cyber Disruption Workshop
  1. VTS Update- presented by Warner Welch
  2. Remain engaged with Bluewater and Brownwater interface group.
  3. Continue to look at precautionary areas- particular dredging projects
  4. Department is having some turnover with 5 new operators and 5 new supervisors
  5. Capt. Peterlin thanked Warner for his service and dedication on several committees as he is leaving the Coast Guard and going to Buffalo Marine.


Committee Website- Website management feedback can be sent to the Port Bureau andChristine Schlenker is the contact. Capt. Peterlin thanked the Port Bureau for their continued support of the committee. Subcommittee chairs should continue to submit minutes to be posted on the website.


Chair opened the floor for discussion of new business.

  • Reverend Ben Stewart of the Seafarer’s Center recently proposed a new subcommittee for facility access at the July 1st tri-subcommittee meeting. The reason for having committee or working group is due to the issues that seafarers and marine surveyors have once they get to the dock. They often don’t know who to reach out to for clearance and there is always a new agent or owner working. It would be good to localize the access, however it is hard (and impossible) to get consistency. Because we already have several working groups, the committee discussed the direction moving forward and if it was a security issue rather than a safety issue. Capt. Penoyer mentioned that the Area Maritime Security Committee does not have many SFOs involved and the cooperation is not where it needs to be. JJ Plunkett added that they have already developed a scoping document proposing the new subcommittee, which will be reviewed by the executive committee.

Capt. Peterlin took a vote on the proposed facility access subcommittee and there were 6 votes for creating the subcommittee, 5 votes against, and two obstaining votes. The motion carried.

Capt. Peterlin also motioned that Reverend Stewart will head the subcommittee and will be given a one year trial and a sunset review. Capt. George Pontikos seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The executive committee and Reverend Stewart will revise the scoping document, define further parameters, and initiate a first subcommittee meeting.

  • JJ Plunkett and David Foret are to coordinate on the bridge to bridge communication working group. Goal is to get it back up and running.
  • The HSC Conference will be in Philadelphia later this month. There will be good representation from LSHSC.
  • Capt. Peterlin mentioned a recent article about the “Texas A&M Ike Dike,” a storm protection barrier proposal, which would stretch from San Luis Pass at the western end of Galveston Island to High Island on the eastern end of the Bolivar Peninsula. This is an item of discussion to be put on the agenda as storm suppression, flood zones, and sea level are important factors to think about if we do have another hurricane.


The committee will meet on November 7, 2014, 10:00 A.M., at Sector Houston-Galveston. The following meeting will be on February 6, 2015. Location is to be determined.


Niels Aalund of WGMAmoves to adjourn. Seconded by George Pontikos. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Submitted: LACI THERIOT for


Executive Secretary


Committee Chairman

Enclosures: (1) LSHSC – Published Agenda – February 7, 2012

(2) Maritime Education Subcommittee Report –

(3) Navigation Operations Subcommittee Report –

(4) Waterways Utilization Subcommittee Report –

(5) Dredging and Marine Construction Subcommittee Report –

(6) 5 Year Traffic Presentation by Port Bureau -

(7) Member Sign In