Minutes of the APMS Patients’ Champions Meeting
held on Friday 15 July 2016 at 12 noon, in the meeting room, Wilberforce Health Centre
Present: Vicky Wilton, Practice Manager, Calvert Upstairs and Riverside
Denise Wilkinson, Practice Manager,The Quays/Newington
Sara Emmett, Practice Manager, Kingston Medical Centre
Colin Watson, Riverside
Jennifer Jackson, Newington
Eva Blenkoe, Newington
Ian McNichol, Riverside
Tom Crabtree
Samir El Kamel, Kingston
In Attendance Rich Sykes, CHCP Communications Team
Action1 Apologies / None received.
2 Notes of previous meeting/matters arising / Friends and Family – Cliff raised that he was not aware that cards were available to complete after seeing the doctor. He suggested ways of launching F&F at Newington.
Rich updated on the June figures. 86 responses received over the Hull/Bridlington (Wolds View) practices which equates to 92.7% likely or extremely likely responses.
An IPAD to be made available for KMC.
Ensure cards are in all clinical rooms.
Honorary contract/ID badges – Jennifer passed completed form to Vicky who will pass to HR for processing. Forms passed to all members present for return.
Practice Leaflet – Discussed and accepted however it was agreed that Newington be added into the addendum and circulate to manager colleagues for inclusion in their leaflets.
TOR – Discussion around the amended document. Consideration to be given to ballot for Chair and Vice Chair. Members to discuss at next pre –meeting.
Suggestion that if the group have a specific “issue” to be raised with a clinician, to ask a GP to provide information to bring to the meeting rather than inviting them due to heavy workload presently.
Newington website – now live.
Patient Survey Action Plan - Colin provided information for discussion and suggestions were made by members of the group.
· Feedback on website regarding navigation – suggestion for a pop up box.
· Skype - Managers explained that there were proposals for digital transformation currently being discussed.
· Carers – Suggestion for a noticeboard related to carers. Currently sessions run at Calvert and Quays. Can this be extended to other practices? Ensure forms are clear and visible in practices.
· These minutes to act as a reminder to members that they can add articles into the practice. Newsletter.
· A calendar in practices to identify “events” i.e. flu season, carers week etc.
· Collaboration with other PPGs. Managers will discuss at next citywide PMs meeting. / CP to discuss with DW
Outstanding from April
3 Feedback from Links with PPG event 6 May / Health Expo – None of the members present attended the meeting to feedback today. Rich explained that it was focussed on recruitment for health professional organisations.
4 AOB / Actions Log - Ian will meet with Vicky to look at his suggestions for an actions log for this meeting. Ian to make contact.
CQC Riverside – VW confirmed she would place a copy of the report on the website and in the waiting area at RMC.
Named GP – Tom raised his concerns regarding having a named GP to enable continuity of care. Denise explained about the use of locums at Newington currently.
Contact Details – Eva confirmed the method she would like to be contacted by the practice. / IM
VW when available
5 Date of next meeting / Friday 23 September 12noon-1pm
Members pre meeting 11.30-12
Please send your agenda items to or telephone 01482 344066/303545