Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of the

Parton Parish

held on the 9th May 2018 at 7.00 pm.

1 Election of Chairman: Cllr K Young the chairman of the Parton Parish Council chaired the meeting.

2. Report of the parish council activities April 2017 to March 2018. The clerk referred to the report circulated with the agenda and it was agreed that this report represented a fair record of the major activities of the council over the year ended 31st March 2017. He said he had nothing to add.

3 St Bridget’s Church The chairman welcomed Paul Kerry the priest in charge at St Bridget’s Church Paul said that he was pleased to attend the annual parish meeting. He said to fit in with the church service on the 11th November 2018 he thought a short service at the war memorial at 12.30would be appropriate when he and he hoped some of his congregation would join with the parish in remembrance. The chairman said that was splendid plan and he would ensure that it was widely known through the village. Paul went on to speak about the work that was being undertaken to lift the new bells into place in the church tower and the hope that the work would be completed towards the end of the year. He said that bell ringing practice was being held with the volunteers travelling to other churches as well as working on dumb bells at St Bridget’s. Paul said that given there were only five spaces for new graves it had been decided to dedicate a garden of remembrance. Paul spoke about the work at St Marks Moresby and that the church was starting a parish lunch in the parish hall He said that the new head teacher who was to begin in January 2019 was keen to meet the parish council. The chairman thanked the vicar for his informative talk.

3 Ward Councillors report. There were no ward councillors in attendance

4 The County Councillor’s ReportThe county councillor did not attend

5. Village Hall Report and Statement of Accounts Mr Shaw presented the report on behalf of the management committee. He said the accounts which were annexed to the report had yet to be audited. He said that income had exceeded expenditure by almost £2k and that the management committee were to consider what improvements could be made to the hall.

8. Howgate Ward Steering Group Report The parish clerk presented the report. He said a summer meeting had been arrange for the 14th June 2018

9Reports from other parish organisations

a) Parton Youth Club Mrs Young presented a written report which is annexed to the minutes

b) Parton Old FolksMr Quayle said that fund raising to meet the cost of the summer outing and the Christmas party could continue. Both events had been well attended.

c) Mary Jackson Fund Mrs Rogan said that the fund continued to make payments to the widows in the parish and the meetings were again being held at the vicarage.

d) Parton Fishing Club It was reported that the club continued to fish the Solway Firth.

e) The Village School Whist the parish council was not directly represented on the school governors two councillors were governors and reported that the school continued to provide an outstanding education for children of the village. It was noted that the present head teacher was to retire at the end of the autumn term

There was no other business and the meeting closed at 7.40 pm

Chairman ………………………………Date……………………………..