Present: Mrs J Patient (in the Chair), seven Councillors, The Clerk, and seven local government electors for the Parish of Cottesmore.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed those present.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Mr J Meara, Mr R Foster (Ward Councillor), and PC Laurie Appleton.

The Minutes of the meeting held on 22 April 2015 were read out by the Clerk. It was proposed by Mr Kelly, seconded by Mr Barker and agreed that they were a correct record. The Minutes were signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s Review of the Year

The Chairman gave a review of the year, a copy of which is attached to the file copy of the minutes.

Amongst other items, Mrs Patient highlighted the Council fulfilling the conditions to be granted the General Power of Competence for the term of this Council, the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan by the Council in May 2015 and the tightening up of the Council grant making policy with the production of a form for use by all applicants.

The review included an acknowledgment of, and thanks for, the work of the Councillors in their particular areas of responsibility, and the Clerk.

Presentation of the Accounts

A summary of the accounts for the year 2015/2016 (attached) was circulated. There were no questions raised.

Financial Support Requests

The Parish Council had previously agreed that, whilst comment was acceptable from the parishioners as to funds allocated to various organisations at the Annual Parish Meeting, a formal request for funding from organisations was to be submitted in writing to the Parish Council in November/December 2016, for consideration and agreement at the January 2017 meeting. Requests for payment in the 2016/2017 financial year had been received from and granted to the 1St Cottesmore Rainbows, Rutland Railway Museum and Cottesmore Parochial Church Council towards the cost of maintaining Rogues Lane cemetery and the church clock.

Reports for Village Organisations

Regular updates of events and proceedings are provided by The Village Link, the Village Hall Management Committee and the Sports & Social Club, in The Village Link.

Diane Coates, Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee, gave a report, a copy of which is attached to the file copy of the minutes. The report highlighted the continuing success of the Bonfire Night event, refurbishment of the ladies toilets and the proposed purchase of a projector, speakers and screen by using a grant provided by RCC.

Mrs Patient reported that The Village Link had nearly £2,000 in the bank as a result of greatly increased advertising revenues.

The Clerk read out an email from PC Appleton that gave a summary of the crime committed in Cottesmore during 2015/2016 compared to 2014/2015. This highlighted a reduction in reported crime over the period.

Election of Village Representatives to the Village Hall Management Committee

It was noted that there are three vacancies for village representatives on the Village Hall Management Committee. Unfortunately, there were no volunteers for these vacancies from the residents in attendance.

Any Other Business

On behalf of the Parochial Church Council, Mrs Toy thanked the Parish Council for the grant towards the cost of the upkeep of the Rogues Lane cemetery and the church clock.

Mr Hyde thanked the Editor of the Link, Jenny Laidler, for all the hard work that goes into the production. He said it was an excellent publication that the village is lucky to have and pointed out that it appears in full colour on the website and that over 100 people receive emails with it attached.

The meeting closed at 7.21 PM