PRESENT:Mayor Bonnie R. Christian
TrusteesPatricia M. DuBow
Alain Leinbach
Catherine McCue
Thomas E. Neff
ALSO PRESENTVillage ClerkSara M. Seiler
AttorneyKeith J. Cornell
DPW Superintendent James F. Johnson
TreasurerMarvin Nyman, after 8:20 pm
Village Residents
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Christian at 7:30pm.
OPEN SESSION: Responding to villagers’ concerns about the new TZ Bridge and Exit 10 Interchange, Mayor Christian remarked that she and the South Nyack Task Force are committed to reclaiming the Interchange. In April, 2013 an article reporting such was in the Journal News and she stated it on Channel 12’s “Meet the Leader” program. She noted that the village has a firm commitment of $250,000 for a feasibility study of the Exit 10 interchange for economic development and financial sustainability, fully supported by the Regional Mass Transit Task Force and by Assemblywoman Jaffee, Senator Carlucci and Legislator Low Hogan. Regarding the shared use path (SUP), Brian Conybeare has committed to get a better estimate of the number of expected users. Chief Newbury and his staff will continue to monitor bicyclists in South Nyack and Grand View to insure that they abide by the rules of the road. Mayor Christian reported that an experiencedmunicipalwebsite designer has been hired to update village communication technology. The Newsletter will be going out quarterly and the village is on Facebook. She concluded that the community needs to become a united force to reclaim Interchange 10.
Trustee McCue said that she wants to engage productively with village residents to solve the problems created by the new bridge. Trustee Neff thanked villagers for their comments at the recent meeting.
Comments from residents included:
DeWitt Rulon – parking distanced away from Village Hall as much as possible; seek additional money in escrow for possible future use; SUP is an unfunded mandate as it will add an additional tax burden on the village.
John Cameron – South Nyack has power because the Governor is afraid of bad press.
Hope Cameron – Trees have been removed to make way for the sound wall that won’t be built for a few more years.
Ann Hekker Weiss – importance of communication.
Robert Wisner – Poor planning by the Thruway to design a pathway without a good landing point. South Nyack needs to be a united force.
Dina Moore - Hire experts.
Hope Elliot – revisit the situation of homeowners along the Thruway and negotiate with the State
At 8:30 pm, upon motion made by Trustee Leinbach, seconded by Trustee McCue and carried, the meeting was adjourned for the Public Hearing regarding the 2014-15 Tentative Budget. The regular meeting resumed at 9:12 pm.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion made by Trustee Neff, seconded by Trustee McCue, the minutes of the regular meetings of March 11, 2014were unanimously approved as presented.
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BUSSES ON CEDAR HILL AVENUE: Hoping to resolve this issue, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor will ride a bus this week with Rockland County Transportation Commissioner Tom Vanderbeek through the current South Nyack and Nyack bus route.
SOUTH NYACK ELECTRONIC COLLECTION SITE: Following discussion, it was approved thatpending approval from the DEC, electronic waste will be collected at the DPW headquarters, 65 Brookside Avenue on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 9am to 12pm. A DPW staff member will be on site. A needed storage shed will be purchased. Waste will be collected from South Nyack residents only.
DOG PARK: Continuing discussion included: the suggestion that a public/private enterprise be considered to raise funds for the upkeep and supervision of the park; need for grading the area and adding a surface of either pea gravelor a type of AstroTurf;condition of fences. Trustee Neff commented that the Dog Park should not be a village expense. Trustee Leinbach suggested trying to leverage the enthusiasm of the Dog Park users and will begin a study to assess the level of interest of the dog owners who use of the park.
SALISBURY PLACE: A memo has been received from Village Engineer Collazuol with possible ways to correct the water runoff problem on this street. DPW Superintendent Johnson spoke of further study needed before determining the best course of action. Catch basins, larger drainage pipes and a broader, curbed roadway will be needed.
2014 ORGANIZATION MEETINGwill be held on Tuesday, April 8th beginning at 7 pm.
VILLAGE COMMUNICATIONS: Trustee McCue moved as follows:
#13RESOLVED, to establish a Communications Advisory Committee of 4 to 6 members, chaired by Andrew Goodwillie, to study and advise on methods of village communications and technology.
The resolution was seconded by Trustee Leinbach and unanimously adopted. Suggestions for members included residents Diana Zolli, Michelle Lockett, Trustee Leinbach and Deputy Clerk Weber-Mishkel. The committee will report to the Board of Trustees.
PAYMENT OF ABSTRACTS: Upon motion made by Trustee Neff, seconded by Trustee McCue and carried, the following abstracts of audited vouchers were approved for payment: Abstract # A14.19 - General Fund ...... $93,589.63
Abstract # B14.19- Police Fund ...... $33,535.70
Mayor Christian recognized and thanked Trustee DuBow for her many years of dedicated service to the Village of South Nyack, first as a ZBA member and then as Trustee, Mayor and again as Trustee. The Mayor dedicated tonight’s meeting to her honor.
There being no further business, nor anyone present wishing to be heard, Trustee McCuemoved to close the meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Neff and carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sara M. Seiler
Village Clerk
PRESENT:Mayor Bonnie R. Christian
TrusteesPatricia M. DuBow
Alain Leinbach
Catherine McCue
Thomas E. Neff
ALSO PRESENTVillage ClerkSara M. Seiler
AttorneyKeith J. Cornell
DPW Superintendent James F. Johnson
TreasurerMarvin Nyman
Village ResidentsSee list attached
Pursuant to the Notice of Hearing published in the Journal News and posted, Mayor Christian called the Public Hearing to order at 8:30 pm and invited Treasurer Nyman to speak. Mr. Nyman reviewed budget procedure and spoke of the Taxable Assessed Value, the 2014 1.66% tax cap mandateand the $995,000 bond to replace DPW equipment. He explained the reasons of the dollar amounts in a number of budget lines and noted that the Tentative Budget shows a 1.32% tax rate increase. The public was invited to speak.
Roger Seiler questioned the large increase in total appropriations, including the amount allocated for snow removal. Mr. Nyman and Trustee Leinbach responded. Faith Elliot asked if the $250,000 grant is contingent upon the location of the end of the SUP, to which the Mayor answered no.Ann Hekker Weiss asked about repairs to the storm damaged Gesner Avenue Park. Mr. Johnson replied that the village awaits approval from FEMA to expend funds for repairs which will then be reimbursed. DeWitt Rulon noted that there are no funds allocated for Trees. Andrew Goodwillie questioned the revenues marked “Solid Waste” and it was explained that this income from the County generated by the village’s recycled tonnage. Roger Seiler noted that there is no increase in Police Department costs, and inquired about the $18,000 revenue from the Police. Mr. Nyman replied that it was for operating expenses and assisting services of Village Hall staff.
At 9:07 pm, there being no further questions or comments, and upon motion made by Trustee Neff, seconded by Trustee DuBow and unanimously approved, the public hearing was closed.
Respectfully submitted,
Sara M. Seiler
Village Clerk
PRESENT:Mayor Bonnie R. Christian
TrusteesPatricia M. DuBow
Alain Leinbach
Catherine McCue
Thomas E. Neff
ALSO PRESENT:Village Clerk Sara M. Seiler
Attorney Keith J. Cornell
SN/GV Police Chief Brent Newbury
D.P.W. Superintendent James F. Johnson
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Christian at 8:05 pm.
I, Sara M. Seiler, Village Clerk of the Village of South Nyack, New York, do hereby CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing Resolution with the original now on file in this office and the same is a true and correct copy thereof.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the Village of South Nyack this 24th day of January, 2014.
Sara M. Seiler, Village Clerk
Village of South Nyack, New York