Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Adderbury Parish Council held at Church House, Adderbury on 30 May 2006.
PRESENT: Mrs Diane Bratt (Chairman), MessrsRick Atkinson, Ivor Burgess, Graham Harris, Keith Mitchell, Mrs Joyce Cox, Miss Lisa Smith and Mrs Rhoda Woodward.
IN ATTENDANCE: Helena Scott (Clerk)
APOLOGIES: were accepted from Messrs John Harper (Vice-Chairman) (holiday), Simon Verdon (work commitment) andMrs Ann Lyons (illness) and for late arrival were received fromMessrs Rick Atkinson, Keith Mitchell and Miss Lisa Smith.
06/091 / ELECTION OF CHAIRMANIt was proposed by Joyce Cox, seconded by Rhoda Woodward and unanimously carried that Mrs Bratt be re-elected as Chairman. Mrs Bratt will sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
It was proposed by Ivor Burgess, seconded by Rhoda Woodward and unanimously carried that Mr Harper be re-elected as Vice-Chairman.
All representatives were agreed as existing, except as below:
The following agreed to replace Ian Thomas; Joyce Cox on the Parish Plan steering Group, Ivor Burgess on the Youth Centre Management Committee, Lisa Smith on CHHAG, and Graham Harris on the Community Centre Committee.
The position of school governor is vacant.
Lisa Smith agreed to join the Planning Committee.
A full list of representatives and committee members is appended to the minutes.
06/094. / MINUTES
The Minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2006 were taken as read, duly adopted and signed.
(a)Affordable Housing Survey – The Clerk reported that she had been informed that the survey had been printed. It was agreed to speak with Mr Thomas about distribution and that Parish Council would pay for distribution with Contact if necessary.
(b)Verge Markers–Letters from nearby residents were received objecting to the use of the proposed type of posts. It was agreed to write to Highways to ask for an alternative marker more suitable for a village such as oak or plain wood wooden blocks or posts and then to see if such am alternative would be more acceptable to the neighbours.
06/096. / OPEN FORUM
Comments were made about the need for verge markers in Church Lane and the views of the Highways Authority.
It was agreed to pay the following accounts:
D.J. Fox Agricultural Services – Hedge at Allotments / £334.88
Technique Studios Limited – Printing of Affordable Housing Survey / £299.63
Bob Bickley - Grass maintenance / £367.36
Rascal Horticultural Services – Cemetery Maintenance / £160.00
H F Ward & Son (General Builders) – Repair Work at Institute / £2350.00
Society of Local Council Clerks / £103.00
Heart of England Newspapers - Byelaws notice in Banbury Guardian / £166.85
Clerk’s Pay (HVS) – May 2006 / £493.66
It was agreed to hold over the decision as to whether to renew membership of OALC until the next meeting.
Bank reconciliations to 13 May 2005 and cash flow summary to 31 April 2006 had been circulated for information.
06/097. / PLANNING
(a)Planning Applications – No observations had been made by the Planning Committee in respect of the following applications:
06/00789/TCAHumphries Ltd
Remove broken branches and deadwood from 1 No. Oak tree. Fell 1 No. Sycamore. Fell group of Elders. Fell 1 No. Birch. Remove stems close to neighbouringproperty of 1 No. Sycamore. Remove lateral stems backto uprights of 1 No. Goat Willow.
Le Hall Place, Manor Road, Adderbury
06/00765/FMr and Mrs J Churchill
First floor rear extension
36 Twyford Road, Twyford
06/00771/FMr and Mrs R Tustain
Single storey rear extension
23 Walton Avenue, Twyford
Observations had been made by the Planning Committee in respect of the following applications:
06/00712/OUTMr F C Wright
OUTLINE application for 5. No. detached dwellings, two terraces of 6 No. dwellings for affordable housing. New access, screened parking and amenity area.
OS Parcel 9100 Adjoining And East of Last House Berry Hill Road, Adderbury
06/00819/TCAMr T C Rose (for Mr Shotton)
Reduce Crowns of Norway Maple and Bird Cherry by 25%
15 Lake Walk Adderbury
(b)Land South of Aynho Road – A reply from Cherwell District Council was circulated. It was agreed to write again to the District Council and to ask for a meeting and how to get a better understanding of what the Parish Council would like in the village. It was also agreed to write to other Parish Councils suggesting getting together to consider the District Councils response to Parish Council comments on planning applications.
(c)South East Regional Plan – It was agreed to respond in the terms in Keith Mitchell’s draft, which had been circulated.
Graham Harris reported that the equipment was fine, but the fence still needs repairing. The Clerk advised that she had requested the work be done but had not yet heard when this will happen.
A letter from Mr Chris Mason was circulated. The options appear to be to provide netting, remove the goal nearest the houses, remove the arena altogether and/or improve security. It was agreed to ask CSM to carry out regular patrols and to ask Chris Mason when they are most likely to be needed. A survey could be carried out to find out what younger people think. It was also agreed to write to the police again and to carry out a feasibility study on the possibility of moving the arena to a more central location on the Rise.
The following interests were declared: Joyce Cox, Treasurer of LPAC, Rhoda Woodward, Parish Institute Committee member, and Keith Mitchell, Trustee of the Institute.
(a)Lucy Plackett Activity Centre – Diane Bratt reported on the meeting on 27 April. The management committee would like to replace the centre with a better building and have started to work out a plan to achieve this.
(b)Milton Road – Correspondence had been received from Mr Paul King of Timms Homes, ACAG and Mr Jeff Colegrave. Keith Mitchell as Chairman of the working party provided a further report on the current position; this was his own view as the working party had been unable to meet.
It was agreed as the first step to talk to CherwellDistrict Council and identify whether 30 units of housing would be the top number or the risk of a development being pulled in by government and more houses being imposed.If the answer is positive, the next step would be to see if the village supports this proposal, in a modified Parish Poll. Ideally such a poll would be with polling cards and sealed boxes, but with the opportunity to return over 1-2 weeks. It was also agreed that the working party would arrange to meet with Mr Jeff Colegrave and a letter would be sent to Mr King advising him of the decision. A letter will be sent to Cherwell District Council to retract the insertion of Parish Council support for 45 houses.
06/101. / WEBSITE
Joyce Cox and Graham Harris reported on the meeting of the village website group which they had attended, and Joyce Cox is now on the committee. It was agreed to set up web pages on the site hosted by Cherwell District council with a link from the village website. Joyce Cox and the Clerk would create the pages.
The guidance from Defra had been circulated. It was agreed not to take this any further for the present and to use Cherwell District Council’s facilities when the need arises.
06/103. / KEMPS ROAD
It was agreed to ask resident if they would like an additional streetlight. The response on the state of the footpath was circulated and it was agreed to reply to Highways on the grounds of Health and Safety.
Seven applications had been received. In addition it had already been agreed to award the Christmas Market £700 and to make a grant to FOCAL of £500. It was agreed to award the grants as follows:
1st Adderbury Brownies / £150.00(S.137)
1st Adderbury Scouts / £150.00 (S.137)
Adderbury Park Football Club / £150.00
Adderbury.org website / £300.00 (S.137)
Methodist Coffee and Chat / £50.00 (S.137)
Womans Fellowship / £100.00 (S.137)
WRVS / £100.00 (S.137)
Information had been circulated about this fund. It may be appropriate for improving the footpaths at the Lakes. Lisa Smith agreed to look at the information and report back at the next meeting.
The Clerk reported that Jeff More has kindly agreed to act again as judge for the award of the Millennium Cup.
The Chairman reported she had spoken to Ian Thomas and it was agreed to e-mail him about the progress of the plan.
Ivor Burgess raised the issue of the fire safety officer’s comments on the Lucy Plackett Activity Centre and the improvements which could be made, in particular to the fire exit door, emergency lighting and a notice to state the maximum number of persons allowed. It was agreed that Ivor Burgess and Joyce Cox would liaise with the management committee and get costings.
Diane Bratt as Chairman of the Lakes Committee declared an interest. She reported that the Lakes Management Plan is now completed and copies are available in the Library, with the Clerk and with members of the Management Committee. It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to Nick Allen and Andrew Barnes for their work on the plan.
(a)Letter from Keith Mitchell, Leader of OCC, re Post Office Account Cards dated 5 May 2006. It was agreed to write to the Government in support of OCC’s position.
(b)Letter from Tony Baldry M.P. dated 17 May 2006 re Code of Conduct. It was agreed to write back to Mr Baldry with thanks.
(c)Letter from OCC Highways re Funding for Transport Schemes 2006-2011 dated 27 April 06. There was some discussion about the changes to the entrance to the Fired Earth Site. It was agreed to write to Cherwell District Council about the planning permission status for this change and change of use at the site. It was agreed to ask the traffic calming committee to look at the letter.
(d)OCC Bus Strategy. Rhoda Woodward agreed to look at this.
(e)Letter from South Northants Council re South Northants Local Development Framework dated 4 May 2006. Diane Bratt agreed to look at this.
(f)OCC Countryside Service Annual Report 2005-2006. Lisa Smith and Diane Bratt agreed to look at this.
(a)Rubbish bins around the village are not being emptied. It was agreed to contact Cherwell District Council to find out why not. A Notice should be put in Contact to remind villagers about wheelie bins.
(b)A Letter had been received from Tony Baldry M.P. about his petition to save the Horton Hospital. It was agreed to put it up on our notice board.
The meeting closed at 09.55 p.m.
NextMeeting: Tuesday, 27 June 2006, 7.30 pm, Church House
Minutes of the Meeting of Adderbury Parish Council held at Church House, Adderbury on 27 June 2006.
PRESENT: Mrs Diane Bratt (Chairman), Messrs Rick Atkinson, Keith Mitchell, Simon Verdon, Mrs Joyce Cox, Mrs Ann Lyons, Miss Lisa Smith and Mrs Rhoda Woodward.
IN ATTENDANCE: Helena Scott (Clerk)
APOLOGIES: were accepted from Messrs John Harper (Vice-Chairman) (CDC Chairman duties), Graham Harris (work commitment) andIvor Burgess (holiday) and for late arrival were received fromSimon Verdon.
06/112. / MINUTESThe Minutes of the meeting held on 30 May 2006 were taken as read, duly adopted and signed.
(a)PC Philip Morris attended and gave an update of the level of crime in Adderbury and Twyford. He left details of the non-emergency telephone number for Thames Valley police (08458 505 505) and crime reduction measures at Church House.
(b)A Newsletter from Sgt David Hibbert was received. It was noted that Adderbury is in the Banbury Rural South region and that Police Community Support Officers would be introduced in the region in August 2007.
(c)Affordable Housing Survey – It was agreed to write to Mr Thomas asking for the survey to come back to the Parish Council to arrange for distribution in Contact.
(d)Website – Joyce Cox and the Clerk circulated the plan for the website and the homepage, but due to a technical difficulty it has not yet been possible to upload the information on the site.
(e)Community Rights Of Way Improvement Fund- Lisa Smith reported that the definitive footpath plan has gone missing from the library. She will report further at the next meeting.
06/115. / OPEN FORUM
Comments were made about the stile in Church Lane, the continuing problems at The Rise with the games area, golf being played at the Lucy Plackett Field, overgrown paths and dog bins.
06/116. / ACCOUNTS
Ann Lyons declared an interest as the secretary of FOCAL and Rhoda Woodward declared an interest as a member of the FOCAL committee.
(a)Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved as paid:
1st Adderbury Brownies - Grant / £150.00
Womans Fellowship - Grant / £100.00
Adderbury Chapel Coffee & Chat - Grant / £50.00
Adderbury Park Football Club - Grant / £150.00
WRVS - Grant / £100.00
1st Adderbury Scout Group - Grant / £150.00
It was agreed to pay the following accounts:
Adderbury.org – s.137 grant / £300.00
FOCAL – s.137 payment / £500.00
Christopher Rawlins School- photocopying (to 06/06/06) / £40.60
BR Consulting Ltd – Internal Audit / £130.00
Rascal Horticultural Services – Cemetery Maintenance (June) / £160.00
Bob Bickley - Grass maintenance (June) / £367.36
K. Oliver –Maintenance at the Lakes (Apr/June) / £50.00
John Hicks & Associates – Playground Inspections / £120.55
Petty Cash Reimbursement (April/June) / £39.91
Inland Revenue (NI and Tax for quarter 05/07/06) / £100.50
Clerk’s telephone & mileage expenses (April/June) / £129.14
Clerk’s Pay – June / £493.76
It was agreed to renew and pay for membership of OALC:
OALC- Renewal of Membership 2006/07 / £450.71
(b)Internal Auditors Report – The report from the internal auditor was received and noted.
Bank reconciliations to 13 June 2006 and cash flow summary to 31 May 2006 had been circulated for information.
(a)Statement of Accounts (Section 1) – was approved.
(b)Statement of Assurance (Section 2) – was completed.
(c)Annual Internal Audit Report (Section 4) – was noted
06/118. / It was agreed to bring forward item 11 on the Agenda
(a)Ball Games Area - There was some discussion about how the misuse of the ball games area is adversely affecting the nearby householders. It was agreed to take steps towards removing the goal ends and the tarmac and re-grassing the area. It was agreed to consult as widely as possible in the time with residents in The Rise and the village by letter and through the school if possible, with a deadline of July 14th. Simon Verdon agreed to contact the installers about the possibility and costs of removal. It was agreed to check whether part of the grant from Cherwell District Council will need to be re-paid. It was agreed to hold an extra meeting on July 18th to make a decision.
(b)Play Area Fence – It was agreed to take up Nicholsons suggestion to use screws and to ask them to carry out this work as soon as possible.
06/119. / PLANNING
(a)Planning Applications – No observations had been made by the Planning Committee in respect of the following applications:
06/00980/FMr K McDermott
Single storey rear extension
9 Lake Walk, Adderbury
06/00635/ELCentral Networks East
Erect proposed 11,000 volt overhead line on wooden poles with a tolerance of 30 metres
OS Parcel 2159 Adjoining Oxford Road, Adderbury
06/01051/TCAR T J & J S Woodall
Fell 1 No. Mountain Ash Tree
Beggars Roost, High Street, Adderbury
Observations had been made by the Planning Committee in respect of the following applications:
06/00924/TCAMr and Mrs Sutton
Fell 3 No. Lawson, 2 no. Cherry, 2 no. Juniper, 1 no. Leylandii hedge and 1 no. Lawson Cypress Hedge
4 Dog Close, Adderbury
06/00836/LBBray D’Oyly Housing Association Ltd
5 No. replacement windows to the dining room area
East House, Aynho Road, Adderbury
06/00895/LBBray D’Oyly Housing Association Ltd
Minor internal alterations to part of first floor
East House, Aynho Road, Adderbury
(b)Letter from Cherwell District Council about Adderbury House – A letter was received. The Clerk has been asked to write to CDC asking if the conservation officer is checking the work.
(c)Land South of Aynho Road – Cherwell District Council have offered a meeting with Alan Jones. Simon Verdon, Ann Lyons and Diane Bratt would like to attend if a suitable date can be arranged. John Harper would also be asked to attend.
(d)Cherwell Local Development Framework – The map and details of the sites proposed for development in Adderbury were received. Cherwell District Council has arranged for some information evenings and Keith Mitchell agreed to attend the one on 28th June.
Graham Harris was not present and unable to report on The Rise. Ann Lyons reported that the Lucy Plackett Field was getting noisier with older teenagers.
The following interests were declared:
Rick Atkinson – Chairman Institute Management Committee
Joyce Cox – Treasurer Lucy Plackett Activity Centre
Keith Mitchell – Trustee of Parish Institute
Lisa Smith – Treasurer Adderbury Theatre Workshop
Rhoda Woodward – Institute Management Committee
(a)Letter from Adderbury Theatre Workshop- A letter was received from ATW. It was agreed write back and ask where ATW envisage going and advising them to speak to the Lucy Plackett Activity Centre committee.
(b)Report from Keith Mitchell – a report had been circulated. This included details of the meeting between John Harper and Alan Jones. It was agreed that Keith Mitchell, Diane Bratt and John Harper would seek to meet with senior planning officers for their view on the number of houses likely to be agreed for the site. A meeting is being arranged with Jeff Colegrave and it was agreed to ask Mr Swain from the football club and Mr King of Timms Homes as well.
It was agreed that Keith Mitchell, Diane Bratt and John Harper would speak to David Best at Cherwell District Council about and need for dispensation from the Code of Conduct for Councillors on this issue.