Complex Care Network Minutes

Time: / 10:00am – 11:30 / Date: 08/08/2017
Venue: / Community Room 1 and 2, LCHS, 42-44 Fowler Street, Moe / Chair: Liz Meggetto

Attendees:Liz Meggetto (CWGPCP), Danni Mills (CWGPCP), Erin Rysley (LRH), Tania Ryan (Gippsland Multicultural Service), Grace Edger (LRH), Karyn Thomas (LCHS), Nancy Oosterhof (Baw Baw Shire), Delores O’Dowd (LRH), Katie Foster (Gippsland Primary Health Network), Jodie(WGHG, in place of Sue Smith), Chrisanya Martin (BBSC, in place of Belinda Forester) Natalie, Cassie, Diana and Hong (Social Work Students, MUDRIH).

Guest Speakers: Ian Needham (Latrobe Health Assembly), Mandy Smart (Local Area Coordinator Manager, InnerGippsland).

Apologies: Amanda Proposch (GPHN), Beckea Jones (LCC), Beryl Raufer (Vision Australia), Suzanne Lewis (LCC), Helen Rawlings (LRH)

Topic / Owner / Discuss or Inform / Outcome / Come prepared by / Time
Welcome / - / - / - / 5mins
Previous Minutes & Actions / Liz / - / All actions from previous meeting have been completed / 5mins
Actions from the May meeting minutes are listed below:
  • An update on the Latrobe Health Assembly will be provided at each Complex Care network meeting. Completed.
  • Liz will follow up to see if we can obtain a word version of the original care book so we are able to rebrand for the Gippsland region, ensuring we will acknowledge the authors. In progress.
  • Tania Ryan will be asked to attend the next meeting to discuss this service in more detail. Completed.
  • Richard will send Liz a list of other goal directed care planning tools. Completed and circulated.

An update on the roll out of the NDIS / Mandy Smart – NDIS Local Area Coordinator / Inform / 45
  • The NDIS is a new way of delivering disability supports across Australia for people with a disability.
  • Local Area Coordination (LAC) work in partnership with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to deliver the NDIS in the inner Gippsland region.
  • Eligibility – people must live in the area, have a disability that is lifelong, that has severely impacted on their functional capacity for everyday activities, must be a permanent resident.
  • Scheme due to roll out October 1st 2017 for Inner Gippsland (Baw Baw, Latrobe, Bass Coast, South Gippsland)
  • There is an NDIA office in Traralgon, local area coordination service offices in Moe, Leongatha and Wonthaggi, soon opening in Warragul and Churchill.
  • There is different ways for people to come onto the scheme including:
Defined Clients
Already eligible and don’t need to provide evidence of their disability as they are already receiving services and have been through a rigorous assessment before. This includes:
  • People living in Supported accommodation (people living in group homes)
  • People living in Residential institutions
  • People on an ISP
  • People who have community respite
  • People on behaviour intervention packages
  • People on ASSIST program
  • People having independent living training
  • Adult residential rehab services
  • People receiving early childhood intervention services.
Non defined Clients
Need to provide information to NDIS and evidence of disability. NDIS will contact these people and ask if they want to come onto the scheme. They need to complete an “Access request form” from the NDIA. Need to call 1800 800 110 (NDIA) to get one of the forms. If people aren’t eligible theycan get support from the Local Area Coordination service by calling LCHS 1800 242 696 and following prompts.
  • NDIA use Local Area Coordinators to implement plans. There are 3 levels of plans including General supported, Intensive and Super Intensive.
  • Case Management does not exist under NDIS, support coordination at different levels does instead. There are many other different examples of how the language is different to what is currently used.
  • Clients need to be aware of all the different services that they currently have in placebefore their planning meeting with NDIS. Case Managers or carers can be present during the meeting to assist.
  • Different ways of managing the package. Can have it managed by the NDIA, an organisation like MOIRA who manage the finances of the package, or clients can manage the package themselves.
  • The package funding is transferred through portals so the cash isn’t physically moved around. Clients don’t pay for service, service providers log into portal and claim. Competitive marketplace now as services aren’t block funded to provide a service.
  • Clients within inner Gippsland with existing services will transition across to the NDIS between October 2017 – March 2018.
  • Mandy confirmed that people who are on Disability Support Pension (DSP) are not automatically eligible.
  • NDIS have dedicated teams to assist service providers with any queries they may have.
  • Mandy confirmed that as LCHS have taken on Local Area Coordination role they cannot provide services to people with a disability if it relates to their NDIS package.
  • NDIS is all outcomes based. Packages may be heavy initially however aim is to reduce this over time as capacity of client is improved.
  • Client care plans are reviewed every 12 months. Therefore imperative for pre-planning to be comprehensive as services/details which are missed are not able to be added for another 12 months once signed off.
  • Mandy confirmed even through it doesn’t roll out until 1st October, the LAC service is operational now and plans are being done now, however the plans are not approved until after the 1st October.
Outcome: Network members have a greater understanding of the LAC and NDIS
Using the Victorian Interpreting and Translating (VITS) resource / Tania Ryan / Inform / 20
  • Tania presented the following presentation:

  • Using a translator is free for all service providers and is part of a clinicians duty of care
  • Local data shows there is a big difference between the number of people from CALD backgrounds who use the services and the number of interpreters used.
Outcome: Network members have a greater understanding of the importance of interpreter and translator services as well as when and how to use them.
Actions: If you have any questions on how to best support a client and/or family from a culturally and linguistically diverse background either during assessment or service provision contact CALD Access and Support workerP: 51337072E: fer via MAC (for clients over 65yr) or S2S (for clients under 65yr)
What can we learn from the 2016 ACIC results 4. Decision support: How can organisations review consumer handouts and guidelines, and improve how they communicate with consumers through health literacy training? / Liz / Discuss
  • Liz explained Health Literacy training resources have been developed to assist agencies to improve verbal and written communication with consumers. PCP can deliver this training to member agencies.
  • Nancy confirmed that her agency has found the free on-site training really valuable. Feedback has been extremely favourable, particularly around the teach back method to assess client understanding of information.
  • Liz advised that the online health literacy training will be available online as of 1st September 2017, this will be shown at the next meeting.
  • Written information can be screened using the Hemingway screening tool
Outcome: Network members know about health literacy training options available to them.
Actions: If you would like further information about any of the training sessions or to book in some free training for your workplace please contact
How are eHealth projects progressing?
-The GP/e-referral (Argus/S2S) project
-S2S eCare Planning Project
-S2S usage update
-Health Pathways update / Liz
S2S Update
  • Continuing to roll out Argus/S2S work so that GP’s can refer into health services. WGHC and LCHS, Vision and ACSO use this system. Councils unable to use this portal as My Aged Care is the referral portal for them. Endeavouring to roll out to more health services in the future.
  • S2S usage has decreased by 7.3% which is minimal considering initial predictions of the impact of My Aged Care would have on usage rates.
  • S2S is still the primary referral portal, keep using and promoting it.
Health Pathways Update
  • Great system and new pathways going live every week. It’s a local system primarily written for GP’s, particularly useful for patient issues that are more uncommon and they are not familiar with and services in the local area.
Outcome: Network members are updated on the eHealth projects
What work has occurred through the Latrobe Health Assembly and Latrobe Health Authority over the past 3 months? / Ian Needham – Latrobe Health Assembly / Inform / 20 mins
Ian Needham provided the following update on Latrobe Health Assembly:
  • New entity since end of 2016 and has come out of the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry.
  • The Latrobe Health Assembly currently has 41 members (26 community representatives, 9 direct agency invites, 6foundation representatives).
  • Aim of health assembly is to bring a much stronger community led focus to health and wellbeing outcomes and compliment the work that is already being done.
  • Aim to develop more community ownership of health issues and how health services should be delivered.
  • Covers Latrobe City geographic area
  • Full staff on-board as of 3 weeks ago
  • Currently in the process of setting up working groups within the assembly
  • The 4 key areas for focus at the moment have been identified as:
  • Education, Employment, and Pride of place(currently looking at targeting food security and volunteering)
  • Sports, Recreation and Nutrition(aiming to get inactive people moving by initiatives under the “Make your move” slogan
  • Early Childhood, Families and Youth(identifying the needs of 0 – 25yr old cohort and work on these)
  • Chronic Illness and Living Well(still identifying where the gaps are and identifying where they can add value to what’s happening)
  • Each working group is conducting some mapping of what is happening in each of the areas and where the gaps are.
  • At the point where they are going to implement some actions, pilot some initiatives to test the process at the neighbourhood level.
  • Part of the LHA’s charter is to be “Innovative” therefore they have a licence to try new things and monitor progress.
  • Ian confirmed lack of access to services has come up a lot with the LHA’s initial consultations with the community. Transport issues particularly.
Outcome: Network members have a greater understanding the Latrobe Health Assembly
Actions: An update on the Latrobe Health Assembly will be provided at each Complex Care network meeting.
Are there any upcoming training, conferences, workshops or forums of interest? / All / Discuss / Bring along any information you have about upcoming training / 5 mins
The following training sessions, workshops and forums are coming up:
Family violence is a workplace issue - Wednesday 16th August, Traralgon
Tips and tools for effective evaluation - Thursday 17th August, Traralgon
Older People, housing and money: Working together to find solutions – Wednesday 23rd August, 2017. This FREE forum is for anyone working with older people who are experiencing financial and/or housing stress. Attending this forum you will build knowledge and understanding of financial and/or housing stress and how they impact health and wellbeing. Learn the range of community based services and the referral process into these.
An Introduction To Working With Individuals Who Have Self-Destructive Behaviours - Thursday 24th and Friday 25th August, Traralgon
Goal Directed Care Planning - Beyond the Basics - Wednesday 13th September, Moe
Outcome: Network members know about upcoming training and forum opportunities in the area.
Actions: Network members to disseminate information within their workplace about the upcoming training.
What is happening within your agency? / All / Inform / Bring along any information you wish to share / 20 mins
Tania Ryan (Gippsland Multicultural Service)
Agencies seeing housing stress an increasing issue, impacting on personal services. Forum coming up in Sale to bring services together to support better referral services to support people ageing well at home.
Grace or Delores (LRH)
LRH are currently advertising for 6 new Mental Health Nurse Practitioner positions for Gippsland wide roles.
Outcome: Network members are updated about projects happening in the local area.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 14th of November, 2017, 10am – 11.30am
Topics for next meeting:
  • Health Literacy Online Learning modules Launch
  • Update on the Latrobe Health Assembly

Future Meeting Dates for 2018:
-13th February
-8th May
-14th August
-13th November
All meetings will be held from 10am – 11.30am in Community Room 1 and 2, LCHS Moe.