89 members were present
Chris Simmons took the chair
Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Sue McNeil, Peter McNeil, Roger Eddleston, John Hyde, Brigitte Montali, Graeme Monk, Peter Emslie, Jo Williams
Adoption of the Minutes of the 2015 AGM
These had been displayed on the Club noticeboard and on the Club website. A proposal that they be adopted as read was passed.
Matters arising from the minutes of the 2015 AGM
Chairman’s Report
Chris Simmons looked back on his 5 years in role. He reported that the Club was in at least as healthy state as it was when he took over. Numbers for each session are comfortable; even the less well attended Wednesday afternoon has a loyal attendance of players who like to play in a no fear environment.
He was disturbed that a change to the start of Wednesday morning had not gone down well; the floor would be asked to comment later in the meeting. He also did not like to hear of selfish players refusing to play with other players.
This year’s events have been successful – 3 Saturday evenings, Eastbourne thanks to Brenda and Dick Goodwin, and the Golf Day thanks to Colin Deverill.
Last year a plea that North took greater care filling in the traveller brought a short-lived improvement. Chris again asked that all should aid North by not distracting until the traveller has been completed and checked.
Chris thanked the committee, Mary Hyde for organisation of the stewards and directors, and the scorers, for all their support and hard work.
Chris congratulated all Prize Winners:
Winter Monday Cup Micky Poole
Winter Wednesday Cup Brenda Blackwell
Winter Wednesday pm Diana Mettson
Winter Thursday Salver Bob McMahon & Roger Edddleston
Winter Percentage Cup David Flute & Bryan Williams 73.41%
Blue Cup Kitty Mc Evoy
February Championship Terry Mitchell & Nick White
Summer Monday Cup John Kitchener & Sandy Cameron
Summer Wednesday Cup Mike Bottomley
Summer Thursday Cup Bob McMahon & Roger Eddleston
Summer Percentage Cup David Flute & Bryan Williams 73.41%
October Championship Roger Eddleston & Steve Goldman
Whilst remembering 3 members who have died recently, Chris reminded us to enjoy our bridge whilst we can, we are fortunate to have this wonderful facility in which to do so.
Chris announced that subject to ratification at the next committee the next Chairman would be Jean Pearce.
Jean presented Chris with an engraved tankard on behalf of the members in thanks for a most successful 5 years of chairmanship.
Treasurer’s Report
Copies of the account ending 31st August 2016 were available at the meeting.
Brenda Blackwell explained that the income was £22,665 (£22,537 from table money, £127 from teaching sessions and £1.23 interest). Expenditure was £5,027 (£2,937 on prizes, £1,059 on equipment, £1,005 on special events and £24 on secretarial expenses).
Over the year we gave Purley Sports Club £17,637.
Our balances stood at £340 current a/c and £2840 deposit a/c.
It was questioned why the club no longer held premium bonds. Brenda explained that clubs could not hold premium bonds. It was generally felt that rates were so low at present that little interest could be earned on relatively small amounts.
Election of Committee
Brenda Blackwell was elected Treasurer, Rosemary Fulcher was elected Secretary. Chris Simmons retired from the committee. Seven committee members were re-elected: Sandy Cameron, Butch Manning, Martin Newman, Jean Pearce, Clare Shelley, Bryan Williams and Wendy Wyatt. Elaine Cann was elected as a new committee member.
Any Other Business
Wednesday Morning Timings
The meeting was divided as to whether to retain the new 9.30 am start or return to 9.40 am. The following points were made:
• Concern of delay due to traffic
• Concern that end time after 12.40 interfered with caring commitments
• Starting earlier was more likely to give the normal 3 hour session
• Some directors are causing undue stress by pushing to complete 24 boards
• Some welcomed 24 rather than 22 boards
The issue was referred to the next committee meeting for decision
The meeting was in favour of extending the handicap system to Wednesday and Thursday. It was felt that some way was needed to prevent some players winning a lot of prizes. Opinion was divided as to whether a %handicap or an upper limit on the number of prizes in a season was preferable.
The issue was referred to the next committee meeting for decision.
There were suspicions that some hands recently had been dealt in a way to give extreme distributions. Members were reminded that we require all dealing to be ‘fair’.
Charity Bridge
It was pointed out that we should make known to members which charities have been chosen. This will be placed on the website.
Wednesday Afternoon
All members are welcome particularly if they could offer help to Martin Hooff in running the sessions.
Director’s Table Money
In response to a question it was agreed that directors should continue paying table money.
Sessions during the Christmas period.
The only session that has been cancelled is Monday 26th December.
Close of meeting. The Chairman thanked members for their participation and closed the meeting at 7.30pm.