7th FEBRUARY 2016.
TIME : 10.15 am
G Clift (Shrewton/WGA), T Shardlow (Corsham/WGA), I Coffin (Redlynch & Hale) P Stayt (Erlestoke & Coulston /WGA), P Dennis (Steeple Langford) A Frost (Heytesbury & S V) G Tompkins, (Swindon CC), M Butler (Calne CC), J Wilkins (Goatacre CC) D Betts Ron Low(Box CC), M Smith (B-O Avon CC & SWCCL, T Cowley, Tom Cowley (SWilts CC) ,W Hearsey Winterbourne CC, James Down Potterne CC, Rob Donnelly IOG, Pete Hemmings WACO, K McDermott, Head Groundsman Hants CCC, C Sheppard Wilts Crick Ltd, ( 20 no in attendance)
APOLOGISE : P Mathias, P Sykes WC Ltd. D Moscroft, (Steeple Langford CC). G Gill Westbury / WCGA M Gardner (Purton), P Mortimer WEPL, ), A Short, K Boulton , (Biddestone CC), P Dewsbury (Cricklade CC), D Fisher Prior Park School, Jon Williams South Wilts CC.
The minutes were adopted as a true record: Carried from the floor.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
WGA – Annual General Meeting – 07.02.16
Chairman’s Review of 2015
Matters covered:-
· Welcome delegates and guests and Thanks to S. Wilts as hosts.
· Thanks to fellow Committee members.
· Thanks to WCCL and WEPL particularly for funding support.
· Thanks for support of Wilts Cricket (particularly Pete Sykes) during year.
· Introduce (and thank) today’s guests/speakers.
· 2015 season weather and fixture completion rate (WEPL only 26 out of 600 fixtures not completed – WCCL 20 out of 648)
· 2015 Pitch markings (cover Hampshire League) – general improvement continues.
· WGA prompted pitch visits
· ‘Get the Game on’ and ECB Small Grants scheme.
· The ECB trailer
· Training Courses (George will cover plans)
· Bite Size-training events – what would be good for 2016?
· Communication with groundsmen - better and updated e-mail
· Gordon Gill resignation – impact short/medium term
Dear Pat/Mr Chairman. 24th January 2016.
· As promised, my end of term report for you to address the assembled at the AGM.
· Good morning Gentleman, I am very sorry that I can’t be with you today but as Pat reads this to you there is a good chance that I shall be sailing the Tasman sea on my way to Aukland from Sydney on the first day of a 12 night cruise around New Zealand, lucky me.
· Again I have to congratulate you all for achieving even better pitch marks during the 2015 season. In WEPL the Wilts division had the highest overall average pitch marks, with Westbury and Winsley joint top of the division and second best throughout the whole league. There were a couple of clubs that threatened to pull the division down so improvement is still required, unfortunately I doubt whether those clubs are represented today as one rarely attends and I don’t think the other ever has. Apologies should I be wrong but great if I am wrong.
· In the Wilts league most pitch marks held steady, the improvement being that there are fewer clubs in the top divisions giving cause for concern. Again, the main culprits I rarely if ever see attend the AGM so the word still needs to be spread.
· We held a couple of bite size training evenings, I was a little disappointed in the number attending, but for those that did I think the evenings were quite enlightening, especially when we got onto the subject of verti cutting.
· If these evenings are to be continued then please let George, Pat or both know what subjects you want covering. Remember these evenings are for you to fill any gaps in your knowledge.
· Last autumn was very challenging carrying out the renovations with more rain than we often get in September with many desperately worrying whether there renovations were ever going to get done. We need not have worried, for the first time that I am aware of we could have easily carried out renovations well into November. This has resulted in very strong growth for many, with some being caught out with the strong growth. Being a volunteer groundsman is/can be very challenging and we all want to do our best, but travelling around like I do, being nosey, I find that many have struggled to keep the grass growth under check. I remind you all that the winter height of cut recommendation is 15mm to 19mm. Many I have seen will be in excess of 75mm. Another real cuss of mine is seeing cricket squares buried under worm casts, the word is getting through gentleman but it appears that we have some deaf colleagues and that we need to shout a little louder.
· Guys, it is with some regret, but this is the last time you will hear me cajoling and moaning at you as I have resigned from my position of being your County pitch advisor. I have held the position since October 2000 and have decided it is time for younger blood and to give someone else a go. If any of you are interested in having a go then I suggest you speak with both Pat Stayte and Peter Sykes.
· In departing there are some very big thank you’s I have to give, Tom Shardlow for being a very supportive committee member since day one, thankyou Tom. Pat Stayt, who very bravely took on the role of Chairman a couple of years ago and who is most definitely putting a more professional and polished presentation to the CGA. Many thanks Pat and I urge you the members to support him long into the future, you are lucky to have such a man at the helm. Finally I come to George Clift, there are not enough thank you’s I can give him, he too has been alongside me from the start, he has been my rock, he has been your go to man, he has organised everything, he has manged the money and yes, when you have not paid up soon enough he has been on your case and I thank him for that. Gentlemen, in my absence can I ask you to all stand and give George a loud round of applause, because without him you would not likely be here today, we would not have the organisation we have today and highly likely your pitches would be no better than they ever were. George many thanks.
· Back in 2004 we at grass roots level took a massive leap forward when we were awarded a county trailer. This has allowed many of you to carry out end of season renovations with some of the best machines on the market. This has helped with pitch improvements in a big way and I urge you all to carry on supporting both it and the two operators, Phil Mortimer and John Wilkins, long into the future.
· To finish, I would like to remind you all that grandfather rights no longer apply to spraying pesticides/herbicides to any of your cricket grounds/squares unless of course you as an individual are the owner. Products bought from the likes of B&Q and garden centres are for personal use at home and it is illegal to use them anywhere else other than your home. I have supplied many of you with loam, seed and fertiliser, I regret having to inform you that I shall no longer be supplying loam, so you will have to be making your own arrangements. Grass seed and fertiliser I shall still have and will endeavour to supply at the very best prices.
· Finally a big thankyou to you all for supporting me and the welcome I have received when visiting your ground, despite not always liking the advice given.
All the very best.
· New Clubs welcome and we should be offering to help/support.
· Where to go for advice?
· Thank you for attending; and for the time you give to cricket as volunteers.
Chris Sheppard representing Wiltshire Cricket Ltd, took to the floor and gave a brief overview of current and ongoing activities being undertaken by Wiltshire Cricket Ltd, Chris also gave members an update on Clubmark.
Chris then spoke of the resignation of the Pitch Advisor Gordon Gill and the need for a replacement PA.Chris paid tribute to Gordon for his time in the role and also for his role played right from the start in the setting up of the CGA.
Chris stated that Gordon is one of the main reasons that the standard of cricket pitches in the county are what they are today through his untold knowledge and dedication to his role as PA, he will be sorely missed, but was sure he would still continue to support the CGA, Chris on behalf of Wilts Cricket Ltd expressed his thanks to Gordon and wished him every success for the future.
The WCGA committee has continued to meet on a monthly basis with Pete Sykes (CDM) at Chippenham, to continue to develop the roles of the WCGA and along with Mike Smith Wilts CL to monitor and discuss pitch marks throughout the season and this practice will continue.
8 no affiliated club delegates attended the IOG Foundation course in March 2015 and 6 no delegates attended the September 2015 course at Chippenham CC.
Due to ever rising costs of IOG course fees, the committee has decided for 2016, to run its own in house training courses based on the IOG foundation module, Autumn and Spring and this will be offered at a somewhat reduced cost to clubs. The WCGA will soon be in a position to post the dates on the web site with costs etc and our aim is to run the courses in March and August. All attendee’s will be handed certificates and course notes for the relevant courses. We hope that clubs will support this take on future training, as we are always looking at ways to reduce training costs for clubs.
The two trailers were deployed in the autumn with a good degree of success, despite the wet weather and albeit one or two minor teething problems.
Clubs are reminded for those wishing to hire the trailer for Autumn renovations 2016, to contact the WGA Secretary G Clift Tel: 01380 813928 to book early for next years renovation works.
The treasurer reported a closing balance for the year end, of £7,151.00 as at the date of 30th September 2015 the balance sheet is supplied amongst the handouts. A new budget for 2015/2016 will be compiled for approval by the CDM (P Sykes and the WCGAS Committee) for various strategic activities throughout 2015/2016. The current balance as at the time of this meeting stands at £1090.99
The trailer system was sent out on hire and undertook works to 27 cricket squares (24 Clubs) during the calendar year, bringing in an income of £6,940.00 showing an increase on last year’s hire of £962.00 (£5978 .00 was last years trailer income), with outgoing transport and operator costs of £4,375.00, and repairs during the renovation period totaling £213.43
The WGA has also made the 3rd and final payment of £600 re-payment to WEPL towards the £2000 Loan for the trailer purchase.
I can also report that the WCGA has now switched its account to Nat West in order to make day to day running of the account easier to manage, bank transfer details have now been updated on our invoice template.
Report Adopted as a True Record : Proposed By: M Butler, Seconded By: M Smith : Carried
Chairman : P Stayt
Vice Chairman : M Smith:
Secretary : G Clift :
Treasurer : G Clift :
WGA Board Representative : T Shardlow
All existing serving officers were prepared to stand for another term, therefore all were voted in “En Bloc”, Proposed by M Butler and Seconded by T Shardlow : Carried.
A O B :
No other business was raised.
The date for next year’s AGM will be the 5th February 2017 and the venue will be Goatacre CC.
The AGM finally closed at 11.00 am.
After a short break for coffee our two guest speakers, Peter Hemmings WACO and Karl McDermott Head Groundsman Hants CCC, took to the floor, Pete Hemmings spoke about future law amendments, case law and the safety aspect regarding lightning during a game.
Karl spoke about his professional journey in becoming an appointed head groundsman, renovations and preparing match wickets from a professional viewpoint, this was followed by a Q & A session.
Rob Donnelly IOG Spoke about his role and future delivery of course and “Bite Size” training until such time as Wiltshire appoints a replacement PA.
G W Clift (Hon.Sec. / Treas.) Date: 8th February 2016
Company No: 7338735
Regisered Office: Chippenham Sports Club, Bristol Road, Chippenham, SN15 1NH
Tel- 01249 445225 Website- www.wiltshirecricket.co.uk