Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the East Hanney Parish Council

3rd May 2017 – 9.30pm

  1. Attending: Cllr J Triffitt, Cllr S Scott, Cllr J Long, Cllr D Kirk, Cllr S McKechnie, Cllr P Aram.

In attendance: G Langton (Clerk)

  1. Election of Chairman.

Cllr Triffitt was nominated as chairman for the coming year by Cllr Long, seconded by Cllr

McKechnie and unanimously agreed.

  1. To receive: Minutes of 2016 AGM.

The minutes were approved, proposed by Cllr Scott, seconded by Cllr Kirk.

  1. To consider: matters arising from the minutes.

It was noted that the Chairman and the Clerk were still reviewing the Council’s standing orders.

  1. Election of Deputy-Chairman.

Cllr Scott agreed to continue as deputy-chairman. This was unanimously agreed.

  1. Declarations of interest.

No additional areas of interest were declared by the Councillors.

  1. To receive: Registers of assets and financial risks

The Council approved the risk register. The register was then signed by the Chairman.

The council considered the asset register, noting the additions to the register in 2016-17. It

was agreed the dog waste bins needed to be added to the register. Action Clerk.

  1. To consider: Frequency and timing of meetings.

The council agreed to continue its meeting cycle, the first Wednesday of each month, normally

starting at 8pm. Proposed by Cllr Scott and seconded by Cllr Long.

  1. To consider: Establishment and election of Committees.

Note the current committees and groups are:

Planning, Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

VWHDC Local Plan 2031 Part 2 Working Party.

The council agreed to maintain the subgroups identified on the agenda.

  1. To confirm representatives on the following bodies:
  2. Hanney War Memorial Hall Management Committee.

The council agreed that Cllr Aram would remain as the representative on this committee, with

Cllr McKechnie as the deputy.

  1. Hanney Parochial Charity.

The council agreed that Cllr McKechnie would remain as the Council’s representative, with

Mavis Herman and Kathy Rolfe representing the village of East Hanney.

  1. Hanney Community Association.

The council heard that this association had been wound up.

  1. Neighbourhood Action Group

The council agreed that Cllr Kirk would remain as the representative on this group.

  1. To confirm Councillors’ areas of activity:
  2. Footpaths - J Long.
  3. Flood group and other technical issues - S Scott.
  4. Allotments - J Triffitt.
  5. Playground and Playing Field - P Aram.
  6. Neighbourhood Action Group - D Kirk.
  7. Village Environment - S McKechnie.

It was agreed that all councillors retained areas of interest, with Cllr McKechnie extending his remit to include all aspects of the village and parish environment, including wildlife. The council noted its thanks to Bob Wilson for continuing to coordinate the annual litter pick.

The AGM closed at 21.47

Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()1