Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Cairngorm Club, held at the Seafield Club, Seafield Road, Aberdeen, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 14th November 2007


Present: 31 members (including 7 Committee members), i.e. Fred Belcher, Colin Brown, Ian Bryce, Jim Bryce, Fiona Cameron, Jack Connell, Anne Cordiner, Brian Davey, Geraldine Davey, Marjory Ewan, James Friend, Gordon Hull, David Kirk, Andy Lawson, Brodie Lewis, Alec Macmillan, Ed Martin, Sheila Murray, Judy Middleton, Ruth Payne, Anne Pinches, Derek Pinches, David Plant, Eilidh Scobbie, Richard Shirreffs, Gordon Stalker, Ken Thomson, Lydia Thomson, Garry Wardrope, Hazel Witte and Kees Witte.

Apologiesfor absence were announced from: Isobel McLean, Gill Shirreffs, Robbie Middleton, and Mr and Mrs Hardy.

The President referred with regret to the deaths since the 2006 AGM of: Ian Brodie (1998, O); Harry Hancock (1978, A); Duncan Macrae-Gibson (1967, O); Jack S McIndoe (1955, OL); Ian T Stephen (1960, OL, Com 67-70 73-75 VP 75-78); Alister Sword (1985, O).

The minutes of the 2006 AGM were approved without correction, and with no matters arising.

Office-Bearer Reports

Secretary: Ken Thomson reported that the Committee had met on 6 occasions over the year. Consultation responses or activities had been undertaken re: the Beauly-Denny and Western Isles transmission lines, the Cairngorms National Park Boundary Bill and Draft Core Paths Plan, NTS Mar Lodge Estate plans, and the Kildrummy windfarm proposal. In addition, there had been considerable activity, mainly by Richard Shirreffs but also via the Working Party set up in May 2006, as regards the incorporation of the Mountaineering Council of Scotland, and the Civil Liability Insurance policy administered through the MCofS.

Day Meets Secretary: Alec Macmillan reported that there had been the usual monthly meets by coach (6), minibus (3) or car (2), except for the one to Carn a’Chuillin in February, which had been cancelled due to bad weather. Attendances were still on the decline, to an average of 16.7 (excluding the August car meet), or 22.8 for coach meets. The driver maximum of 14 hours on the road was a problem. The price of the December, January and September meets had included a meal. Highlights had included the meets to Beinn Dearg near Blair Atholl, and the Overnighter to the South Cluanie ridge. The September Cairngorm Traverse had been successfully held according to a new format, i.e. a bus from Muir, and a meal there afterwards. Overall, there had been a deficit of £670 on the day meets. He thanked the various people who had acted as meet organisers (including Robbie Middleton as regards the December meet) or as President Party Leaders.

The President thanked Alec for his work, and in particular for providing coffee after the Overnighter, and a splendid if midge-ridden barbecue after the Traverse.

Climbing Activities Secretary: in the absence of Dave Ogden, there was no report.

Weekend Meets Secretary: in the absence of Tim Walmsley, there was no report.

Social Activities Secretary: Anne Pinches referred to the new-style Dinner at the Old Mill Inn, to be repeated on 16 November. Indoor meets over the past year had included talks by or on behalf of the John Muir Trust, Alan Crichton, Guy Robertson and Donald Hawksworth. In September, the first meet of the new season had been held at the new venue of the Seafield Club, which was more economic than the Mannofield Cricket Club. A map of the new venue would be put into the Newsletter and/or website. The October meet had had to be cancelled at short notice, due to the commercial problems of Nevisport. The October ceilidh had resulted in a profit of £600, which had been donated to the AMRT.

Hut Custodian: Richard Shirreffs reported that a surplus of about £10000 had been made on Muir during the year, mainly due to the increase in overnight rates.

Communications Secretary: Garry Wardrope reported that the usual three Newsletters had been issued, with the help of Colin Brown. Andy Lawson had agreed to take over the Club website, and was currently restructuring it.

Judy Middleton asked if the availability of Muir could be posted on the website; it was thought that this would be possible. However, Ruth Payne reported that a similar exercise as regards the BMC Glenbrittle hut had encountered problems. Dave Kirk felt that the idea might not be easy to manage, given that changes were made every few days.

Mid-Week Walks: Jack Connell reported that about 60 members had participated in these walks during the year, with attendances between 10 and 25. A full programme had been arranged for 2008.

Accounts and Fees

The Treasurer, Derek Pinches, referred to the accounts (approved by the Independent Examiners) sent to members along with the AGM notice, and to a revised version shown on the screen. The membership this year stood at 453 (previous year 468). The number of Club members had fallen slightly to about 450, who now paid about £7000 of the £8600 subscription income by direct debit, which resulted in payment on 1 October. Interest supplied a useful £1400. All Club activities except social ones had made a loss, partly arising from unfilled week-end meet bookings. Postage expenditure had risen significantly due to the pre-purchase of stamps before a price increase. Muir had made a surplus of about £10000. General Funds stood at £27593. In the printed accounts, the annual surplus had been shown as £7678, which included £194 of interest from the Piper’s Wood Fund; excluding these (as required by the Independent Examiners) changed this figure to £7474. He had recently transferred the Muir Refurbishment Fund (of about £9400) to the General Fund, and proposed to do the same with the Life Membership Fund (of £65). He wondered if the Piper’s Wood Fund was still needed, or might be utilised for a special project.

Brian Davey asked if the Muir midge-eater was to be purchased; Richard Shirreffs assured him that it would be bought.

Ian Bryce referred to the £1500 payment to the National Trust for Scotland for the Beauly-Denny appeal. He said that this had been approved at the 2006 AGM, but the accounts showed a payment of only £1000, which was unfortunate when the NTS itself was strapped for cash. He had two questions:

  1. Why had members been thus treated with disrespect, when the Club was now a CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club), and supposedly “whiter than white”? Members should be more fully informed, with Committee and AGM minutes made available timeously.
  2. Why was the previous decision overruled?

The President said that two points had been raised, i.e. the accuracy of the accounts, and procedure. As regards the accounts, Richard Shirreffs said that this was a matter of report, and the President pointed out that the Independent Examiners had approved these as correct. As regards the latter point, the President proposed a vote on the “missing” £500, but pointed out that, according to the Constitution, the AGM does not bind the Committee. Ian Bryce said that this might be so, but he considered that the spirit of the Constitution had not been adhered to. On a vote by show of hands, 11 voted in favour of paying the extra £500, and 9 voted against.

Ken Thomson asked if it was desired that minutes should be placed on the website. Ian Bryce advocateduse of e-mail. Ruth Payne suggested a half-page summary. Andy Lawson suggested that the Newsletter and/or e-mail system could be used for this purpose. Garry Wardrope referred costs involved. The President said that the matter would be considered by the Committee.

There were no further questions on the accounts.

The Treasurer proposed that the basic Club subscription rate for 2008/09 should again remain at £13.00 (reduced rate £6.50, with categories as previously) plus (if the Club remains with the MCofS) the MCofS affiliation fee to be fixed in 2008. A motion to adopt the accounts and to approve the suggested new subscription rates was passed unanimously.

Appointment of Office Bearers

After sight of previous nominations shown on screen, and receipt of an additional nomination for the post of Week-End Meets Secretary, the following, being eligible, were elected or re-elected:

Honorary PresidentAnne Cordiner (re-elected)

President Eilidh Scobbie (re-elected)

Vice PresidentAdrian Scott (re-elected)

Vice PresidentAlec Macmillan (elected)

SecretaryKen Thomson (re-elected)

TreasurerDerek Pinches (re-elected)

Hut CustodianRichard Shirreffs (re-elected)

Day Meets SecretaryAlec Macmillan (re-elected)

Social Activities SecretaryAnne Pinches (re-elected)

Climbing Activities SecretaryDave Ogden (re-elected)

Weekends Meets SecretaryIan Bryce (elected)

Communications SecretaryGarry Wardrope (re-elected)

The following had been nominated for Committee membership, and, being eligible, and no other nominations having been received, were elected or re-elected:

Alex Barbour, Derek Beverley, Colin Brown, Ben Mellor (all re-elected); Dave Kirk, Marj Ewan, Andy Lawson, Jay Turner (all elected). [Secretary’s note: Ben Mellor and Alex Barboursubsequently and separately expressed their unwillingness to continue on the Committee]

Martin Duguid and David Rawlinson were re-appointed as Independent Examiners.

Meets and Future Activities

Judy Middleton reported that Willie Robb had expressed a desire for a meet to North Wales.


Referring to his written paper (copy with filed copy of minutes), Richard Shirreffs (RS) reported on activities in respect of the MCofS over the last year. Incorporation had finally been approved at the MCofS SGM in February 2007, and had actually taken place on 2 May 2007. In his view, the Club’s position as a member of the new corporate MCofS was not all that different from what it had been, still with clubs as members (with block votes according to size) as well as individual members. Members of member clubs are not directly members of the MCofS and cannot directly vote, but their position is defined more satisfactorily than before, and it is now recognised that a club can disregard its inactive members and supply a membership list and corresponding payment restricted to its active members. At the February MCofS SGM, some had wanted something akin to a “one member one vote” arrangement, treating members of member clubs as if they were members, but they perhaps failed to appreciate some of the implications of the membership structure, which it would not be easy to change, and he had heard of no more recent proposals. In RS’s view, the new MCofS structure, despite unsatisfactory elements here and there, is as fair as the Club could hope for.

Ian Bryce referred to the mention of “opt out” in the January Newsletter. RS confirmed that Club members could be dropped from the “active list”. Ian also asked about duplicate MCofS membership: RS said that it would be up to the person concerned to take action. The Treasurer said that two Club members had reported duplication, and about 12 had wished their names removed from the MCofS list. Alec Macmillan asked about proportional voting, and RS explained that the previous system continued, under which large clubs such as the Cairngorm Club had 40 votes.

As regards Civil Liability Insurance (CLI), RS reported that this matter went back to at least the year 2000, and that there was still a gap in information. There were now two companies involved in the MCofS insurance scheme. Brian Davey asked about pulling out of the scheme: the Treasurer reported that a search about 18 months previously had come up with little or nothing as a possible replacement. RS said that, essentially, MCofS membership involved its CLI scheme, and vice versa. Household insurance policies might cover individuals against similar risks. Andy Lawson asked if there had been any claims on the policy: RS said that he had been told that there had been, although not any details. Ian Bryce said that insurance companies treated mountaineering similarly to rugby-playing, for which he believed there was an outstanding claim for about £1 million.

Ruth Payne reported that she had attended the Fell & Rock Climbing Club (FRCC) Dinner at end-October, and had sent her thanks on behalf of the Club.

Dave Kirk said that he had been approached about a possible joint meet between the Club and the FRCC involving both Muir and the FRCC hut at Aviemore (Karn House).

James Friend reported that he had spoken about Piper’s Wood to Heather Salzen, Scottish Natural Heritage and the Mar Estate (Captain Nicolson, who had expressed enthusiasm). During 2008, he would work on a “mission statement” for the Wood, involving the future of the fence, and possible further planting.

Dave Kirk reported several “recurrent” Muir bookings in 2008. Since the following year was already filling up, he requested that any 2009 bookings for the Club or for Club member groups should be made as soon as possible.

Before closing the Meeting, the President expressed the Club’s thanks to:

  • retiring Office-Bearers (Tim Walmsley as Week-End Meets Secretary, Garry Wardrope as Vice-President) and Committee Members (Julie Bruce, James Hirst, Claire Marris, Ruth Payne, Neil Gauld),
  • Claire Marris (Ceilidh, Dinner, Library), Jack Connell (Mid-Week Walks) and MWW organisers, Alex Barbour (Muir Bookings), Lydia Thomson (Journal Editorship) and Neil Gauld (Training)
  • all Meet organisers and President’s Party Leaders.

The meeting closed with reminders of forthcoming Club and other events during the remainder of the calendar year, and a display and explanation of the new website by Andy Lawson.

Ken Thomson, Secretary