Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Banbury Branch of Oxford
Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers held on Saturday, 17th April 2010 at
Open meeting, welcome to visitors and sign-in book
The meeting was opened and chaired by Barry Davis, Vice-Chairman, in the absence of Sue Burchell who was unable to attend. He welcomed all members and guests which included David Joyce and Chrissy Cable from the Guild. David is the Banbury BranchSteward.
A vote of thanks on behalf of the branch was given by Brenda Day to Somerton ringers for hosting, organising and providing a delicious tea, the Vicar, Revd Paul Hunt forconducting the service and the organist, Ian Porteus, for playing the music and hymns so beautifully. It was all greatly appreciated.
Somerton ringers asked that everyone attending should sign in their visitor’s book.Barry asked everyone attending to sign in the (new) red meeting attendance book.There were 29 members present.
Apologies for absence were received from over 45 members
Sue Burchell (Chairman & Gt Tew), Lindsey and Rolf Smith, Helen Butler, PatriciaChurch, Chris Demmar, Douglas Woodward (Tadmarton), Robert Newton (Master), Alan Marchbank (Dep Master), Hilarie Rogers (G Gen Sec), Helen Wilde (Cropredy), JillRoberts (unattached), Diana Reeves, Ted Stear, Ann Cubitt, Simon Angel, John Taylor,Julie Tustian (Mollington), David Aries, Isobel Burbidge, Jean Butler, Liz Collett, RachelMcLoughlin, Geoff Upton, Kevin Batchelor, Jackie Whittaker (Wardington), Martin &Veronica Warner, Martin Saunders, Toby Franks, Tom Coyne, Philip Paling (Bodicote),Lawrence White, Mick Journeaux, David Puckey (SA), Roger Jones, RosemaryHemmings, Isabel Hands, Geoff Ellacott, Stephen Hathaway, Helen Raine (Bloxham),Trevor Trivett and his members (Adderbury), Philip & Evelyn Ledger (Hanwell), JamesPeachey (Cropredy), Steven Jenkins (Banbury).
Minutes of the last meeting
It was then proposed by Alan Griffin and seconded by Jean Davis that the Minutes beadopted as a true record. Carried.
Matters arising
There were no matters arising from the previous Minutes.
Election of new members
Luke (GT) & Jake (DT) Burtonwood, Andrew Templetoe, Ann Grant (Wroxton), JamesPeachey (Cropredy) and Michael Howard (Bloxham).Proposed Andries Bosland Seconded Roger Stranks Carried
Re-election: Clive Strong and Susan Holding (nee Webster), Ernest (Toby) Franks (allBodicote), Jill Roberts (unattached).Proposed Chris Cox Seconded Alan Griffin Carried
Presentation of new members' certificates
Certificates for Steven Jenkins (Banbury), Jake Burtonwood(DT), Luke Burtonwood(GT), Andrew Templetoe, Ann Grant (Wroxton) and James Peachey (Cropredy) were available at the meeting. Two new members, Jake Burtonwood and Luke Burtonwood,collected theirs personally following the various reports in 7.
(a) Secretary's Report
Heather Hughes, Secretary, had nothing further to add to her report which had been previously circulated.One or two members present indicated that they had not seen the report. TheSecretary assured the meeting that her report had been sent out prior to themeeting. Barry Davis mentioned that it was important that tower correspondentsensured that all members attached to their tower were kept fully informed whenrelevant information was sent out by the Secretary. It was confirmed that the meeting notice had appeared in the Ringing World.Thanks were given to Secretary for her work during the year.
(b) Treasurer's Report
A copy of the examined accounts was previously circulated to members with theNotice of the Meeting. The examined and ratified accounts for the year up to 31stDecember will be attached to these Minutes. Diana Gardner, Treasurer, reportedthat funds had increased by £400. She had moved £200 into the Deposit Accountalthough not much interest would be generated. At the Branch Carol Service at
Tadmarton, the Vicar donated the collection which was sent to The Bell Fund.Although Diana had received a receipt for the money, there was no accompanyingthank you letter which it was felt was appropriate in the circumstances of thegiving. Those present agreed with this point of view and Graham Clifton will raisethis omission at the next meeting. She thanked the Social Committee for theirefforts at the events they organised in ensuring they were self-financing.
Restoration Fund – At this point it was usual to decide whether a donation be sentto the Bell Fund. Last year it was £75. The Bell Fund is responsible for makinggrants to towers for major works and Banbury Branch had, over the years,benefited greatly, therefore it was important for the branch to support it. It wasproposed that the donation this year be increased from £75 to £100.Proposed by Graham Clifton. Seconded by Graham Oliver. Carried.
The Treasurer was thanked for her work in keeping the accounts in order on behalfof the Branch.
(c) Branch Representatives – The two reports relating to the November 2009 andMarch 2010 meetings had been circulated prior to the meeting.Nov 2009 - Barry Davis brought to the attention changes in the insuranceconditions mentioned in Alan Griffin's report. The Oxford Guild is one of only afew Guilds which incorporates insurance into its membership subscription.March 2010 – Graham Clifton drew attention to the meeting that at the Bell FundCommittee Meeting, our Branch was once again thanked for raising £1260 at theRinging Day in May 2009. He also mentioned that the Branch Rules were in the
process of being changed.St George's Day – Graham said that if towers decided to ring for St George's Day, itwas important to let the village or town know in advance or by putting a notice upas to why the bells were being rung.The Branch Representatives, Graham Clifton and Alan Griffin were thanked for
their efforts and reports on behalf of the Branch.
(d) Ringing Master
Alan Griffin told the meeting that a number of Surprise Practices had beencancelled during the year. Learners and Branch Practices were usually wellattended. A number of courses had been run and had been well received. ThePlain Bob Doubles course in March was over-subscribed, so an additional coursewas implemented for the following week.It was felt that consideration should be given to offering a practice to learners whohad progressed beyond the call changes/Plain Bob doubles stage, practices tofurther improve their abilities. Learner ringers should be encouraged to attendother tower practices and branch practices as a means of improving andprogressing. The idea of a second tier learners' practice would be addressed for thecoming year.
(e) Social Committee
Brenda Day reported on behalf of the Social Committee. Two functions a year areorganised by this committee. The "Firsts" Jacket Potato Supper took place in earlyFebruary and the Branch Dinner in March. Both were very well attended withapproximately 60 and 40 people respectively. The "Firsts" supper also included anentertaining quiz compiled by Jean Davis and Barry had organised a slide show.
The dinner speaker, Chris Mew, had everyone singing at the end of his talk at thedinner.It had been approved at the Half Yearly Meeting that the raffles at each of theabove events should go to the British Heart Foundation and Christian Aid.Clarification was given with regard to proceeds of raffle monies. British HeartFoundation and Christian Aid would receive half each of the combined proceedsfrom the Firsts and Annual Dinner held in February and March 2010. The Branchwould receive the proceeds from the raffle to be held at the Striking Competition inJune this year.It was proposed that in future holding a raffle at the Annual Dinner would bedropped. A decision as to which charity would be proposed for the "Firsts" socialraffle in February 2011, could be made at the next Tower Reps meeting inSeptember.Since the donation to the British Heart Foundation and Christian Aid would be
£83.50 each, it was proposed that this be rounded up to £85 each.Proposed by Barry Davis. Seconded by Brenda Day. Carried.
Dorothy Clifton also asked whether any committee meetings took place during theyear in respect of organising events since Vicky felt that committee meetingsshould be held since the Social Committee was called a committee. Brenda Daysaid she would talk to Vicky and take the matter in hand.
The Social Committee were thanked on behalf of the Branch for their contributionsover the year.
(f) Webmaster
Barry Davis had nothing to report. Input from members within the branch wasrequired. Barry cannot include anything if he isn't notified about peals, quarters,etc. He has removed items from the website which were rather old.
Election of Officers
Personnominated Proposed Seconded
(a) Chairman S Burchell Alan Griffin Bob Reeves
(b) Vice-Chairman B Davis Brenda Day Diana Gardner
(c) Ringing Master K Abbott Graham Clifton Stephen Day
At this point Dorothy Clifton suggested that the Ringing Master's Chain of Office bechanged to a badge which might look better than the chain did. Members agreed.
Proposed by Dorothy Clifton. Seconded by Roger Stranks. Carried.
(d) Deputy Ringing Master H Bletchly Graham Clifton Barry Davis
(e) Secretary H Hughes Brenda Day Keith Abbott
(f) Treasurer D Gardner Alan Griffin Graham Clifton
(g) Branch Representatives (2) V Wass Barry Davis Andries Bosland
A Griffin Barry Davis Bob Reeves
(h) Newsletter Editor B & J Davis Graham Clifton Brenda Reeves
(i) Independent Examiner C Wardley Barry Davis Alan Griffin
(j) Social Committee (4) L Smith En bloc by: -
V CliftonB Day Bob Reeves Alan GriffinC Cox
(k) Webmaster B Davis Alan Griffin Diana Gardner
(a) Striking Competition – Hanwell Saturday 12 th JuneRichard and/or John Stanworth and the Deputy Master, Alan Marchbank, weresuggested as Judges for the Striking Competition. Keith Abbott would organise.Heather to let him have contact details.
(b) Outing – Saturday 17 th July. Graham Clifton said that much of the outing has been organised. It is to theGloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway. There will be two towers to ring at inthe morning, then lunch on the train and three towers in the afternoon. A venuefor the evening meal has been arranged.
It was proposed that in order to help with what could be a more expensive outingthat the tower donations amounting to £50 (£10 for each tower) be made fromBranch funds. After discussion this was agreed.Proposed by Barry Davis. Seconded by Alan Griffin. Carried.Full details of the outing will be sent out shortly.
(c) Practices – branch, surprise and learners
The programme for the branch and surprise practices was in place. Keith Abbottwould set about organising the additional learners' practice requested.
(d) Courses – Keith asked that tower captains should ask their members as to whatcourses might be helpful so that these could be organised. This could be reviewedagain at the Tower Reps meeting in September.
(e) Advent Carol Service
Bloxham will host the next Advent Carol Service on Saturday 4th December. Thewine budget has been up to £25 for some years now and it was agreed that thisshould be increased up to £30 if required.
Proposed by Keith Abbott. Seconded by Stephen Day. Carried.
(f) Half Yearly Meeting – This is to be held at Adderbury on Saturday 16th October.
(g) "Firsts" - Suggested date Saturday, 5th February 2011.
This event should be given some thought over the coming months. It was thoughtthat maybe it would be a good idea change the type of ringing event. A Quarter Pealfortnight, possibly ringing a quarter in every tower in the branch. It could be firmedup at next Tower Reps Meeting in September.
(h) Venue for next year's AGM – April 16th 2011 (week before Easter which is late).Sandford St Martin was offered by Roger Stranks as a possibility. Members agreed.
Any other business
Brenda Day had recently attended a course at Kineton Ringing Centre. She had found itextremely useful and recommends it to other ringers if they wished to improve aspects oftheir ringing. Bob Reeves mentioned that surprise practices (for which you had to pay)were also run there. In addition, Graham Clifton mentioned that there was a bellhandling course being held on 16th October at Steeple Aston, which also happens to bethe same day as our Half Yearly Meeting.
Jean and Barry would like all items for the newsletter by 1st May.
The Guild Eight Bell Striking Competition and Ringing Day were on Monday, 3rd May.(Information has been circulated already.) It is hoped to put a Branch team in for theStriking Competition.
David Joyce (Banbury Branch Steward) had brought some ringing books, etc, forpurchase and these were at the back of the church.
David Read of Somerton tower donated half the balance of the tea money (£38) to thebranch. The other half was donated to the church.
Bob Reeves reminded everyone about the handbell concert by Launton Handbell ringersat Swalcliffe church on Saturday, 24th April. Details regarding purchase of tickets wereincluded on the April tower email.
Barry suggested that the notices for meetings, etc, might be advertised on Campanophile,the bell ringers' website. It cost nothing and might bring a few more visiting ringersalong.
Meeting closed at 6.35 pm.