1. Apologies: None given
  1. Minutes of the Last Meeting: These were not read out as they had been circulated to all present.It was noted that an amendment to paragraph 6 has been made regarding governance approval to the annual Accounts.
  1. Speed Limits and Road Signage: It was explained that we had now received a response from NYCC Highways. It was reported that they believe the current signage is classed as adequate and as we did not count as a village nor had there been any recent reportable accidents no speed limit reduction was available. (To be a village you must have over 20 houses within a 600m span)
  1. Planning Application: The Clerk reported on the following planning applications. Temple of Victory – Withdrawn, Stables Conversion – Withdrawn with recommendation to resubmit, Shepherds Wood – certificate of lawfulness regarding sighting of caravan.
  1. Other Matters:

A reminder that the local NYCC tips will now be closed 1 day every week.

New sandbags had been requested by the Madden’s.

The Village had sent flowers to the householders of the Priest House following their fire.

A request for a further letter to be sent to the Estate regarding the level of rabbit numbers.

A leaving card will be sent to Mike Winters.

  1. NYWAG Fundraising: Following the last meetings proposal and the Parkin’s kind offer to hold an event the details we discussed.

The “get together” will be held at Smithy Farm on Saturday 9th July at 2pm.

Entrance fees will be by ticket at £5 per adult and £3 per child. This will include food. Please invite family and friends.

Simply food (burger etc) will be provided by the Mason’s Arms between 4pm and 5pm. Additional food such as salads and sweets will be available. Drinks will be by donation to funds.

Please provide table/chairs (if possible), paper plates and a sweet.

Games, a raffle and tombola will take place.

Any help setting things up at 10am on the morning would be appreciated.

It was also decided that a vote will take place at the end of the event on whether the net funds raised will be passed to NYWAG or put to village funds as a donation by the organisers.

  1. Parish Meeting Fund Raising: It was reported by Robert Medd that the golf day will take place in the same format as last year. This will be held on the 10th September at Flaxby Golf Course with an evening event at the Pettingell’s afterwards. Ticket prices will be £25 for golf and evening and £5 for evening only

Next Meeting: To be decided

Clerk to the Parish – 23rd June2011

We enclose a note from Nell Mowbray regarding the Horse Trials. These are taking place on 17th and 18th September 2011.

“If anyone is interested in volunteering any sort of help either before or during the trials we would be very grateful, please phone me on 01423 330858.
Otherwise come and enjoy an exciting weekend of sport, and a walk in the park.
Thank you
Nell Mowbray.”

June 2011