Minutes of the ANGC Committee Meeting held at 1630HRS on Wednesday 11thNovember2015 at the Clubhouse.

Present: Sqn Ldr B FinniganChairman

Mr. P BattyCaptain

Mrs. L GoreLady Captain

Mr. P GoreVice-Captain

Mr. T PinnellSecretary

Mr. B WilsonEntertainments

RSM G WelchBar Member

Mr. D Robinson Comp Secretary

Mr. P RamshawHandicap Secretary

Mr. N MaxwellGrounds Member

Mr. F FouldsHouse Member

LCpl C RawlinsShop Member

Apologies:CPO A LathamTreasurer

Flt Sgt B InnesJunior Member

Sgt P WilsonPublicity Member

Mrs. J BattyLady Vice-Captain

ITEM 1:Minutes of the last meeting

  • The Chairmanopened the meeting at 1633 hrs and the minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.

ITEM 2:Matters Arising


Will approach CSP during the next Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) meeting on the 25th November 2015 to ensure we are informed when any maintenance is required within the Clubhouse.

Action: Closed

Ask Flt Sgt Brian Innes if he will take on the Junior Section. Currently insufficient interest, but will re advertise on Part 1 Orders. Action: Closed


Mat usage and the change to Local Rules – see Captain’s report.

Action: Closed

Lady Captain

Refresh of the Hanging Baskets.Action: Closed

Shortage of cutlery, Lady Captain to source.Action: Closed

Vice Captain

Barracking of cash winners at Ballsweeps.Action: Closed


Review the Bar & Cleaning Staff remuneration. It was agreed to increase their wages to €10/Hr with immediate effect. Action: Closed

Apparent Shop shortage – agreed to utilise the ‘spare’ Polo Shirts which should make up the shortfall. Action: Closed

Offset costs of Fridge/Freezer & Shop rebuild against Bar takings. Following discussions with the Unit Accountant this is not possible. Action: Closed


Captain’s personalised Golf Bag Tags, Club Logo now supplied. Total cost £66.60. Awaiting Invoice from supplier to enable payment Action: Closed

Bar Manager

Unit Security Section to change codes to Clubhouse & Locker Room doors. Unfortunately 2 Unit members have been away on courses,but will now complete during the last week in November. Action: Ongoing

Request to supply plastic cups for the Water Dispenser. Short discussion ensued when it was agreed that we will not provide plastic cups as it is deemed this is not a Club responsibility. Action: Closed

Comp Secretary

Liaise with Jim Saunders regarding match against Vikla GC. Jim Saunders is looking into it. Action: Closed

Grounds Member

Rebuild of all Bunkers – awaiting Sand bags (on order).Action: Ongoing

Trying to source a Water Bowser.Action: Ongoing

Practise Net replacement.Action: Closed

House Member

Locker Room ‘ramp’.Action: Closed

ITEM 3:Chairman’s Report

The Chairman stated that Country Members will now need a valid Home Club Handicap and that their Home Club will be responsible for maintaining that Handicap. Country Members playing in ANGC Competitions can have their Score Cards returned to them for that purpose. This will negate having 2 systems maintaining their Handicaps and also save ANGC the €20 EGA fee. He also added that the Station should set our annual Golf Fees and it should not be set at the AGM. Wording to that effect will be available for the Committee to review at the next Meeting. Action: Chairman

Our President is being deployed to warmer climes. He regrets not playing more at the Club; however, his duties and young familyhave precluded this. He has nothing but praise for the Golf Club, especially the amount of Charity monies raised and the fact that he was made to feel welcome on every visit.

ITEM 4:Captain’s Reports


The Captain reported that our Local Rules will be changed to reflect that no Lateral Relief is allowed on the fairway in play. One club length backwards in a direct line to the flag is the only relief allowed.

At a recent Disciplinary Meeting 2 members were admonished for interfering with holes on the greens. However, the correct procedure for any perceived issue is to discuss it with the Captain / Grounds Member who will bring it to the attention of the Committee.

IGCN would like to hold their ‘cancelled’ Open Competition on the 21st / 22nd November. As we have no spare capacity in our Fixture list the Grant Bowl Comp will still take place on 21st November and individual Members can choose whether they want to enter the IGCN Open.

Transport to the ANGC Christmas Event in Famagusta will be provided by the Club and therefore free for members and cost €5 for non members. Members using their own transport will be subsidised by €10 i.e. €5 each way.

Lady Captain

The Charity Pot amountstands at €4642.

Children have been playing within the rocks in the middle of the 6th fairway which is highly dangerous. Part 1 Orders will remind parents of their responsibilities towards their children and the Chairman will speak directly to the Member whose children are causing the issue. Action: Chairman

Vikla Ladies are trying to organise an Interclub between themselves and the Military Clubs. Action: Lady Captain

ITEM 5:Treasurers Report

The closing balance as of 11th November 2015 stood at €12002.29.

ITEM 6:Competition Secretary

The Comp Sec reported that Lee Hinton of F&M Group, ANGC Open Sponsor, is trying to organise an open day in January 2016. Action: Captain

Clubhouse is still without Internet – Shop Member to investigate.

Action: Shop Member

Hole in One recorded in the last 2 weeks. Trophy to be organised in time for Presentation Night. Action: Comp Sec

ITEM 7:Handicap Secretary / Junior Section

Handicap Secretary

The Handicap Secretary gave a background to the Country Member Handicap discussion.

Junior Section

Nothing to report

ITEM 8:Secretary

Nothing to report

ITEM 9:Entertainment Member

Ents Member reported that Thursday is the last week for ‘bullets’.

Seating arrangements for the Christmas Ball have been organised to try and accommodate Members requests. He added that over 90% have paid.

ITEM 10:Grounds Member

The 1st & 8th Greens require sand, glue and tape at a cost of €725 (delivered), to complete the laying of the new Astroturf fringes. Action: Grounds Member

ITEM 11:Bar Member

Leaf Blower/Sucker required to fully clean the Patio Area. An extra Electric Extension Lead is also needed. Action: House Member

Rebuilt Shop to be in installed next week.

It was suggested a ‘Whisky of the Month’ be trialed. All agreed this is a good idea.

ITEM 12: Shop Member

Currently revamping stock and would like to hear from Members of what they would like to see in the shop. A suggestions book is available.

ITEM 13: Publicity Member

Nothing to report

ITEM 14: House Member

The vandalised Water Dispenser opposite the Locker Room needs to be removed. The Chairman will raise the issue at the next DIO meeting on 25th November. Action: Chairman

All the shower heads need replacing. Action: House Member

A Cistern for one of the Ladies toilets has been sourced, but will require the help of the Handicap Secretary in obtaining it. Action: Handicap Secretary


Colin Brodie

‘Bell’ required on the 7th/16th Fairway for safety reasons. Action: Grounds Member

Permit Mats on any fairway rather than just the fairway in play. Short discussion ensued in which 99% of the Committee voted ‘NO’ due to the fact it contradicts the R&A Preferred Lies rule

Nick Phillips

Requested a further €300 for PASYKAF. The Committee unanimously voted ‘NO’ to that request, due to the substantial funds already raised for PASYKAF by the Club.

Vice Captain

TheThursday Ballsweep will be at 1330 for a start at 1400 for the duration of the winter season.

ITEM 16: Date of Next Meeting

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was brought to an end by the Chairman at 1826 hrs, with the next meeting due to be held on Wednesday 9th December 2015 at 1630 in the clubhouse.

Terry Pinnell
