Agricultural Biology
2012 – 2013
Mrs. Kristann Mattes
Agriculture Instructor
Minarets High School – classroom website
Course Description:
Agricultural Biology is laboratory science course designed for the college – bound student. The course emphasizes detailed knowledge of the biological principles of the following areas: molecular and cellular aspects of living things, structure and function of agricultural plants and animals, genetics, physiology, plant and animal diversity and principles of classification, ecological relationships, and animal behavior.
Algebra I or concurrent enrollment in Algebra I
California Biology (Miller, Levine, 2007)
Course Goals:
- To learn the nature of scientific inquiry and incorporate the use of the scientific method in laboratory investigations pertaining to biological and agricultural principles.
- To be familiar with the theory of cell biology and its application to the organization of all living organisms.
- To identify and understand the processes of cellular and organism growth and reproduction.
- To recognize the diversity of life and the interrelationships among all organisms.
- To understand the role of genetics in organism variation and adaptation.
- To understand the role of genetics as it pertains to the development of multi-cellular organisms and appreciate how encoded genes specify the characteristics of living organisms.
- To acquire biological and agricultural research vocabulary, and the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills pertaining to scientific inquiry.
- To understand the stability in an ecosystem is a balance between competing effects.
- To understand fundamental cellular and systemic functions and processes.
- To recognize the interrelationships between biotic and physical factors to energy flow in the biosphere.
Learning Objectives: (Students should be able to)
- Describe the characteristics of living organisms.
- Describe the characteristics of plant and animal cells with respect to their structure and chemistry
- Compare and contrast the roles of meiosis and mitosis in cellular and organism reproduction.
- Define the chromosome theory of heredity, Mendelian genetics, gene-enzyme relationships, and apply this knowledge to animal inheritance.
- Distinguish between historical and modern taxonomy system and scientific nomenclature and demonstrate evolutionary relationships among plants and animals.
- Identify the structural and functional similarities and differences among major animal, plant, and protist phyla.
- Analyze the major organ systems of animals and explain the function of each.
- Recognize the structure and function of ecosystems, populations, communities, and the impact of human society on the natural and agricultural environment.
- Describe the three cycles that involve biotic and abiotic factors: nitrogen, carbon-oxygen, and water; and explain the importance of their interrelationships to the biosphere.
- Identify the environment and genetic factors that influence variation among organisms.
- Demonstrate basic laboratory techniques including the use of microscopes, microscope slide presentation, maintenance and examination of micro-organism cultures, tests demonstrating fundamental biochemical reactions, dissection of representatives of plant and animal phyla, and the sharpening of interpretive skills.
- Discuss the principles and practices used in feeding livestock, explain common practices and describe nutritional needs of animals during various productive stages.
- Describe common animal diseases and parasites; discuss health management practices used in animal agriculture.
Course Outline:
- Students are to be seated when the tardy bell rings or tardy slip will be issued.
- Students must bring all materials to class as outlined above.
- Students must abide by all school and classroom rules, failure to do so will result in a lunch time study session.
- Students must place his/her name on all assignments. Non-named papers may not receive credit.
- In order to participate in FFA activities, students must have at least a 2.0 GPA in their Ag classes.
Assessment Methods:
Tests – including teacher made and standardized tests developed by authors
Evaluation of class assignments
Classroom activities
Laboratory research investigations
Current events
Homework assignments
FFA Activities – Recordbooks, Events, Meetings, SAE Projects
Grading Policy
Grades are determined based upon points earned in the following areas:
- Assignments (classroom, labs, homework, projects, notebook.)
- Daily Evaluation (class participation, prepared for class, behavior, etc)
- Evaluations (tests and quizzes)
- FFA Activities
Grades are based on these percentages:
90-100% A 79-70% C 59-45% F
89-80% B 69-60% D 44 – 0% No Mark
Any student(s) caught cheating on a test or quiz, or copying any portions of assignments or lab reports will receive a ZERO for that activity. They will NOT be able to make it up for partial credit.
Make up Work
- The student is responsible for obtaining make-up work on the day he/she returns to school. Additionally all assignments may be found at the class wiki site.
- The student has the number of days absent to turn in make up work.
Leadership Opportunities
At Minarets it is our goal to assist students of all ages in developing their qualities as a leader. At Minarets students have the opportunity to become a member of the National FFA Organization, which is the largest youth leadership organization in the country, simply by being enrolled in a Science or Mechanics course. In order to assist the students in developing there leadership qualities we are giving them the opportunity to earn credit in their Science or Mechanics course simply by attending two (2) leadership activities through the FFA each semester. Options for activities can include monthly FFA meetings, community service, leadership conferences, public speaking events, fundraisers, judging contests and many more! We, as a department staff, uphold the same participation policy and encourage all students to get involved in the leadership opportunities FFA presents them.
Community Service
Minarets places a high value and appreciation on giving back to the community and this is simply one item that sets us apart from other schools. In order to promote citizenship and leadership development as well as earning credit in their Science or Mechanics course we ask that students give a little back to the community by completing one (1) community service project per semester. This activity is NOT limited to only activities through the FFA; students may perform community service with their church, youth groups, or organizations of his/her choice or anywhere else approved by an instructor. However, by taking part in a FFA sponsored community service activity the student will be allowed to count it twice; once as a community service project and also as a leadership development activity. Regardless, there will be plenty of opportunities presented to students during the 2012- 2013 school year. We encourage every student to take part in as many community service projects as possible. In addition, by completing this activity they will be assisting the Minarets Agriculture Department with their goal of winning the “Million Hour Challenge”, a contest put on by the National FFA Organization to ensure that all students understand the meaning of giving back to their communities. It is our goal that all students will be able to experience the pleasure and appreciation that comes with giving back to their community, doing so will not only to provide help for those in need in the short term, but it will allow growth as individuals in the long term.
The following is a calendar of basic FFA activities and functions that your child can attend. Keep in mind should they choose to get more involved we can add many more activities to this list.
August 29th FFA Meeting (6pm in Multipurpose room) Slip-n-Slide Volleyball
August 29th Slip-n-Slide Volleyball match
September 19th Sectional Activity Night (Blackbeard’s in Fresno)
September 26th FFA Meeting (6 pm in Multipurpose room) The Amazing Race
Sept 26th- Oct 15th Sell Chicken Dinner Tickets
September 9th FFA Movie Night (sell tickets in advance)
September 9th Attend FFA Movie Night
October 6th Bass Lake Clean-up (Community Service Opportunity)
October 17th Work the Chicken Dinner Fundraiser (see your Ag teacher)
October 31st FFA Meeting (6pm in Multipurpose room) Trick-or-Can
October 14th Opening and Closing Speaking Contest
November 28th FFA Fall Banquet
December 12th FFA Meeting (6pm in Multipurpose room) Winter Olympics
December 15th Community Love Day (Community Service Activity)
December 20-21 School Farm Clean up and Building Garden Boxes (Community Service Activity)
January 23rd FFA Meeting (6pm in Multipurpose room) FFA Dance
February 7th Sectional Speaking Contest (See Ag teacher ASAP if interested)
February 2nd FFA Invitational Volunteer
February 8/9 MFE/ ALA Conference in Visalia
February 14th Tulare Farm Show Trip
February 20th Sectional Activity Night (Johns Incredible Pizza in Fresno)
February 27th FFA Meeting (6pm Location TBA) Blackout Dodgeball
February 27th Play in Dodgeball Tournament
March 27th FFA Meeting (6pm Multipurpose Room) March Madness
March 27th Play in March Madness Tournament
April 30th FFA Meeting (6pm Multipurpose Room) Capture the Torch
April 30th Class Representative in Capture the Torch
May 28th FFA End of the Year Banquet (6pm in Minarets Gym) RSVP IS REQUIRED!
**The Ag teachers as well as the FFA officer team reserve the right to change the meeting dates and times at any point in the school year. Notice will be given in class and it is the students responsibility to make adjustments if they are necessary**
*** If you choose to join a judging team there will be additional dates added to this list. Also if you succeed at a speaking contest there will also be additional dates added to this list.
Photo Clearance
- The Minarets High School Agriculture Department and FFA would like permission to use photographs (taken by FFA members, professional photographers, or provided by the student) of your child in various capacities; bulletin boards, FFA newsletter, community presentations, staff training, recruitments, end of the year slide shows, etc.
- You may change your mind at any time by rescinding your permission in writing.
I have read and fully understand the expectations, rules, grading procedures, and make up regulations for the Minarets High School Agriculture Department. In addition, I am granting “Photo Clearance” for this student as outlined above. Both parent/guardian and student should read this form together and then sign. Please return this page tp the instructor. If you would like a copy, please contact Mrs. Mattes at 559-708-3778 or email at .
To be read, signed and returned by: ______.
Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______
Student: ______Date: ______
Printed student name: ______Class Period ______