AllotmentsCemetery & Commons Cttee

29 September 2009


PRESENT:Cllr D Gooch- Chairman

Cllrs McGinn, Mrs Ashcroft, Smith, Burns, Cox, Booth and Gant.

Mr B Breslin-Smith – Allotment Association

Mr F Farrow – Hon Warden SSSI/SAC

The Clerk and Deputy Clerk

Late arrivals – Cllr Stevens and Russell Cox

Four Members of the Public

1.To Receive and Consider Apologies:Cllr Hill and Mrs Rix.

2. Declarations of Interest relating to items on the Agenda:

Cllr Cox declared his son-in-law is an allotment tenant.

Cllr Gooch declared his daughter is an allotment tenant.

3. To Accept the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 July 2009:

The Minutes having been previously circulated Cllr McGinn PROPOSED Cllr Cox seconded acceptance of the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2009. IT WAS AGREED.

4.Land Swap Update:The Chairman stated the Secretary of State

has agreed to the exchange of the current allotment site for the new land to the west of the Cemetery Drive.

Cllr Cox stated he was rather perturbed to learn the news in the EDP – he feels it should have been circulated to Members first. The Clerk stated the article in the EDP appeared the day after she received the letter from the Sec of State.

5. Allotment Matters:

a.Verbal Report from Allotment Association:

Mr Breslin-Smith reported there has been a general deterioration in the condition of plots: On 6 Oct the Allotment Association will be holding a meeting when four of the Committee Members will be standing down. He feels the future of the Allotment Assoc is in question and it will probably withdraw from Membership of the National Society.

b.To Receive Notes from Working Party meetings held on 3, 10 and 17 September 2009: An amendment was asked on the Notes of 17 September, page 1, second large paragraph, 12th line – delete ‘the end of’ IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Smith spoke to the notes.

The Chairman stated another meeting of the Working Party is likely to take place mid-October to deal with outstanding items.

Cllr Smith stated there is limited parking for all except disabled plots – it is hoped more parking spaces will be found later. STC is still waiting to hear from allotment tenants as to their interest in the polytunnels.

The Chairman stated at the next Working Party meeting it will be necessary to prioritise which items come first on the new site. He added there will be a maximum of 100 sheds which is specified in the Legal Agreement – Tenants who move and sign the new Tenancy Agreement before 4 April 2010 will qualify for a new shed. The Chairman stated it is anticipated the new site will be ready in early January 2010, although Tenants can stay on their present plots until 30 September 2010.

c.To Approve revised Plan of new Allotment Site as at 21.09.09: Members had already received a plan of the new site. The Chairman stated the new site should accommodate everyone according to their wishes. Cllr Gant PROPOSED approval of the plan for the new site subject to any changes that may need to be made for financial reasons; Cllr Burns seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

d.Ownership of Allotment Sheds and Water Butts:After discussion IT WAS AGREED the sheds are let with the allotment plot. The Chairman added the sheds can be customised.

Discussion ensued concerning Tenants wishing to take their own sheds across to the new site and the level of rent if a plot is given a new shed. Cllr Smith stated STC needs to decide how to deal with future plot holders who will not be supplied with a new shed.

e.Tenancy Agreement for new Site:Members had received a copy of

the new Agreement previously. The Chairman reported the Working Party had discussed at length the question of allowing livestock on the new site. Mr Breslin-Smith queried whether bees can be kept. After discussion Cllr Booth PROPOSED adding a clause to the new Tenancy Agreement regarding insurance cover and public liability; Cllr Gant seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

Cllr Booth PROPOSED bees cannot be kept on the new site; Cllr Mrs Ashcroft seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

f.To Consider Allocating Allotment Plots on existing Allotment Site after 1 October 2009: After a short discussion Cllr Gant PROPOSED no allocations of plots on the existing site take place; Cllr Burns seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

g.Compensation to existing Tenants re crops etc:Cllr Smith stated

this has not been covered by the Working Party to date, he suggested asking the National Society to calculate any compensation. The Chairman stated the compensation will be taken out of the £180,000 for laying out the new site. Cllr Gant PROPOSED the Working Party selects an expert to calculate compensation; Cllr Burns seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

h.To Consider Correspondence from Allotment Tenant:The

Chairman PROPOSED giving delegated authority to the Clerk, Dep Clerk and himself to respond to the correspondent. IT WAS AGREED.

Mr Breslin-Jones left the meeting.

6.Commons Matters:

a.The Chairman reported in the Anglia in Boom Judges Report it stated there are two excellent projects the Dew Pond and SSSI.

Hon Warden’s Report:Mr Farrow, Hon Warden, reported the

by-laws notice has been thrown into the pond two heaps left by the contractor had been set alight. The contractors are coming to an end of their present works and because of complaints from nearby residents last year they have had to pile up a lot more vegetation rather than burn so more incidents similar to last weekend may arise.

Path clearing/mowing by Norfolk County Council and the Hon Warden have continued throughout the last three months, although apparently there were some complaints regarding paths from Common Lane and Brook Road. The two paths from Common Lane/Woodland Rise are part of the footpaths mown by NCC and as they cross Sheringham Common are not STC’s responsibility. Much of the complaint was caused by collapsed bracken which has now been cut back by the Hon Warden. Many paths have also been widened by the action of the contractors moving their machinery around. The paths from Brook Road should be reopened when the gorse is removed.

Last weekend say a small group undertake a clean-up of litter from the becks along the Loke, Back and TopCommons. Some five bin bags of rubbish were collected plus a box of bottles and broken glass.

The Common in places remains wet despite the long dry period and flowers are still present throughout the mires. It is also pleasing to report that 25 species of butterfly - the latter is especially good since 10 of the dragonflies were noted breeding in the pond that was cleared last January.

Cllr Cox reported the no parking sign at the bottom of Curtis Lane has been ripped off the post.

b.SSSI Works Report:Mr Cox (Maint Tech) stated he has been

monitoring the contractors who have carried out the works, there are a few issues – big heaps of vegetation which he had asked the contractors to be put into smaller heaps and to scatter them around the SSSI – this would help the fire risk. He added the main problem is the gorse alongside Brook Road – the contractor does not have the equipment to clear it although he is willing to purchase the special machinery required. Mr Cox advised when setting a tender STC needs to know what sort of machinery the contractor has.

Mr Cox stated the work the contractors have carried out to date is excellent.

Mr Farrow stated the gorse works was placed under the mowing contractor and not the scrub contract.

After further discussion the Chairman stated this is something to raise with NE when on the SSSI walk.

c.Comments from Commons Walk:The Chairman stated there has been excellent and positive feedback and no complaints in regard to the new mowing regime. The section next to the designated footpath is being left so that the flowers can seed and it will be mowed later.

d.Maintenance Technician – Assistant: The Chairman stated the part

time gardeners contract ends on 30 September 2009. Mr Cox stated it is a good idea in principle to have an assistant and has been a great help to him and freed him up to work on the Commons. The Chairman suggested a need to continue with additional help for the MT during the cutting season and increase the hours from 16 to 20 hours per week.

Cllr Cox asked Mr Cox if he required any additional equipment in the next financial year – Mr Cox suggested a small contingency otherwise no.

e.AWA becks:The Dep Clerk has tried several times to obtain an answer from AWA but without success. The Chairman stated the need to continue contacting AWA every month. Cllr Booth agreed stating the Dep Clerk needs to log every contact.

The Chairman PROPOSED sending a list of all telephone call, emails, letters etc, direct to the Head of AWA – to be sent by recorded delivery. IT WAS AGREED.

f.Update re 20A Weston Terrace:The Chairman reported two letters from STC’s Solicitor – the first letter stated STC could take legal action but it is not recommended. The second letter states that Hayes & Storr will be having a site inspection before taking further instructions from their clients.

IT WAS AGREED to let the matter lie and write to the people involved every twelve months informing them they are contravening the Commons By-Laws.

Cllr Burns left the meeting.

g.Seat(s) to be placed next to Designated Footpath and resiting of Stench Pipe: The Chairman reminded the meeting that at the recent GP+D meeting it was agreed funding for seats could be used to place two seats along the designated footpath. He added there has been a certain amount of encroachment along that section and it is suggested the stench pipe is located at the corner with Curtis Lane.

Cllr Smith PROPOSED placing two seats, facing the Common, along the edge of the designated footpath at sufficient a width of 4m excluding the verge to stop encroachment; Cllr Gant seconded.

This proposition was later withdrawn.

Cllr Smith PROPOSED seats be placed on the northern easement and resite the stench pipe to prevent Mr Bunyan driving over the Common. There was no seconder.

Cllr McGinn PROPOSED placing two seats along the northern easement boundary together with the stench pipe; Cllr Booth seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

h.To Consider the Provision of a new Dog Bin, Top Common (near the old Sunday School): The Chairman stated this is the only path across the Top Common which does not have a dog bin and it is felt to discourage dog fouling. Since this is an item requested by the Vice Chairman IT WAS AGREED to defer it to the next meeting.

Mr Farrow left the meeting.

7. Cemetery Matters:The Chairman explained no inspection had

carried out.

a.Solar / Wind Energy Power Source:The Chairman reminded

Members the Cttee would reconsider this issue. After discussion Cllr Gant PROPOSED putting some money aside to show this issue has been taken into effect at a figure to be determined at the Precept meeting; Cllr Cox seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

Discussion followed about extra storage space for the Maint Tech at the Cemetery.

8.Budget Recommendations to include -

a.Provision of Skip for Allotments:The Chairman PROPOSED no skip will be required. IT WAS AGREED.

b.Provision of Sheds with Water Butts:

c.STC Provision for Laying out etc Extension to new Allotment Site:

d.Cemetery Extension and Storage Facility:

IT WAS AGREED b, c, and d, are issues to be discussed in detail by the Finance Officers prior to the Precept meeting. The Maint Tech is asked to give an idea of what size storage facility would be to his advantage.

9. Date of Next Meeting – to be agreed – the Chairman explained there will

have to be another meeting to conclude matters the Working Party


The meeting closed at 9.35pm.-