Final Minutes
Premier Gold – Project Description Questions
Conference call June 17, 1-2pm
Attendees: Ryan Fawcett (MNR), Fiona Christiansen (Stantec), AmielBlajchman (Premier Gold), PieroAmodeo (Stantec) , Kimberly McNaughton (MNR)
1)Is there a proposed hydro transmission line to the Waste Rock Site and to the Tailings MF? If so, where is it to be located?
Answer: At this time, Premier confirmed that the need for a Hydro Transmission line to the TMF has not been confirmed. Feasibility studies are ongoing and the need will be confirmed as the Project progresses. If Hydro/Transmission line is needed, it will likely follow/adjacent to the proposed tailings/slurry pipeline.
2)Where is the proposed pipeline route to the Tailings MF area?
Answer: No formal route has been decided as yet, but an approximate location has been identified. Premier are planning on having as straight of a “line” as possible from the Mill site to the TMF barring topographic issues. Stantec have provided an updated preliminary site plan to MNR which shows the approximate location of the tailings pipeline (dated June 2014).The diameter of the proposed pipeline is anticipated to be approximately 12”-18”, and it will be located above ground. The proposed ROW is anticipated to be less than 20m in width, and approximately 8km in length.
3)Is the work to upgrade the substation and/or construct new substation being scoped into the project as a whole? Or is it being addressed separately?If it will be treated as a separate project, is Hydro One the proponent?
Answer:The new small substation associated with the proposed mill will be part of the project as a whole. Discussions with Hydro One Networks Inc (HONI) are ongoing to determine the need to upgrade the existing Hydro One substation. Once the need has been determined the proponent for this undertaking will be discussed with HONI. Premier has also held discussions with Independent Electricity Systems Operator and Trans Canada Pipelines Ltd regarding power requirements for the Project.
4)Will the proposed access, pipeline, and transmission line be on Crown land, OR will these lands be taken to mining lease as well?
Answer: Premier confirmed that all Project components (TMF, WR, pipelines, access, and any potential transmission lines) will be required to be taken to a mining lease.
5)Where are the proposed outflows for the water treatment facility, tailings water, NAG surface water runoff, sedimentation pond etc.And, what/where/when/how is this outflow proposed to occur eg. will splash-pads be created etc?
Answer: At this time, it is anticipated that the discharge from the TMF will be directed via a pipeline along the bed of the lake, into the SW arm of Kenogamisis Lake. The NAG surface water runoff will likely be directed through ditches into a sedimentation pond, but it is not finalized as yet as to where this water will be directed (treated or discharged). Additional feasibility studies and assimilative capacity studies will determine the potential need for a second discharge location. Some water may also be directed to the TMF and may be reclaimed during the mining process. At this time, these decisions have not been finalized as a Water Balance is still required for this project. Again, the what/when/where/how has not been confirmed as a water balance is still required for the project.
6)It is identified that the NAG will be crushed and used. I assume this material will be for the facility construction? Are there any proposed Aggregate Pits on Crown land for access construction/maintenance or facility construction?
Answer: Premier will be using the NAG rock wherever possible eg. infrastructure, road building, road maintenance etc. There are currently two Aggregate Pits, both located within the Project footprint. These are located on lands currently owned by Premier. Both pits are permitted.
7)Is the work to realign Highway 11 being scoped into the project as a whole? Or is it being addressed separately? If it will be treated as a separate project, is MTO the proponent?
Answer: The work to realign Hwy 11 will be scoped into the Federal EA. Premier will also be undertaking an MTO Class EA. It is Premier’s current understanding that MTO will be the proponent for the Highway realignment but they will delegate the authority to complete the MTO Class EA to Premier.Premier will ultimately be responsible for the planning, design and construction of the highway. Upon completion MTO will assume the responsibility of the new highway alignment.
8)Where is the Sedimentation Pond to be located?
Answer: No location has been identified as yet.
9)Where is Premier Gold currently with their Closure Plan for this Project?
Answer: The Closure Plan has not been initiated as yet, but Premier Gold will be working on it with MNDM through the OW approach. Premier’s priority is to have the various Class Environmental Assessments identified/coordinated prior to delving into the Closure Plan.
Kimberly raised another question surrounding existing transmission lines to the private land properties located along the southwest arm of Kenogamisis Lake. Premier mentioned that there were no transmission lines to those camps/properties as they were all hunt camps.
Fiona inquired as to the status of MNR’s project screening under the Class EA. MNR indicated that they have not completed their screening as yet, but this project is a priority for the District.