Held on Wednesday 21st May 2014 at the Burns Club Kambah at 7.30pm

Present: Val Chesterton (Chair), Robin Whyte, Alice Scott, Phil Reading (Vice President), Mick Saunders, Geoff Barker , Rod Gilchrist and Jane Bates.

Apologies: Phil Essam

Welcome from the President. A quorum was established.

The Minutes of the previous meeting had been distributed prior to the meeting. Alice moved that the Minutes be accepted. Seconded Mick and carried.

Matters Arising from the Minutes: Re Tree Root removal. The tree root could not be removed as Parks believed it would kill the tree. Rod will again ensure that the root will be highlighted with spray paint on race day.

Treasurers Report: Written report handed to Secretary. Deposits: $7899.23, Expenses $8348.66, Operating account balance $2762.88. Balance in interest bearing account $11,628.88

Race Report: Written report handed to Secretary. 2014 Winter season commenced 12 April, 6 events average 20 (24 last year) participants. 9 competitors on 3 May, the lowest number for many years.

LBG Reports:

Geoff: All his reports and approvals finalised except,

(i)Maria White accepted to volunteer her services for massage. Confirmed that she will be given a donation of $100.00.

(ii) Southern Cross Club approved use of their showers.

(iii)First Aid – Sports Medicine OK, but they have no cycling first-aider. St.John’s have not yet confirmed.

(iv)The tagging of the electrical cables to be done on the weekend of the 31st May.

(v)A deposit must be left with Parks so that Geoff can collect the key during the week before the event.

Phil: Advised that the Start/Finish arch has arrived. It cost $460, plus $110 for a generator to keep it inflated, plus other small costs for tie downs and petrol. $613.50 approved for re-imbursement to Phil.

Mick: Some entries have arrived. Some by Cheque, some by direct debit. $3296.00 has been received for entries so far.

Alice to contact Mick before the event for the amount of floats for the canteen.

Rod: Rod purchased multi-colored bunting for a very reasonable price and has some left over to decorate the canteen. He will need to purchase more star pickets – possibly 20.

He and Jenny travelled to Victoria to collect the trailer. The total cost for collecting and registration of trailer (including accommodation, petrol, meals, credit card surcharge etc.) came to $5122. (Payment approved). Rod will collect the old trailer from Jane’s house to transfer all the equipment into the new one at his home. Nothing was decided about the storing of the trailer after the LBG as Jane is moving home to Canberra.

Rod and his son will visit Robin on the weekend to set up the new computer for taking results.

Jane: Needs to confirm numbers for the meals closer to the date. Robin will supply this when entries are finalised.. The meals and pricing is confirmed. Jane has the uniforms for Val.

Alice: All planning is done but needs to know whether entries are up or down soon so that she can purchase the appropriate amount of fresh food. Discussed that Rod/Robin would collect the Urns from the Vets at the handicap on the weekend (25th May). Also they will collect the child minding tent from Dave Mackenzie and the Canteen tent from AACT.

Robin: Checking on pins – Alice has 2 boxes from last year, Robin has one box. Medals – Federation medals will be brought to the event by the federation. Robin will do the road markings this weekend. And it was agreed to use up stocks of unused race numbers.

Val: Volunteers – people not clamouring to volunteer but she is confident of having sufficient and notes that some regulars wont be attending this year. Tent Raising – Phil has a list of teams he will organize us into so this job should be done in less than 2 hours. Val decided 1.00pm on Saturday 7th for this job.

There was some discussion re the purchase of wine and chocolates for door prizes for the race dinner.

General Business: Dave Smith’s letter outlining his views on the need for 4 x 20k championship events to be held each year in Australia, with the possibility of one of them being held at the Canberra carnival. Val believes this should be passed through the AA Walks Commission. Phil will draft a reply for the committee to discuss.

Australian Walkers Federation AGM: Val sent in a nomination for Zoe Bryson for President. We understand that Dave Smith is also standing for this position.

Next Meeting: to be held as an informal discussion over afternoon tea. on Saturday 31st May after the walk at Lake Ginninderra

Meeting Closed: 9.03.