Minutes of the 5thMeeting of
Finance Committee (2016-17)
Central and Western District Council
Date / : / 29 September 2016 (Thursday)Time / : / 2:30 pm
Venue / : / Conference Room
14/F, Harbour Building
38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong
Mr LEE Chi-hang, Sidney, MH*
Mr CHAN Chit-kwai, Stephen, BBS, JP / (start of the meeting – 3:29 pm)
Mr CHAN Choi-hi, MH / (3:04 pm – end of the meeting)
Mr CHAN Ho-lim, Joseph / (3:09 pm – end of the meeting)
Mr CHAN Hok-fung, MH*
Ms CHENG Lai-king / (2:45 pm – end of the meeting)
Mr HUI Chi-fung / (3:04 pm – 3:18 pm)
Mr KAM Nai-wai, MH*
Miss LO Yee-hang / (2:50 pm – end of the meeting)
Mr NG Siu-hong*
Miss SIU Ka-yi / (start of the meeting – 3:19 pm)
Mr YEUNG Hoi-wing*
Mr YEUNG Hok-ming / (start of the meeting – 3:30pm)
Mr YIP Wing-shing, BBS, MH, JP*
Remarks: / * Members who attended the whole meeting
( )Time of attendance of Members
In Attendance:
Mrs. WONG HO Wing-sze, Susanne, JP / District Officer (Central and Western)
MsYU Yan-yan, Rosanna / Acting Assistant District Officer (Central and Western)
Ms WONG Ming-wai / Senior Executive Officer (District Council), Central and Western District Office
Ms LAM Wai-sim, Jenny / Liaison Officer (PeakUniversity), Central and Western District Office
Ms CHAN Yum-ling, Pearl / Liaison Officer (Chung Wan), Central and Western District Office
Ms LUK Kin-hong, Cathy / Liaison Officer (Mid-levels), Central and Western District Office
Dr KAM Man-kit / Chairman, Central & Western District Association for Culture and Arts
Mr Thomason LIT / Vice Chairman, Central & Western District Association for Culture and Arts
Mr YIP Chung-ling / Treasurer, Central & Western District Association for Culture and Arts
Mr LEUNG Kam-tong / Committee, Central & Western District Association for Culture and Arts
Mr CHEUNG Yiu-kwong, Stefan / Liaison Officer (Belcher & Sai Wan), Central and Western District Office
Mr Albert YEUNG / Photo Contest Working Group Chairman, The 12th Central & Western District Festival Organizing Committee
Ms TSANG Hing-shuen, Sally / Secretary of Central & Western District Corrdinating Committee on New Arrival Services
Mr WONG Hing-hei / Senior Social Work Assistant, Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre
Mr LIU Chi-hong / Family Social Worker, The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
Ms WONG So-han / Social Worker, Hong Kong Y.W.C.A Western District Integrated Social Service Centre
Ms Jessica CHAN / Assistant Supervisor, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals CROSS Center
Ms Emma U / Social Worker, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals CROSS Center
Ms CHOW Choi-wan / Social Worker, Caritas Community Centre – Caine Road
Mr CHAN Chi-hung / Unit in-charge, Hong Kong Y.W.C.A KwunLun Lau Community Work Office
Ms BOOK King-shun, Emma / Executive Officer I (District Council) , Central and Western District Office
Ms MAN Sum-yi, Annie / Executive Officer (District Council)5, Central and Western District Office
Ms CHAN Yuen-yee, Yuki / Executive Assistant (District Council)1, Central and Western District Office
Ms NG Po-kuen / Chairwoman, Raines Cantonese Opera Troupe
Ms WONG Yuen-yee / Chairperson, The Standard Platform for Cantonese Opera
Mr YEUNG Chi-kuk / Chairman, Young Arts Troupe
Ms CHENG Suk-man / Assistant, Young Arts Troupe
Absent with Apologies:
Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, JP
Ms YIP Wing-yan Sonia / Executive Officer (District Council) 1, Central and Western District Office
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and introduced the new Secretary of the Finance Committee (FC).
Item 1: Adoption of the agenda
2.The agenda was adopted.
Item 2: Confirmation of the minutes of the fourth FC meeting in 2016-17
3. The Chairman said that the Secretariat had not received any proposed amendments before the meeting. The minutes of the 4th FC meeting in 2016-17 were confirmed.
Item 3: DC Funds financial report (2016-17)
(C&W FC Paper No.190/2016 to 191/2016)
4.The Home Affairs Department (HAD) allocated $15,900,000 to the Central and Western District Council (C&W DC) in 2016/17 for organising Community Involvement Projects. Of which, not less than $2,000,000 had to be earmarked for promoting arts and cultural activities in the district. As at 15 September 2016, after deduction of the funding of $701,184.50 expected to be carried forward to 2017/18, the funding for the Community Involvement Projects approved by C&W DC was $16,384,435.45, accounting for 103.40% of the funding of $15,900,000 from HAD. The actual payment was $6,335,791.14, accounting for 39.85% of the funding.
5.The Chairman reported that since the last FC meeting, FC approved the funding applications of 12 Community Involvement Projects by circulation. Given the large number of programmes, the Chairman invited Members to refer to C&W FC Paper No. 191/2016.
Item 4: Fund applications of the special function organizing committees of the Central & Western District
(C&W FC Paper No.197/2016 to 205/2016)
6. The Chairman indicated that 25 funding applications of the Community Involvement Projects would be considered in the meeting, involving the funding of $1,098,736, all of which was the funding for the Community Involvement Projects of C&WDC. If all the applications were approved, the total approved funding of FC in 2016/17 would amount to $17,483,171.45, accounting for 109.96% of the amount of funding.
7. The Chairman invited Members to refer to C&W FC Paper No.197/2016 with 8 fund applications of the special function organising committees.
(C&W FC Paper No.198/2016)
8. FC endorsed an allocation of $64,800 to the 12th Central and Western District Festival Organizing Committee for implementing the 12th Central & Western District Festival–Area Committees Activity “City Hunt Carnival in the Central and Western District”.
(C&W FC Paper No.199/2016 to 200/2016)
9. FC endorsed the following 2 funding applications submitted by the 12th Central and Western District Festival Organizing Committee:
(i)An allocation of $39,000 for implementing “Evening Harbour Cruise”;
(ii)An allocation of $46,200 for implementing “Film Appreciation”.
(C&W FC Paper No.201/2016 to 202/2016)
10. FC endorsed the following 2 funding applications submitted by the 12th Central and Western District Festival Organizing Committee:
(i)An allocation of $80,000 for organizing “the 12th Central & Western District Festival: Youth Music Gala”;
(ii)An allocation of $20,000 for organizing “the 12th Central & Western District Festival: A Symphony of Dance and Music”.
(C&W FC Paper No.203/2016 to 204/2016)
11. FC endorsed the following 2 funding applications submitted by the Central & Western District Association for Culture and Arts:
(i)An allocation of $115,000 for organizing “the 12th Central & Western District Festival Cantonese Opera Promotional Programme”;
(ii)An allocation of 35,000 for organizing “the 12th Central & Western District Festival New Year Concert”.
(C&W FC Paper No.205/2016)
12. FC endorsed an allocation of $80,000 to the 12th Central and Western District Festival Organizing Committee for organizing “the 12th Central & Western District Festival – Dynamic Central & Western District Photo Contest”.
Item 5: Fund applications of the local organizations of the Central & Western District
(C&W FC Paper No.206/2016 to 215/2016)
13. The Chairman invited Members to refer to C&W FC Paper No.206/2016 containing 9 funding applications from local organisations. Mr CHAN Chit-kwai declared that he was an advisory member of Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre.
(C&W FC Paper No.207/2016)
14. FC endorsed an allocation of $24,800 to Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre for organizing “‘You are the Best’ Awards Ceremony for Students of Ethnic Minorities and New Arrivals”.
(C&W FC Paper No.208/2016)
15. FC endorsed an allocation of $6,000 to the Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council for organizing “Ocean Friend”.
(C&W FC Paper No.209/2016)
16. FC endorsed an allocation of $11,390 to Hong Kong Y.M.C.A. Western District Integrated Social Service Centre for organizing “Magic Express Running Event 2016”.
(C&W FC Paper No.210/2016)
17. FC endorsed an allocation of $35,850 toCaritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre for organizing “Community Involvement Programme on Voluntary Work 2016-2017”.
(C&W FC Paper No.211/2016)
18. FC endorsed an allocation of $19,970 to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals CROSS Centerfor organizing “Starting Point in Life”.
(C&W FC Paper No.212/2016 to 214/2016)
19. FC endorsed the following 3 funding applications submitted by the Caritas Community Centre – Caine Road:
(i)an allocation of $11,550for organizing “Volunteer Community Day 2016”;
(ii)an allocation of$21,412for organizing “Photo Competition cum Talks on Environmental Protection”;
(iii)an allocation of $9,235 for organizing “Parent-child Volunteer Group: Lion Dance Activity in Celebration of Lunar New Year”.
(C&W FC Paper No.215/2016)
20. Regarding the application of Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association Kwun Lung Lau Community Work Office, Mr CHAN Chi-hung, Unit in-charge of the Community Work Office, supplemented that a fire had broken out in Kwun Lung Lau in July and they were more concerned about mental wellness of residents after the incident. They wished to take this opportunity to co-organize this family activity with the Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council to raise the awareness of the local people to mental wellness through a soft approach. The Chairman enquired whether the activity would be open to residents not living in Kwun Lung Lau. Mr CHAN said that the priority participants were residents of Kwun Lung Lau, but non-residents were also welcome.
21. FC endorsed an allocation of $14,700 to Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association Kwun Lung Lau Community Work Office for organizing “Families with Love in Kwun Lung”.
Item 6: Fund applications of the committees and working groups under Central & Western District Council
(C&W FC Paper No.216/2016 to 221/2016)
(C&W FC Paper No.217/2016 to 219/2016)
22. FC endorsed the following 3 funding applications submitted by the Working Group on Central & Western District Council Affairs:
(i)an allocation of $39,500for organizing “Publicities of the C&W DC”;
(ii)an allocation of $20,500for organizing “Production of C&W DC Red Packets 2017”;
(iii)an allocation of $100,000for organizing“2017 Spring Cantonese Opera Show”.
(C&W FC Paper No.220/2016)
23. Regarding the other application “Ocean Park Eco-tour 2016 in the Central and Western District” of the Working Group on Central & Western District Council Affairs, Ms Yuki CHAN, Executive Assistant (District Council)1 of the C&WDC, said that this outdoor learning activity was organized since 2013, the activity for this year would be held on 2, 5, 7 and 12 December, and primary two students in the district would be invited. At present a total of 11 schools had enrolled and the total number of applicants was 814, which was more than the expected number of participants included in the application document and supplementary funding might be required in the future.
24. The Chairman realized that the Ocean Park could only reserve one more day as the fallback day, and asked whether the Ocean Park could provide another day for organizing this activity if supplementary funding was granted. Ms CHAN said the Ocean Park was unable to arrange another day, the activity could only be held for one day even though supplementary funding was granted. Ms CHAN also supplemented that the fallback date would be 13 December due to rainy weather.
25. FC endorsed an allocation of $220,000 to the Working Group on Central & Western District Council Affairs for organizing “Ocean Park Eco-tour 2016 in the Central and Western District”.
(C&W FC Paper No.221/2016)
26. FC endorsed an allocation of $23,854 to the Working Group on Concern over Building Management in the Central & Western District for organizing “Certificate Course on Building Management in the Central and Western District”.
Item 7: Fund applications of arts and cultural activities
(C&W FC Paper No.222/2016 to 225/2016)
(C&W FC Paper No.223/2016)
27. Regarding the application of Raines Cantonese Opera Troupe, Mr CHAN Chit-kwai welcomed the organizations not registered in the Central and Western District to give performance in the Central and Western District, but hoped that the Troupe would target at the residents in the Central and Western District. As regards ticket distribution, Mr CHAN suggested distributing the tickets at different government departments and organisations in the district. Mr YIP Wing-shing said that all the organisations that had applied for DC funding allocation were required to inform the DC of ticket distribution in a transparent manner for consideration of the application. Mr YEUNG Hoi-wing realized that this organisation applied for DC funding for the first time which was not an organisation registered with the Central and Western District, he hoped that the resources of the C&W DC could be used in the Central and Western District. At the same time, in view of the absence of the ticket distribution arrangement on the application form, Mr YEUNG enquired about the specific method for ticket distribution. The Chairman also asked whether an application for the performance venue had been made and the estimated number of tickets. Ms NG Po-kuen, Chairwoman of the Raines Cantonese Opera Troupe, responded that the estimated number of tickets was 200 to 250, and they hoped to distribute the tickets through Members of the constituency. In addition, the Troupe had reserved the High Street Community Hall for giving performance on 17 February 2017. The Chairman clarified that the maximum capacity of the High Street Community Hall was 320, and continued to ask the plan for ticket distribution. Ms NG supplemented that tickets of no more than 100 would be reserved for the performers of the Troupe, and would like to seek the assistance of Members for distributing some 200 tickets remaining. The Chairman suggested Ms NG to contact the staff of the District Office for discussing ticket distribution. Ms NG accepted the proposal of the Chairman.
28. FC endorsed an allocation of $18,275 to Raines Cantonese Opera Troupe for organizing “Classic Cantonese Operas”.
(C&W FC Paper No.224/2016)
29. As regards the application of the Standard Platform for Cantonese Opera, the Chairman enquired about the reservation of performance venue. Ms WONG Yuen-yee, Chairperson of the Standard Platform for Cantonese Opera, said that Sai Ying Pun Community Complex Community Hall had been reserved on 11 February 2017 as performance venue. For ticket distribution, the Chairman suggested Ms WONG to reserve around 100 tickets to the performers and to contact the staff of the District Office to assist in distributing some 200 tickets remaining. Ms WONG agreed to this proposal.
30. FC endorsed an allocation of $18,275 to the Standard Platform for Cantonese Opera for organizing “Cantonese Opera Performances in Celebration of the Chinese New Year”.
(C&W FC Paper No.225/2016)
31. Mr CHAN Chit-kwai said that the fund applications for the three arts and cultural activities had been reviewed at the Culture, Leisure & Social Affairs Committee held on 22 September. At the meeting, he said that Young Arts Troupe was not a registered organization in the Central and Western District, and Ms CHENG Suk-man, Assistant of Young Arts Troupe, agreed at that time to distribute tickets in the Central and Western District through different channels. Mr CHAN also suggested Ms CHENG to contact the staff of the District Office for discussion of the arrangement of ticket distribution. Regarding the application of Young Arts Troupe, the Chairman enquired about the venues and dates for “Chinese Opera Fitness Workshop” and “Opera Interaction Guided Tour”. Ms CHENG supplemented that there were three types of audience for the Chinese Opera Fitness Workshop, including the elderly, students and adults. The Troupe was planning to contact large elderly centres and schools in the district to seek cooperating partners for organizing the workshop. At the same time, the Troupe also planned to organise the workshop for adults at the activity room of the Community Complex or the Western Magistracy Building. For the “Opera Interaction Guided Tour”, it was planned to be held at the Lecture Hall of Sheung Wan Civic Centre or High Street Community Hall to increase interaction. The Chairman pointed out that as the activity was not in the form of a performance, the aforesaid arrangement for ticket distribution did not apply, and he asked why $6,000 would be required to hire musicians for the activity. Ms CHENG responded that the activities for the guided tour included mini operas, Peking operas and Kunqu operas, which would require the hiring of musicians to play music. Mr YEUNG Chi-kuk, Chairman of Young Arts Troupe, supplemented that the guided tour included different interactive elements and hiring of musicians to play music would allow participants to experience opera performance in person. Mr Joseph CHAN enquired about the progress of contacting different organizations by the organizer withregard to arranging activity venue. Ms CHENG responded that they had contacted an elderly centre in the district but it had not been finalized. Mr YEUNG Hoi-wing enquired about the arrangement for activity enrolment. Ms CHENG responded that if the activity was organized at the elderly centre, the centre staff would be responsible for arranging enrolment. As for schools, Ms CHENG would contact school principals to recruit participants. Mr Joseph CHANpointed out that public distribution was the method for ticket distribution set out in the application form, but the application method mentioned by Ms CHENG was not considered public, he asked whether it was necessary to amend the information on the application form. Mr YEUNG responded that the adult class for “Opera Interaction Guided Tour” and “Chinese Opera Fitness Workshop” would be promoted through posters, and application method would be stated in the poster. Ms CHENG said that around 200 tickets for “Opera Interaction Guided Tour” would be given to the Secretariat for distribution to the organizations concerned. The Chairman suggested the organizer to contact different elderly centres or schools in the district or do so more easily through the District Office or Members.
32. FC endorsed an allocation of $18,275 to Young Arts Troupe for organizing “Let’s Enjoy Chinese Opera”.
Item 8: Inspection of DC-funded activities
(C&W FC Paper No.192/2016 to 196/2016)
33. The Committee noted that 12 activities to be implemented by local organisations were considered in this meeting. Out of those 12 activities,the Chairman was required to draw out 20%, i.e. 3 activities, on the spot for arranging inspection.
34. The 3 activities requiring inspection were drawn out by the Chairman on the spot, they included“‘You are the Best’ Awards Ceremony for Students of Ethnic Minorities and New Arrivals” in C&W FC Paper No.207/2016, “Starting Point in Life” in C&W FC Paper No.211/2016 and “Let’s Enjoy Chinese Opera” in C&W FC Paper No.225/2016.
35. Mr Joseph CHAN said that in the past activity assessment report, “comparison between actual and estimated participants” was mostly “satisfactory” or “very satisfactory”, and asked why in the activity assessment report for “Central and Western District Youth Day in Celebration of the 19th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR” (C&W FC Paper No. 193/2016), the assessment of the number of participants was “acceptable”.
36. Mr CHAN Hok-fung responded that he was invited as the officiating guest of the activity and filled in the assessment report after the activity. Mr CHAN said he had only attended the ceremony, at the time of the ceremony, the number of participants was around 200 to 300, which was far from the expected 1 500 participants, but he could not confirm the actual number of participants of the activity because he did not attend the whole activity.
Item 9: Any other business
37. Mrs Susanne WONG, District Officer (Central and Western), said that in response to the views of the Chairman and Members on ticket distribution for activities organized by non-governmental organizations at the meeting, she suggested amending the funding application form and the summary report on the activity so that the organizations could clearly specify the estimated and actual number and method for ticket distribution. If Members had no views, the Secretariat could execute this amendment immediately.
38. Mr CHAN Chit-kwai agreed to the proposal of the District Officer, and suggested that options for ticket distribution methods could be included in the form, such as distribution through the District Office, distribution by Members, and so on.
39. Mr Joseph CHAN agreed to the proposal of the District Officer in principle, and pointed out that organizations could not clearly specify the method for ticket distribution for different activities in the Community Involvement Projects due to the format of the existing application form. If organizations could specify the methods for ticket distribution for different activities, it would provide convenience for public inspection and improve Council efficiency.
40. Ms CHENG Lai-king hoped that starting from the current term DC, residents in the district would know the methods and number of tickets distributed in an impartial, fair and open manner, in particular special programmes such as Chaozhou operas.
41. Mr YIP Wing-shing agreed that organizations should specify the methods for ticket distribution and the audience, so that Members could provide information when the public made an enquiry.
42. The Chairman said that there were often insufficient tickets if the tickets were distributed by DC Members, he hoped to review the current arrangement and study it after the meeting.
43. Mrs Susanne WONG supplemented that the Secretariat had requested all the organizations with DC funding allocation for organizing activities to submit an activity report after the completion of activities and attach activity photos or even videos, so that the C&W DC would arrange publicity of the activities funded by it to encourage participation and enhance the transparency of the funded activities. In addition, the Secretariat was consolidating the website and would upload activity photos for the public to understand more about the characteristics of activities and the work of the DC.
Item 10: Date of the next meeting
44. The next FC meeting would be held on 24 November 2016. The fund application deadline would be 3 November 2016.
45. The meeting was adjourned at 3:31 p.m.
The minutes were confirmed on 24November 2016